Gemini is the sign of communications, short distance travel, neighbours, siblings, thoughts, words, and is part of the element AIR. This is the relationship angle that deals with your day to day interactions with neighbours, close pals and siblings.

When Mars is retrograde in chatterbox Gemini we have a similar vibe to the more infamous retrograde of Mercury, who just happens to be Gemini’s ruler. The main difference is that internal anger and triggers are going to be way more prominent during a Mars Retrograde. Tread gently, particularly when it comes to your words, and find ways to review your needs and desires, especially those that fall within Gemini areas.

To find out more about this Mars Retrograde in Gemini energy please check out the astrology section of the Ivory Gloss app where you’ll find an article on how to handle this transit. In the meantime, here are my top 11 crystals for Mars Retrograde in Gemini.


Crystals for Mars Retrograde in Gemini


Blue Topaz


The first stone that came to mind for the transit of Mars Retrograde in Gemini is blue topaz which links the third eye and throat chakras to help you communicate with wisdom and peace. Blue topaz is a super cooling stone that helps your words become more balanced and spiritual, rather than unpredictable, fiery or aggressive. Blue topaz is also said to help prevent sudden outbreaks of nervous tension or anger. Just perfect for the planet of energy retracing his steps through the sign of words and dialogue.


Blue topaz was featured in September 2022 Blue Ivory subscription box. To join our glamorous throng of subscribers click HERE.





During Mars retrograde in Gemini the energy may come in short bursts and spikes, and sometimes you may feel depleted of it altogether. Bloodstone is amazing for stamina. This is a grounding and balancing crystal which calms strong emotions and encourages flow between the base and heart chakras. Bloodstone was used on the battlefield in ancient times to increase courage and strength. This crystal can help you create a strong presence in trying situations. It’s both stimulating and strengthening and works well as an energetic shield.

Bloodstone, as featured in the Aries Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.


Red Jasper


The stone of courage and passion, red jasper is used to increase energy and tackle demanding projects and tasks. This crystal provides a push to get you started if you’re feeling lacking in physical energy and is protective during emergencies when stamina and endurance are required. Carry red jasper in your pocket when travelling because doing so during a Mars Retrograde in Gemini transit suggests you’re going to need a plan B, C and D ready in case things go a little haywire.

Red jasper, as featured in the Aries Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.


Blue lace agate


If you are triggered and feeling anxious after a tricky scroll on Twitter, or whatever, this is a lovely stone to calm the nerves. This throat chakra stone helps to clarify thoughts and communications. Blue lace agate is super soothing and often used for anxiety as it helps calm nerves and an overactive mind.

Blue lace agate, as featured in the Gemini Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.





Hematite is great at absorbing negative energy around you and helping you focus on the task at hand. This physically heavy stone both grounds and protects, strengthening connection with the earth. This is going to be helpful if you find yourself scattered or flying off the handle. Grounding energy is good with scatty Gemini. This metallic crystal encourages inner strength, resilience and a warrior spirit. 

Hematite, as featured in the Capricorn Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.






This blue, cooling crystal is useful for encouraging rational thoughts, logic and objectivity. Calming and soothing, sodalite is just perfect for Mars retrograde in Gemini thanks to its ability to ground and balance scattered energies, bringing emotional calm and self-acceptance. Sodalite is also said to encourage wisdom, truth and help boost self-esteem.

Sodalite, as featured in the Gemini Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.




If your energy is feeling stuck, use selenite to draw out negativity and connect to higher realms. This super versatile crystal can help release attachment to the past and  help with forgiveness. Selenite is a self-cleaning crystal and will dissolve in water. Cleanse with smudge smoke instead.


Selenite, as featured in the Autumn 2022 GOLD Ivory Gift Box, click here to purchase.




This turquoise, sparkling stone is said to help the wearer make better decisions. Also known as the stone of hope or the ‘gambling stone’ amazonite adds a lucky influence to the energy of Virgo and helps when manifesting and making plans.

Amazonite, as featured in the Virgo Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.

Tourmalated quartz


Tourmalated quartz is great for transmuting negative energy. Words can hurt, and since there will be a lot of hurty words being thrown around during Mars Retrograde in Gemini, you want to have some sort of protective crystal on your person during interactions with others. I love tourmalated quartz because it combines the clear and brightening energy of clear quartz with protective and grounding black tourmaline so you can keep your wits about you while deflecting negative comments. Tourmalated quartz is most often used to help eliminate toxic behaviour patterns so it’s handy for the inward turning energy of Mars retrograde. It also helps with shadow work by balancing yin and yang energies.







With so much scattered energy brought by Mars Retrograde in Gemini, or any of the air signs really, you might find it near impossible to focus on one thing at a time. If you do need to find some sort of mental focus during this period then fluorite can help you cut through the fog. Fluorite helps silence the Gemini mental chatter of unordered thoughts and worries, helping with decision making. Its calming vibration works with the third eye and crown chakras helping to fine tune your intuition and open to divine messages. When things feel like they’re falling all over the place fluorite can help to bring you back into balance and tune into what actually matters.







Unakite is connected to past lives, helps process unresolved wounds, improves self esteem and can help you find the energetic or emotional root of a problem so you can release it and attract more positivity and abundance into your life. Hold the unakite crystal to your third eye and ask yourself which habits, relationships and inner beliefs you can release in order to create more abundance and happiness in your life. Unakite is often used as an affirmation stone. Hold it to your heart centre each morning as you repeat your affirmation.


Unakite crystal for the Scorpio solar eclipse, a meditation for rebirth


Unakite is part of the Autumn 2022 GOLD Ivory Gloss gift box, click HERE to purchase.




Don’t forget to download the Ivory APP to find out more about the energy of Mars Retrograde in Gemini. CLICK ME!