Rose quartz crystal for inner child healing at the Aries full moon, 17th October, 2024

Rose quartz crystal for inner child healing at the Aries full moon, 17th October, 2024

Rose Quartz, often referred to as the ‘stone of unconditional love,’ holds a special kind of magic when it comes to healing the heart and soothing the wounds of your inner child. This crystal’s gentle energy helps you bring up those deep, old emotions without stirring up more drama – no need for extra ouch, thank you! And with the fiery Aries Full Moon around the corner, this week is the perfect time to let rose quartz work its magic on those emotional bumps and bruises. Ahhh.



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The Aries full moon meditation works with rose quartz crystal and can help you heal your inner child.

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Inner child healing with rose quartz crystal

Let’s be real: healing the inner child is no small task! So much of it involves facing feelings of abandonment or not feeling good enough, issues that often started in childhood (or even past lives!) but follow us into our adult lives, showing up in our relationships and how we treat ourselves. Rose quartz can help remind you that self-compassion is everything. It’s all about forgiving yourself, whether it’s for thinking you weren’t enough or for carrying those old hurts for far too long.

What makes rose quartz so perfect for inner child healing is its ability to connect us back to a sense of innocence and joy. Often, in adulthood, we become disconnected from the parts of ourselves that once found happiness in the simplest things.


Click HERE to read more about the Aries full moon on the 17th October, 2024


Love yourself

By working with this crystal, we’re reminded that life isn’t just about the pain we’ve experienced, but also about the joy we are capable of feeling. It encourages us to look at the world with fresh eyes, just like we did when we were young. This is crucial in inner child healing because we’re not just here to soothe the wounds; we’re also here to reclaim the lightness and playfulness we might have lost along the way.

As you meditate with rose quartz, especially during powerful moments like the Aries Full Moon, you create space for a more peaceful, loving relationship with yourself. You might feel inspired to dance, laugh or indulge in something that makes your heart sing, no matter how small. This is the crystal reminding you that your inner child deserves joy, and so do you!

Ultimately, Rose Quartz is a balm for the soul. Its energy cultivates a deep sense of inner peace, helping us to stop the war we so often wage with ourselves. It’s like a sigh of relief, a reminder that you are safe, that you are loved, and that healing is possible. 



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the October Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE

Meditation to heal the inner child at the Aries full moon, October 17th, 2024

Here’s a meditation you might like to try to help connect with your inner child. Breathe deeply. Let each inhale fill your lungs with a sense of calm, and each exhale release any tension or worry.


Bring to mind a memory from your childhood, one where you needed comfort but didn’t receive it. Allow yourself to gently step into that moment, observing it as if you’re watching a scene unfold.


Breathe deeply, simply allowing any emotions or thoughts to flow through the body, letting them pass you by.

Now, imagine your adult self stepping into the memory. Visualise yourself approaching your younger self with love and compassion.

Open your arms and offer your inner child a loving hug. Feel the warmth and connection between you. Let your inner child know that you’re here now, that they’re safe, and you’ve got their back.

Kneel beside your inner child and offer them the comfort and support you needed back then. Speak softly, sharing the words you longed to hear, whether it’s reassurance, love, or simply a reminder that everything will be okay.

When you feel the connection has deepened, take a few moments to just be with your inner child. Breathe, allowing the feeling of comfort and love to wash over both of you.

When you are ready, gently return to the present moment. Take a deep breath and open your eyes slowly, bringing with you the peace and healing of this moment.


When you have finished, spend some time journaling on what came up during the meditation. Reflect on any emotions, insights, or thoughts. Consider if there’s anyone you need to forgive, whether it’s others or even yourself.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Rhodonite crystal to release resentment and heal the heart at the Libra new moon solar eclipse, 2nd October, 2024

Rhodonite crystal to release resentment and heal the heart at the Libra new moon solar eclipse, 2nd October, 2024

If you’ve been holding onto past emotional wounds, especially those tied to messy relationships or deep-seated resentments, rhodonite crystal is the balm your heart’s been craving. This is the go-to crystal when it comes to healing emotional pain, breaking free from toxic patterns and finally allowing yourself to grow, thrive and move forward with emotional strength and inner peace. Ahhhh.

But rhodonite isn’t just about patching up the cracks. It’s about welcoming new beginnings with a heart that’s ready to embrace fresh energy. So whether you’re heart’s been shattered, bruised, or just in need of a little extra TLC, rhodonite is the crystal companion for you. 



Ivory Gloss subscription box

The Libra new moon solar eclipse meditation works with rhodonite crystal and can help you heal your heart.

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The Art of Releasing Resentment and Opening the Heart

Carrying around resentment is like lugging a heavy bag of rocks with you everywhere you go. Rhodonite’s nurturing energy helps you put down that emotional baggage. While it won’t erase the past, it gently reframes it, helping you see those painful moments as the stepping stones that shaped you into the resilient, beautiful soul you are today.

When you hold Rhodonite or meditate with it, you’ll feel it gently prying open your heart space, letting forgiveness flow in. And let’s be real for a second! Most of the time, forgiveness isn’t about the other person, it’s about you. Rhodonite helps you forgive yourself… for staying too long, for missing the red flags, for giving so much love and feeling like it wasn’t enough. This crystal reminds you that your heart is magnificent and that every love, no matter how it ended, has been a part of your growth.

Click HERE to read more about the Libra new moon solar eclipse on the 2nd October, 2024


Moving On from Toxic Patterns

We all know how easy it is to fall into the same relationship patterns. Whether it’s attracting the same type of person or repeating the same behaviours, sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck in a cycle. This is where Rhodonite truly shines. Its transformative energy helps you break free from those toxic patterns that have kept you stuck, allowing you to create healthier, more balanced connections.

Think of it like learning a new dance. First, you have to recognise the old steps that kept you locked in place. Then, Rhodonite helps you change the rhythm, letting you step into a new pattern. One that feels more aligned with your highest self. With this crystal by your side, you’ll notice your relationships evolving and your connection to yourself deepening in the most beautiful ways.


Fostering Personal Growth and Inner Peace

Healing isn’t a one-time fix, it’s a journey. And Rhodonite is there for you through every step, like a supportive friend reminding you that growth is always happening, even when things feel hard. This crystal helps you tend to your emotional garden, so to speak, encouraging you to keep going, even when the weeds seem to overshadow the flowers.

By balancing your emotional energy, Rhodonite creates a space of peace within you. It’s like emotional feng shui for your heart, clearing away the clutter so serenity can flow in. This doesn’t mean you’ll never feel pain again, it means that when you do, you’ll have the tools to navigate it with grace and resilience. With Rhodonite’s support, you’ll see how far you’ve come and how much stronger you are because of your journey.


Grounding and Reconnecting with Your Strength

One of the most beautiful qualities of Rhodonite is its grounding nature. When your emotions run high, whether from heartbreak, anger, or confusion, this crystal brings you back to your centre. It’s like pressing pause on the emotional whirlwind and taking a deep, calming breath. Rhodonite connects you to your inner reservoir of strength, reminding you that you are so much more powerful than you realise.

With Rhodonite, you can stand tall in your truth, even when the world around you feels unstable. It helps you reclaim your power, not by erasing your past, but by showing you that you are defined by how you choose to move forward. You are not your past, you are your future, and Rhodonite is here to help you step into it with grace, strength, and an open heart.


Embracing New Beginnings with an Open Heart

Rhodonite isn’t just about healing old wounds. It’s about helping you open your heart to the endless possibilities that await you. Once you’ve released the pain, reclaimed your strength, and let go of the past, you’re ready to welcome fresh energy into your life with open arms.

Whether it’s a new relationship, a deeper connection to yourself, or simply a renewed sense of joy and excitement, Rhodonite encourages you to embrace it with passion and enthusiasm. You’ve done the work, babe, and now it’s time to step into the next part of your journey with confidence and love. Rhodonite is your crystal for emotional healing, personal growth, and embracing the beauty of new beginnings.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the October Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE

Meditation to heal the heart at the Libra solar eclipse, October 2nd, 2024

Here’s a meditation you might like to try to help you to visualise this healing energy. Breathe deeply. Let each inhale fill your lungs with a sense of calm, and each exhale release any tension or worry.  With each breath, you are slowly peeling away the layers of the outside world and stepping into a soft, safe space within yourself.

As you breathe, allow any tension in your body to gently release with each exhale. With every breath, feel yourself becoming more present in this moment. Continue like this for a few more moments.

Bring your attention to the centre of your chest, to the area of your heart where a small rose bud appears. With every breath you take, the rose starts to slowly open, revealing delicate pink petals..

This rose represents your heart, your emotions, and your soul’s journey. As the rosebud begins to unfurl, imagine each petal representing memories, relationships and experiences tied to old patterns.

Focus on the affirmation, “I release what no longer serves me and embrace the balance and harmony within my heart.”

With each exhale, see a petal gently falling away from the rose. As it falls, it is carried away by a soft, warm breeze. With each petal that falls, feel a sense of release and lightness growing in your heart. 


Continue breathing deeply and releasing more petals. Each petal falling away leaves you feeling freer and more at peace. There is no need to hold on to these old ways anymore. Trust that as you release them, you are making space for something new and more balanced to enter your life.

As the last petal falls, you are left with the centre of the rose in your heart. In this centre, you see a radiant golden light emerging. This light represents pure love, self-compassion, and inner harmony.

Feel this golden light expanding in your heart, filling the entire area with warmth and healing energy. With each inhale, the light grows brighter and stronger. With each exhale, it spreads further through your body, radiating outwards, surrounding you in a cocoon of warmth and peace.

Stay with this feeling of warmth and light in your heart centre for a few moments. 

Knowing that this golden light of self-love and balance will remain with you, even as the meditation comes to an end, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your physical body. Open your eyes and focus on a feeling of forgiveness.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


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Lemurian quartz crystal to help tune into cosmic downloads under the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse, 17th/18th September, 2024

Lemurian quartz crystal to help tune into cosmic downloads under the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse, 17th/18th September, 2024

If you’re looking for a crystal to level up your manifestation game, Lemurian quartz is the gemstone for you. With its unique ladder formations, this little stairway to heaven can help open you up to cosmic downloads and connect you to the higher realms. Wow!

Lemurian quartz crystal (also known as Lemurian seeds) act as a sort of spiritual doorway, helping you connect with your spiritual guides, making it perfect for anyone who feels like they want to tap into their intuition or get a little extra help from the cosmos. 

Legend has it that this type of quartz is linked to the ancient civilisation of Lemuria, also known as Atlantis’ older, more spiritual sister. Lemurians were believed to be highly evolved beings who existed long before modern times, and these crystals are thought to carry their energy, wisdom and vibrations.

Under this week’s Pisces full moon lunar eclipse, which is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, you could find yourself experiencing vivid dreams and heightened intuition. Think of these as whispers from the universe, messages from guides, ascended masters or your higher self, leading you onto the correct path. 

Click HERE to read more about the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on the 17th/18th September, 2024


If all this galactic stuff seems a little hard to get your head around, just think of it as having your own spiritual guide in your pocket, here to gently enhance your intuition and connect you to your highest self. Keep this crystal close by when you want to feel the angelic energies of hope, healing and light.



September ivory gloss

The Pisces full moon meditation works with lemurian quartz crystal and can help you connect to higher realms.

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It’s believed that when you program this little gem with your intentions (yes, crystals can be programmed!) it acts like a cosmic magnifier, boosting the power of your desires and making sure the universe hears your call loud and clear. 

To tap into this energy, simply hold your Lemurian quartz in your hand, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now, focus on your intention and imagine the crystal glowing with your desires. 

Meditating with this crystal can help you reach a deep, peaceful state. It’s like your secret weapon for achieving spiritual zen while also downloading wisdom from beyond. Just imagine the energy of ancient knowledge flowing through you. 

But this crystal isn’t just about connecting to the stars and manifesting big things, Lemurian quartz is known for its ability to heal emotional wounds, making it the perfect tool if you’re dealing with heartbreak, loss, or just feeling all the feels. Hello Pisces energy! It also promotes self-love, compassion and forgiveness, allowing you to release all those heavy emotions that have been weighing you down.

And did I mention Lemurian quartz isn’t just about healing people? It’s believed that this crystal has the power to heal the actual planet too. Some say they can balance the earth’s energy grid, promoting harmony and environmental well-being.

It’s like Mother Earth is getting a spa day every time someone works with Lemurian quartz. Imagine, while you’re meditating or manifesting, you’re also sending out healing vibes to the world. We stan an eco-conscious crystal queen!


Meditation to receive insights from the higher realms under the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17th/18th, 2024


Breathe deeply as you feel your body begin to relax, sinking into the present moment. As you settle into this sacred space, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, allowing the breath to flow deeply into your body. As you exhale, let go of any tension or distractions. 

Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a vast and serene beach. The sand beneath your feet is soft and warm, inviting you to ground yourself in this moment. Feel the sun’s gentle rays on your skin, its warmth wrapping you in comfort and peace. Above you, the sky is painted in hues of pastel pinks, purples, and blues, reflecting the magical energy of Ancient Lemuria.

As you stand here, take a moment to feel your connection to this sacred land – an ancient place of wisdom and healing. Breathe in deeply, filling your lungs with the fresh ocean air, and as you breathe out, release any lingering worries or doubts.

In the distance, you notice shimmering figures approaching. These are the Lemurian beings, your guides, walking gracefully toward you. Their presence radiates pure love, kindness, and wisdom. They are here to support you on your journey, to offer their healing and guidance.

As they come closer, you sense their deep understanding of the universe, of energy, and of your soul’s path. Open your heart to their wisdom. What do they want you to know? Perhaps they offer you a message, or maybe it’s a feeling, a knowing. Trust whatever arises, for it is a gift meant just for you.

Now, slowly begin to step toward the crystal-clear water, the Lemurian guides by your side. As you wade in, feel the cool, healing energy of the ocean surrounding your feet, flowing up through your legs, and enveloping your entire body. This water is alive with the energy of Lemuria, washing away anything that no longer serves you, while filling you with divine light.

With each step, you feel lighter, more connected to the ancient wisdom that flows all around you. This is the energy of manifestation, of creation, of pure potential. As you move deeper into the water, allow yourself to focus on your intention. What is it that you wish to manifest? What desire burns brightly within you?

As you hold this vision in your mind, imagine it becoming clearer, more vivid, as though it is already manifesting in your life. The energy of Lemuria, the water, and the guides around you all merge with your intention, amplifying it. Feel the power of attraction growing within you, drawing your deepest desires closer to reality.

Now, gently turn your attention to the sky above. Imagine a beam of light descending from the stars, brilliant and pure, shining down upon you. This light is your connection to your galactic guides, your higher self, and the universe. Feel this light touch the crown of your head, sending waves of clarity and wisdom through your entire being. As this light flows through you, it anchors your manifestations into reality, aligning your energy with the frequency of your desires.

Spend a few moments here, absorbing this energy, this wisdom. Breathe it in deeply, allowing it to flow through every cell of your body. This is your time to connect, to listen, to receive. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, and that the universe is working in harmony with your intentions.

When you are ready, gently begin to bring your awareness back to the beach, feeling the sand beneath your feet once more. The Lemurian guides smile, sending you their love and blessings as they gently fade into the distance, but their energy remains with you. Take a moment to express gratitude for the wisdom and healing you have received.

As you slowly return to the present moment, take one last deep breath in, and exhale slowly. Wiggle your fingers and toes, allowing yourself to fully come back to your body. And when you’re ready, gently open your eyes, feeling refreshed, empowered, and deeply connected to the wisdom of Lemuria and the universe.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the October Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE


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Sodalite crystal to bring order to your mind at the Virgo new moon, 2nd/3rd September, 2024

Sodalite crystal to bring order to your mind at the Virgo new moon, 2nd/3rd September, 2024

Sodalite crystal was part of September Ivory Gloss for the Virgo new moon on the 2nd/3rd September, 2024. This crystal can help bring clarity and calm to your mind as you set goals. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Virgo loves a good plan. Whether it’s organising their closet or mapping out the next big project, this earth sign thrives on structure and precision. The Virgo new moon on the 2nd/3rd September, 2024, is aligned with Saturn in dreamy Pisces, blending intuition with order. This is where sodalite, the deep blue crystal of insight and truth, can help you align with this energy.


The presence of Saturn in Pisces opposite this Virgo energy can feel a bit like trying to build a solid foundation on shifting sands. However, finding a way to ground and discipline all those airy fairy Piscean areas is going to bring you the biggest rewards, even though it may feel super hard and have you blinking in frustration at your screen, or whatever it is you work with. Aargh!


September ivory gloss

The Virgo new moon meditation works with sodalite crystal and can help you bring order to your mind.

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Sodalite is here to amplify those Virgo superpowers by boosting concentration and analytical thinking. When your mind is clear and focused, those detailed plans practically write themselves. With sodalite by your side, you’ll not only create a killer plan but also follow through with laser-like precision. 


Focus the mind with sodalite at the Virgo new moon, september 2nd/3rd, 2024


Virgo is all about discipline, but during this particular new moon, you’re also going to want to tap into your intuition and focus your higher mind. Sodalite enhances your intuition while keeping you grounded in reality. Yes, you can be both practical and spiritual, who says you can’t have it all! By meditating with sodalite you’ll find yourself not only sticking to those new routines but also infusing them with a sense of inner wisdom. 


Having said that, Virgo energy, with its focus on control and perfection, can sometimes stir up a storm of anxiety and stress. That inner tension between wanting everything just right and the fear that it might not be? Ugh! Sodalite steps in to balance those emotions, soothing the mind and bringing a sense of calm. Imagine taking a deep breath of cool, fresh air. Ahh, that’s the calming effect sodalite offers. It’s a reminder to ease up on yourself, letting go of the need for everything to be perfect.


Because let’s face it. Virgo energy can be super critical! Overthinking, anxiety and that relentless pursuit of perfection can leave you feeling stressed and unsure. Sodalite brings balance to these tendencies, offering a calming energy that helps you step back, breathe, and release the tension, while also sharpening up your focus and communications. Perfect! (but not too perfect…) 


Also if you struggle with self-doubt (my Virgo moon is GUILTY) or you’re overly self- critical, sodalite can help you to banish those negative vibes, boosting your self-esteem and reminding you of just how amazing you truly are. Yes, you! So get your sodalite crystal and your plan in place. It’s time to celebrate your strengths and create a structure to showcase them at this Virgo new moon.


If you need a little help to get yourself organised, here’s a meditation you can try, using the sodalite crystal ball from the September Ivory Gloss box. Click HERE to join our subscribers. 


Meditation to help you to sort through the filing cabinets of your mind and bring order to your life at the Virgo new moon using sodalite crystal


Begin by journaling on the different areas of your life you wish to sort through. In this meditation, the focus is on career, health, relationships, hobbies and finances. You might also like to try journaling on what you wish to manifest.

Sit comfortably, with your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your breath to become steady and even, letting go of any tension in your body.

With each breath in, invite a sense of calm and focus into your body. With each breath out, relax your body and release any tension or distractions from your mind. Let your breathing be gentle and natural, guiding you into a state of relaxation. Continue to breathe like this for a few moments, allowing any thoughts to float past, like clouds.

As you continue to breathe, imagine yourself standing in front of a large, beautifully crafted filing cabinet. This cabinet is yours, and it represents your entire life. Everything that you are, everything you do and everything you wish to become.

See this filing cabinet clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself moving your hand along the surface, noticing the details of the handles, the colour and smell of the material, and the neatly labelled drawers. 

Each drawer is filled with colour-coded folders, perfectly organised and easily accessible. This filing cabinet holds all the aspects of your life, each represented by a specific folder.

Feel a sense of pride and satisfaction as you see how well-organised this cabinet is. A reflection of your ability to create order and clarity in your life.

Imagine yourself gently pulling open the first drawer. Inside, you see a folder labelled “Career.” The folder is a calming shade of blue, representing your professional life.

Take the folder out and place it on a nearby table. Slowly open the folder, and see all of your career achievements, goals, and tasks neatly arranged inside. Each document is perfectly aligned, each goal clearly defined, and each task listed in order of priority.

Spend a moment appreciating the effort and accomplishments represented in this folder. Feel a deep sense of satisfaction and clarity as you review the contents. Everything is in its rightful place, allowing you to focus on your next steps with confidence.

Gently close the “Career” folder and place it back in the drawer, knowing that everything within it is organised and ready for you to access whenever you need it.

Now, turn your attention to the next drawer. Open it slowly and see another folder, this one labelled “Personal Relationships.” The folder is a warm, inviting colour, perhaps a soft pink or a vibrant red, representing the connections in your life.

Take out the folder and place it on the table. As you open it, see the names and faces of the people who are important to you—family, friends, loved ones. Each relationship is clearly defined, with positive interactions and strong bonds highlighted.

Feel a deep sense of love and connection as you review these relationships. Notice how each one is carefully nurtured, how each interaction is filled with mutual respect and understanding. Allow yourself to feel grateful for the people in your life and the relationships you have cultivated. 

With a sense of peace and gratitude, close the “Personal Relationships” folder and place it back in the drawer.

Imagine yourself moving on to the next drawer, pulling out a folder labelled “Health.” This folder might be a vibrant green, symbolising vitality and well-being.

Open the folder and see your health journey laid out before you. Each page represents your commitment to taking care of your body and mind—your exercise routines, your nutrition, your mental wellness practices. Everything is in perfect order, allowing you to see clearly where you are and where you want to go in your health journey.

Close the “Health” folder and place it back in the drawer. Now, direct your attention to the next drawer. Open it slowly and find a folder labelled “Hobbies.” The folder is a bright, cheerful yellow, representing the joy and creativity that your hobbies bring into your life.

Take out the “Hobbies” folder and place it on the table. As you open it, see the activities that you love to engage in, each one carefully documented and arranged. Whether it’s painting, reading, gardening, playing an instrument, or any other passion, each hobby is represented here with clarity and care.

Place the hobbies folder back in the drawer and move onto the final one. Inside, you find a folder labelled “Finances.” The folder is made from shining gold, symbolising abundance.

As you open it, see your best financial life laid out before you, your savings, investments, expenses, and financial goals, all neatly organised and clearly defined. Visualise where you would like to be financially as though it has already happened. 

Now, place the final folder back into its drawer and give thanks to your higher power for helping you to bring order to your life. Close the cabinet and enjoy the sense of lightness and clarity that comes from having your life so well organised. Focus on a feeling of gratitude. 

When you are ready, open your eyes and take a few deep breaths, slowly bringing your awareness back to the present moment. 


After this meditation you may like to create a goal driven plan, using sodalite crystal to bring calm and clarity while you do so. 


Example Goals:

  • Establish a daily exercise routine.
  • Create a balanced diet plan.
  • Develop a meditation practice for spiritual growth.


Develop a Detailed Routine

  • What to Do: Break down each goal into actionable steps. Create a daily or weekly schedule that incorporates these steps.
  • Sodalite Use: Place sodalite on your desk or workspace while planning your routine to stay grounded and organised.


Example Routine:

  • Morning: 30 minutes of exercise, followed by a healthy breakfast.
  • Midday: 10 minutes of meditation.
  • Evening: Review the day’s progress and plan for tomorrow.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE


Iolite crystal to break through the chains of dependency at the Aquarius full moon, 19th August, 2024

Iolite crystal to break through the chains of dependency at the Aquarius full moon, 19th August, 2024

Iolite crystal was part of August Ivory Gloss for the Aquarius full moon on the 19th August, 2024. This crystal can help bring deeper inner vision as you release yourself from the chains of dependency. Click HERE to read about this full moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Iolite, also known as the Viking’s Compass, is a powerful crystal for bringing a renewed sense of freedom and independence. The Vikings used iolite to help navigate the seas, finding clarity and direction even in the midst of uncertainty.

Similarly, iolite can help you to navigate the turbulent waters of your own mind, so you can better soothe the emotional or psychological triggers that fuel your dependencies.

Iolite crystal isn’t just about introspection, but about opening your eyes to what lies beyond the surface of your behaviours. That feeling of being stuck or bound by unhealthy habits can totally suck! Meditating with iolite can help you to take control of your life and make positive changes.

This crystal really has a great energy to work with when it comes to releasing old patterns, helping you to throw any attachments into the proverbial fire.



August 2024 Ivory Gloss subscription box with tiger's eye and iolite crystals for astrology and the new and full moons

The Aquarius full moon meditation works with iolite crystal and can help you break free from the chains of addiction and dependency.

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Iolite vibrates with the upper chakras, which is why it’s so perfect for the Aquarius full moon on the 19th August, 2024. This gemstone’s power lies in its ability to penetrate deeply into the subconscious mind, revealing truths that might otherwise remain hidden.

When working with Iolite, you may experience revelations about your own dependencies that offer a clearer understanding of how these habits developed, and why they persist. Doing forgiveness work on these areas can help you to break free from them.

Along with its liberating vibration, iolite is also said to enhance spiritual growth and personal transformation. By stimulating the third eye chakra (associated with intuition, insight and spiritual awareness) iolite helps you to see beyond the physical realm, and through the crown chakra (associated with higher consciousness and spiritual connection) iolite can help guide you towards your higher path. By Odin! 


Iolite for the Aquarius full moon, 19th August, 2024

The two T-squares taking place under the full moon in Aquarius on the 19th August, 2024, make it a great time for breaking free from old patterns and dependencies. Read more about the celestial energies of the Aquarius full moon HERE

Aquarius, characterised by innovation, freedom and collective progress, aligns perfectly with iolite’s insightful and liberating qualities. One way to embrace a greater sense of independence is by visualising whatever is holding you back as physical chains surrounding your body before breaking through them with style.



Meditation to release mental restrictions at the Aquarius full moon using iolite crystal


Begin by cleansing your space with the palo santo from August Ivory Gloss to remove any negative energy. You might also like to try journaling on what you wish to release or transform. 


Sit comfortably, with your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your breath to become steady and even, letting go of any tension in your body.

As you continue to breathe, imagine physical chains wrapped around you, representing your addiction or dependency. Visualise these chains tightly binding you, restricting your movements and freedom.

With each inhale, imagine drawing in a radiant, cleansing light through your crown chakra at the top of your head. Feel this energy filling your body, mind, and spirit. As you exhale, visualise the chains beginning to crack and weaken. See them start to loosen, the links breaking one by one.

Continue this visualisation, breathing deeply and calmly. With each breath, feel a sense of liberation growing within you. The chains continue to shatter and fall away, piece by piece, until you are completely free. Feel the weight lifting off your shoulders, replaced by a lightness and sense of empowerment.

Spend a few moments in this state of freedom, breathing deeply and embracing the feeling of liberation. Allow yourself to feel the joy and relief of breaking free from these chains.

When you are ready, gently open your eyes. Take a few moments to reflect on your experience, perhaps journaling on any insights or feelings.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE


Tiger’s Eye crystal to boost personal power and ignite your inner flame at the Leo new moon, 4th August, 2024

Tiger’s Eye crystal to boost personal power and ignite your inner flame at the Leo new moon, 4th August, 2024

Tiger’s Eye crystal was part of August Ivory Gloss for the Leo new moon on the 4th August, 2024. This crystal can help ignite an inner flame that brings power and creativity. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


If you need a little help shining your brightest, keep a piece of tiger’s eye crystal nearby. Known for its shimmering optical effect called chatoyancy (which resembles the eye of a tiger) this crystal can help boost vitality and light that inner fire. It totally gives you the eye of the tiger 🐯 by enhancing your determination with a steady and balanced inner power. RaRRRR.


August 2024 Ivory Gloss subscription box with tiger's eye and iolite crystals for astrology and the new and full moons

Great for positive self-expression, tiger’s eye is thought to stimulate creativity and tap into your creative side leading to more authentic ways of expressing yourself and connecting with others. Ideas will be set alight from within with tiger’s eye in your pocket, so get ready to unleash your inner artist and let your true colours burst onto the canvas of life. Yes!

The Leo new moon meditation works with tiger’s eye crystal and can help boost your creative power.

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Tiger’s eye vibrates just perfectly with the energy of Leo and the Lion’s Gate Portal, and not just because of the big cat vibe, although that totally makes sense. This crystal works with both the sacral and solar plexus chakras, the two most associated with Leo star sign, and part of the reason we get this megadose of energy from meditating with this crystal.

The solar plexus chakra is the energy centre associated with personal power and vitality. Leo energy may be happiest in the spotlight, but maintaining this high level of vitality can sometimes be challenging. By stimulating this chakra, tiger’s eye can help boost physical energy, stamina, and overall vitality. 

The sacral chakra is the centre of creativity and passion. By enhancing the flow of energy in this chakra, tiger’s eye helps you tap into your creative potential. This can lead to a surge of innovative ideas and artistic inspiration, allowing you to bring your creative visions to life. Nice!


Meditation to ignite your creative spark at the leo new moon 

This meditation includes right nostril breathing to boost your energy, but you may like to try it with normal deep breathing first. This technique has a similar effect to the Breath of Fire by stimulating the solar plexus chakra, boosting your energy and helping you to perform at your best. If at any time you feel dizzy, return your breathing to it’s natural state. 

The energy pathway activated through the right nostril is sometimes called the solar channel and linked with the sympathetic nervous system which prepares the body for action. When the right nostril is dominant, it stimulates the body’s heating energy, making you more alert and ready for action.

It’s believed that by inhaling through the right nostril you can help activate the brain’s right hemisphere, which is associated with creative thinking and problem-solving. This can help light the spark of inspiration, allowing you to bring your visions to life. 

Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Begin with right nostril breathing by closing your left nostril with your ring finger and inhaling deeply through your right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through your left nostril. 

Again,close your left nostril with your ring finger and inhale deeply through your right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through your left nostril. 

As you breathe, focusing on deep, full breaths that ignite your inner flame. Inhaling through the right, exhale through the left, imagine connecting to the energy of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Picture its bright star light beaming down towards you, infusing you with its powerful energy. Allow this starlight to ignite a flame in the centre of your chest. Visualise this flame as a warm, golden glow that becomes more radiant with each inhalation.

With every breath, imagine different coloured sparks of creativity joining the flame in your chest. See vibrant hues of red, blue, green, and purple intertwining with the golden glow, enhancing its brilliance. Feel the warmth of this creative flame spreading through your body, filling you with a sense of energy and inspiration.

As the warmth continues to expand, visualise the flame growing stronger and brighter, radiating outwards from your chest. Let this warmth flow through your entire being, reaching your arms, legs, and head, energising every cell in your body.

Place your hand back down and begin breathing through both nostrils, deeply and evenly. Now, bring to mind your biggest goal. Visualise this goal clearly, seeing every detail vividly. Imagine what it feels like to achieve this goal, the emotions, and the sense of accomplishment. Allow the creative flame within you to support and fuel this vision, making it even more vibrant and achievable.

Continue to breathe deeply, feeding the flame with each inhalation, and watching as your vision becomes more detailed and real. Spend a few moments immersing yourself in this feeling, fully embracing the warmth, creativity, and inspiration that fills you.

When you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your breath. Take a few more moments to enjoy the sense of warmth and creativity within you, knowing that you can reignite this flame whenever you need.

Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of creative energy and inspiration with you as you move forward with your day.

To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE


Aragonite crystal to bring balance to your career at the Capricorn blue moon, 21st July, 2024

Aragonite crystal to bring balance to your career at the Capricorn blue moon, 21st July, 2024

Aragonite crystal was part of July Ivory Gloss for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st July, 2024. This crystal can help bring grounding and balance when it comes to achieving your goals. Click HERE to read about this full moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Aragonite is a super earthy crystal that helps centre your energy, keeping you focused and calm so you can make clear and thoughtful decisions. This crystal is classic for Capricorn who is happiest when climbing the proverbial mountain, helping to stabilise emotions as you approach any challenges with a composed mindset. 

Ivory Gloss subscription box with black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024 and aragonite crystal for the Capricorn blue full moon July 21st, 2024

The Capricorn full moon meditation works with aragonite crystal and can help you balance and enhance your career goals, making it an invaluable tool for personal and professional growth during this powerful time. 

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Given the transformative nature of the Capricorn blue moon, working with aragonite can help bring balance as you release old patterns and embrace new ways of thinking and working. As a grounding stone, aragonite connects you with earth’s energy, helping you stay focused during times of change. 

Aragonite boosts self-confidence and self-worth, empowering bold steps in your career. It encourages recognition of your capabilities and determination to pursue ambitions. Aragonite aligns well with Capricorn’s energy, fostering a sense of responsibility and practicality.

This crystal energy can help you to set realistic goals and develop strategic approaches to achieve them, essential during reflection and completion periods when the goat pauses upon the craggy ledge, waiting for the correct conditions to reach the summit.

It is also said to enhance patience and discipline, encouraging perseverance and dedication, helping you stay committed to your path even when faced with obstacles. It clears energy blockages, promoting a free flow of ideas and opportunities. This can be particularly beneficial for overcoming professional hurdles and moving forward with renewed vigour.

Here’s a meditation chosen for the Capricorn blue moon 21st July 2024, that works with aragonite crystal. To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the monthly Ivory Gloss box, join our subscribers. To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Allow your body to relax and your mind to quiet down.

Begin by imagining yourself standing at the edge of a crystal-clear mountain lake. The air is crisp and cool, and the night sky is clear, with the blue moon shining brightly above.

As you gaze at the lake, notice how its surface is perfectly still, acting like a mirror. See the blue moon and the towering peaks reflected with pristine clarity. The reflection is so perfect that it’s hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins.

Reflect on your personal goals and aspirations. Visualise each goal as one of the towering peaks around the lake. See these peaks clearly in the reflection on the lake’s surface, symbolising the clarity and focus you have on your ambitions.

Now, shift your attention to the blue moon’s reflection in the lake. This moon represents your intuitive insights and inner wisdom. Notice how the moonlight gently illuminates the mountain peaks in the reflection, symbolising how your intuition guides and enhances your path to achieving your goals.

Imagine the light from the blue moon spreading out across the lake, creating a harmonious blend of light and shadow on the water’s surface. This represents the balance and harmony between your practical ambitions (the mountain peaks) and your intuitive insights (the blue moon).

Allow yourself to feel the peace and harmony of this scene. As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine this serene balance infusing your entire being. Feel grounded like the mountains, and simultaneously, feel illuminated and guided by your intuition like the moonlight.

Silently repeat an affirmation that resonates with this balance. For example, “I am guided by my inner wisdom and focused on achieving my goals,” or “My intuition and ambition work in perfect harmony.”

Spend a few more moments in this visualisation, soaking in the tranquillity and the sense of harmony. Imagine this balanced energy becoming a part of you, ready to guide you in your waking life.

Slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. 

To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE

Black moonstone to improve emotional stability during new beginnings at the cancer new moon on the 5th July, 2024

Black moonstone to improve emotional stability during new beginnings at the cancer new moon on the 5th July, 2024

Black moonstone was part of July Ivory Gloss for the Cancer new moon on the 5th July, 2024. This crystal can help you work through those pesky fears and uncertainties that can rise to the surface when stepping into new beginnings. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Navigating the unpredictable tides of change can be daunting, but there’s a serene power found in black moonstone that can help you surf them in style. This gorgeous crystal, deeply attuned to the lunar cycle, is the perfect companion during times of uncertainty and the heightened emotions that often come with them.

Ivory Gloss subscription box with black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024 and aragonite crystal for the Capricorn blue full moon July 21st, 2024

The Cancer new moon meditation works with black moonstone crystal and can help encourage emotional stability during times of change.

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There are many shades of moonstone you can work with, but like all black crystals, black moonstone offers an extra level of grounding, protection and release, which is why this crystal is so useful for providing emotional support when navigating change.


Its deep connection to the emotional and intuitive energies of Cancer and the dark phase of the moon, makes it a powerful tool for moving through life’s great transitions.


Black moonstone can also encourage a deeper connection to your higher power, and your soul family, offering a feeling of protection and guidance while helping you to trust in the bigger picture and the Universe’s plan. Nice!



Releasing Past Traumas


One of black moonstone’s most interesting gifts is its ability to help release past traumas. We all carry emotional wounds from our past, hindering our growth and keeping us stuck in old patterns. Black moonstone gently encourages you to confront and let go of these emotional burdens, creating space for new experiences. 


This crystal is amazing if you want to explore your inner world and what you want from life because it resonates with the phase of the moon that encourages you to turn inwards. Again, new beginnings work wonderfully here as you let go of the past, uncovering new aspects of yourself and space for growth and exciting opportunities.



Meditation using black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024

Here’s a meditation you might like to try during the days following the Cancer new moon on the 5th July 2024. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation.



Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, feeling the air fill your lungs completely. Slowly exhale, releasing any tension or stress. 


Visualise yourself sitting by the water and notice the serene environment around you. Continue to breathe, listening to the sound of the water, and enjoying the sensation of the breeze.


Imagine yourself surrounded by your soul family and ancestors, their presence comforting and supportive. Sense their love and wisdom enveloping you, creating a safe and nurturing space.


Allow your mind to search for any remnants of the past that are living inside you. Gently bring to awareness any memories, limiting beliefs, or negative stories that may surface.


Picture your breath travelling through your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your toes. As you inhale, gather all these remnants, and as you exhale, release them, letting them dissipate into the air, or the water. With each breath, feel lighter and more free, letting go of the past and making space for new, positive experiences.


Now, focus on your heart centre. Visualise a soft, pink light beginning to glow within your heart, warm and radiant. See this light growing and expanding, enveloping your entire being. Feel its loving energy surrounding you, bringing a sense of peace and emotional support.


Extend this pink light outward, enveloping your soul family and ancestors as well. Feel the connection between you and them, strengthened by this shared light and love. Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of unity and support, knowing that you are deeply loved and never alone.


Take a few more deep breaths, inhaling love and exhaling any remaining tension. When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying this sense of peace and connection with you. 

To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Gold sheen obsidian crystal to release financial blockages at the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June, 2024

Gold sheen obsidian crystal to release financial blockages at the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June, 2024

Unlike its shadowy black counterpart, gold sheen obsidian acts as a kind of celestial torch, guiding you towards self-discovery by illuminating your hidden talents and latent abilities, encouraging you to embrace them fully.


If you find yourself stuck in negative patterns that prevent you from reaching your goals, gold sheen obsidian can help you step into the glittering brilliance of your authentic self, banishing those pesky barriers that keep you from your heart’s deepest desires, particularly those related to abundance and prosperity. Nice!


The full moon meditation chosen for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June 2024 can help you to release blocks to success, allowing you to invite abundance into your life. Click HERE to listen and click HERE to order the June Ivory Gloss box with gold obsidian crystal. 

June 2024 Ivory Gloss subscription box with crystals for the new and full moon astrology


Gold sheen obsidian is a transformative crystal that helps to identify and release money blocks, encouraging a positive flow of financial abundance and enhancing your ability to attract wealth and prosperity.


This crystal energy supports financial manifesting work by clearing energetic obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving financial success. By meditating with this crystal or keeping it close during financial planning, you can make it easier to manifest money and resources, creating a smoother path towards financial success.



Finding Your Star


Gold sheen obsidian also helps shine a light on your true potential, encouraging you to step out of the shadows of self-doubt and into the glittering brilliance of your true self. YES! This crystal energy brings clarity to your life, leading to a greater sense of purpose and an understanding of your true calling.

Every master manifestor knows that having a clear vision of what you want to achieve makes it easier to attract the resources and opportunities needed to make it a reality. When you work with gold sheen obsidian, visualise the perfect alignment of your energy with your highest goals.

This not only boosts your confidence but also your ability to pursue your dreams with determination and focus. By consistently meditating with this crystal, you create a powerful connection to your inner wisdom, allowing you to recognize and utilise your innate talents more effectively.


Gold sheen obsidian is a great crystal for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st / 22nd June, 2024 because it acts as a sort of mirror, reflecting back to you the areas of your life where you need to grow and evolve.

This self-awareness is crucial for that Capricorn vibe of personal development and for overcoming any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. As you work through these barriers, you’ll find yourself more open to receiving abundance in all its forms.


Unlocking Abundance and Prosperity


The energy of gold sheen obsidian is particularly potent when it comes to unlocking abundance and prosperity. It helps dissolve any subconscious blocks related to wealth, making it easier for you to attract financial opportunities. This crystal encourages you to adopt a positive mindset towards money, viewing it as a tool for growth and fulfilment rather than a source of stress or limitation.


Incorporating gold sheen obsidian into your daily routine can significantly enhance your manifesting abilities. Place it on your desk while working, carry it in your pocket, or meditate with it regularly to maintain a high vibrational state. This consistent exposure helps to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with the frequency of abundance.


Gold sheen obsidian also helps to balance your energy, ensuring that you remain grounded while pursuing your financial goals. This grounding effect is essential for maintaining focus and discipline, both of which are necessary for achieving long-term success. By staying connected to the earth’s energy, you can navigate financial challenges with greater ease and confidence.


Harnessing the Power of Clarity


Clarity is a crucial component of successful manifestation. Gold sheen obsidian helps to clear mental fog and confusion, providing you with a sharp, focused mind. This clarity allows you to set realistic, achievable goals and develop a strategic plan to accomplish them. With a clear vision, you can prioritise your actions and make informed decisions that align with your highest aspirations.


Gold sheen obsidian also enhances your intuition, making it easier for you to trust your inner guidance. This heightened intuition helps you recognize opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed and take inspired action towards your dreams. By tuning into your inner wisdom, you can make choices that are in harmony with your true self.


Creating a Prosperous Future


Working with gold sheen obsidian is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. As you continue to explore its energy, you’ll find new layers of potential within yourself. This crystal encourages you to keep expanding your horizons and embracing new possibilities. By staying open to change and willing to evolve, you create a prosperous future filled with opportunities and abundance. 


Meditation for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June 2024 to help you to release blocks to success


Begin by cleansing your gold sheen obsidian crystal. You can do this by holding it under running water or smudging it with sage. Sit with the crystal in your hand for a few moments, then spend some time journaling on the fears and doubts you have about success.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down undisturbed. Hold the gold sheen obsidian crystal in your left hand or place it over your third eye.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Feel the tension melt away with each breath.  As you continue to breathe deeply, visualise a beam of moonlight descending from the sky. This moonlight is pure, calming and filled with cleansing energy. See it gently touching the top of your head, illuminating you with its soft glow.


Now, imagine strong, sturdy roots growing from your body. These roots travel down, deep into the earth, anchoring you securely. Feel the connection with the earth, providing you with stability and grounding.


Picture your worries, fears and financial blocks as dark, heavy energy within you. With each exhale, visualise this dark energy flowing out of your body. See the energy being absorbed into the ground and transformed by the earth’s powerful healing forces.


Take a few moments to feel the relief and release within you. Notice the lightness in your body and mind. Embrace the sense of openness and abundance that now fills the space where the blocks once resided.


Slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings and take a few deep breaths. When you are ready, open your eyes, feeling refreshed and grounded.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Celestite crystal to help create prayer flags at the Gemini new moon on the 6th June, 2024

Celestite crystal to help create prayer flags at the Gemini new moon on the 6th June, 2024

Celestite, also known as celestine, is a crystal that carries with it the celestial energies of peace, tranquillity and divine connection. This  crystal energy is renowned for its soothing and healing properties, which can open pathways to higher realms. By aligning with the throat and third eye chakras, celestite enhances communication, intuition, and spiritual awareness.


Celestite is like a direct line to the cosmos. Its energy is like a soft whisper, gently guiding you toward your highest self. It helps to clear away mental fog, allowing you to see the bigger picture with clarity and insight. So whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, sit with celestite to enjoy a calming presence, reminding you to breathe and reconnect with your inner peace.


This gentle gem is often used in meditation to foster a sense of calm and serenity, promoting harmony and balance as its gentle vibrations wash over you, as if you’re being enveloped in a celestial hug. Ahhhh.


Celestite is also a powerful tool for enhancing intuition. By activating the third eye chakra, this crystal sharpens your psychic abilities and heightens your awareness of the subtle energies around you. 


Thus meditation from June Ivory Gloss works with celestite crystal and can help you connect with your higher self.


After your meditation, write down your prayers and intentions or create some meditative art, such as these prayer flags from the June Ivory Gloss box, out NOW.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, let go of any stress or tension. Feel yourself sinking into a state of peace and calm.


Begin by grounding yourself. Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine, reaching deep into the earth, anchoring you.


Feel the stability and support of the earth beneath you. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose, releasing any lingering tension.


Imagine a bright, white light above your head. This light represents the higher power you believe in, whether it’s the universe, a divine presence, or your inner wisdom.


Feel this light flowing down, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. Know that you are connected to this higher power, and that it is always guiding and supporting you.


Take a moment to feel this connection deeply. Trust in the love and wisdom of this higher power. Allow yourself to be open and receptive to its guidance.


Now, imagine yourself five years from now. Visualise your future self clearly. Where are you? What does your life look like? See the details of your surroundings, the people around you, and the activities you’re engaged in. Imagine the colours, the sounds, and the feelings of this future moment.


Focus on the emotions you feel as you live this future life. Are you happy, content, excited? Let these positive emotions fill you up. Feel the joy, the peace, and the fulfilment that comes from living the life you desire.


See yourself achieving your goals and dreams. Imagine the steps you took to get there and the challenges you overcame. Trust that you have the strength and the support of the higher power to make this vision a reality.


Spend a few moments fully immersed in this vision of your future self. Know that this is a glimpse of what is possible for you. Feel the connection between your current self and your future self, and trust that you are on the right path.


When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. 


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.