Since the 2023 Libra full moon falls so close to Easter, could there be any other topic that would resonate so wildly (especially in current times!) as the gift of forgiveness?

If you are looking to raise your vibration and attract good things into your life, it just isn’t going to happen if you’re harbouring any resentment. So forgive everyone! That includes YOURSELF too.

Blue chalcedony and carnelian crystals were featured in a special scented candle for the April 2023 Ivory Gloss box to help you align with this gorgeous Libra full moon. Click HERE to order your box.

Blue chalcedony


Blue chalcedony is such a great stone for Libra energy because it’s all about balance and diplomacy. This nurturing and harmonious stone is perfect to keep with you during any important, heartfelt discussions, or whenever you want to improve your relationships through honest and caring communication.

On a practical level, blue chalcedony is a great stone to have with you when writing. It’s helpful for lawyers, speech writers and presenters, but it also helps you to communicate your emotions peacefully. It is most often used to help you to share your truth.

It’s also a great crystal for anxiety and whenever you feel out of balance, bringing a soothing energy that can help stabilise your energy.

Carnelian crystal


If you add this crystal to carnelian, you have a lovely crystal combination for forgiveness. This is because carnelian helps release feelings of resentment and bitterness, encouraging self love and courage when facing difficult emotions.

Carnelian is also a lovely stone for increasing vitality and good feelings towards others and helps promote positive life choices. The combination of these two crystals is also perfect to keep with you when writing letters or practising healing arts that use words, such as psychotherapy.

While carnelian works with the sacral chakra and helps with creativity, blue chalcedony can help align the throat chakra and encourage any words you need to utter to bring about healing, helping them to flow with softness, wisdom and peace. Ahhhh…

Here’s the meditation to go with the blue chalcedony & carnelian crystal candle from April Ivory Gloss. To listen to this meditation, head to the MEDITATION section of the Ivory app.



Meditation for forgiveness at the Libra full moon 2023


Light the candle and place it safely in front of you. Sit or lie down in a meditative position. Relax each part of your body, beginning from the bottom of your feet, moving slowly up the body, until you reach the top of your head.

Allow whatever is present to just be. As you continue to relax your body and focus on the breath, deepen each inhalation and exhalation, allowing any thoughts that arise to simply pass you by.

Become a witness to your thoughts as they float past like clouds. Breathe into the space that lies beyond your thoughts. Your true self. Continue like this for a few more moments, allowing any thoughts to simply pass you by.

Bring someone to mind who you may have harmed in the past. Imagine them sitting in front of you.Repeat in your head, ‘please forgive me, I’m sorry, I love you.’

Breathe on this feeling of forgiveness coming from your heart and flowing in a green stream of healing light towards the other person’s heart.

Continue to breathe for a few more moments, while focusing on the feeling of asking for forgiveness. See them accepting this gift of forgiveness, and sending the healing light back into your heart centre.

Now, focus on someone that may have harmed you in the past. Imagine them, again, sitting there in front of you. Repeat in your head, ‘I forgive you, I’m sorry, I love you.’

This time, visualise a bright white light flowing into your crown chakra from the sky above. Breathe on this feeling of forgiveness flowing into you and blasting through any feelings of resentment towards this person. Continue to focus on asking for their forgiveness in whatever way feels right to you.

Now, do the same for yourself. Focus on your inner child, sitting there in front of you. Ask if they would like you to comfort them or hold them close.

In whatever way your inner child feels most comfortable, offer your forgiveness for any time you may not have been listening or in tune with them.

Now focus on the feeling of forgiving yourself. Repeat the words ‘I forgive myself’ and feel a flow of warmth and love radiating from your inner child back into your heart centre. Allow this feeling to completely fill your body.

Take a few moments to offer gratitude to yourself for taking this time. When you have finished, write a letter to whoever you most want to forgive from this meditation. You could write to as many people as you want. When you are finished, burn the letter safely over a candle.

To listen to this meditation, visit the MEDITATION section of the Ivory app.