Green aventurine is a great crystal for manifesting more money. The 2022 Sagittarius new moon takes place with the nodes of the moon along the financial axis of the chart suggesting abundance (or lack of it!) is front of mind – because it certainly is on the world stage!


Sagittarius energy fires proverbial arrows towards a brighter future, while green aventurine is known for encouraging a love of life, improving well being and (perhaps partly because of this) increased financial success. This guided step-by-step meditation to go with green aventurine crystal is all about getting comfortable with your finances. Nice!


Green aventurine is often used to help with decision making and leadership which makes it the perfect stone for entrepeneurs and business types. Place this green aventurine gem tree next to your desk to attract success and improve your will to work towards a better life.


Part of the reason green aventurine is such a popular stone for attracting wealth, prosperity, business deals and good fortune is that it helps clear the heart chakra to release any blocks preventing you from manifesting your desires.


If you’re doing ok for money (go you!) but looking to improve your life in other areas, you can practise this meditation by visualising anything you want to attract. For example, for love, imagine roses, for friendship, flowers. 


Green Aventurine gem tree for sagittarius new moon



Money grows on trees…

Does that statement make you a little (or a LOT) uncomfortable? Chances are you have energetic or emotional blocks which are preventing you from the natural flow of abundance.


So, before we begin, and I know I always go on about EFT but I haven’t really explained it that often, it’s a good idea to try to shift some of these blocks before you can really tap into the visualisation.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is kind of like a form of emotional acupuncture and a great way to shift emotional energies that are trapped in the physical body.


First you pinpoint the negative belief or emotion that is preventing you from moving forwards. I’m sure you know the one I mean, but if not it could be something like, ‘I’m not worthy,’ or ‘I’m scared of abandonment’. You can go a step further by pinpointing who may have caused that belief and focusing on forgiveness.

For a step by step guide on how to practise EFT, a basic technique to help remove negative emotional patterns be sure to check out our app, launching December 3rd 2022!







Meditation for financial abundance using green aventurine at the Sagittarius new moon


Before you begin, think of something you’re grateful for, even something simple like food on your plate, a favourite item of clothing, crockery or a person. Place the aventurine gem tree from the December Blue Ivory subscription box (now sold out) in front of you.


Visualise yourself in a lush green forest and look around to appreciate the abundance of nature. There are beautiful bright green trees all around you. What can you smell? What sounds do you hear? What sensations do you feel on your skin?


In front of you is a huge, abundant tree. You walk towards it and sense its dignified energy. Placing your hand against the trunk, you begin to acknowledge the presence of this tree, visualising its roots moving deep into the earth and its branches stretching to the sky.


As you look up, you realise instead of leaves, the tree has banknotes growing from each of its branches. You gently pick a leaf from the tree, only for two to grow back in its place.


Pick some more and fill your pockets becoming aware of how good it feels to be connected to the energy of abundance. As you continue to pick the notes, they keep growing back until the tree is so bushy, you cannot take more. 


Shake the tree. The money falls on you. You laugh and feel each of the clean, fresh notes falling on your face and around you. Be happy that they are all yours.



Don’t forget to download the app to listen to a 5 minute guided ASMR meditation and read some more information about the astrology behind this eclipse.