Peridot crystal is a super gorgeous, green gemstone that has been flying under the radar for way too long. Having said that, when I posted last month about the peridot orgone crystal points in the May Ivory Gloss box for the new moon in Taurus, a few lovelies got in touch to show me their own Emeralds of the Evening, as peridot is so aptly named. So seems this stone has been close to your hearts for many lifetimes.


The truth is, peridot can attract abundance like nobody’s business, so get ready to manifest!



Peridot crystal for the Taurus new moon on the 19th May 2023


If you’re an earthy Taurus, known for your love of luxury and financial stability (ahem!) then this vibrant green crystal will resonate deeply with your grounded Venusian energy and is here to help you become at one with your finances.


Place a peridot crystal in your workplace to amplify your wealth magnetism and whisper to it affirmations so you can infuse your visions with that earthy energy of abundance.


To listen to the meditation that goes with this crystal from the May Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.



Peridot for the law of attraction


Peridot is all about positive vibes and it aligns perfectly with the law of attraction’s philosophy of like attracts like.


By working with Peridot, you’re sending out a clear signal to the universe that you’re ready to receive all the abundance it has to offer. So grab your Peridot and get ready to manifest!



Peridot for the heart and solar plexus chakras


Part of the reason peridot is so great for manifesting is that it’s aligned with both the heart and solar plexus chakras. This crystal’s soothing green hue opens up your heart to love and compassion so you can be more open to receive, whilst giving you that solar plexus energy boost to help you put those manifestations into practice.


If you’ve been feeling a little guarded or closed off, you might find it hard to attract what you want. Peridot will help you break down those walls and invite love and kindness into your life. It’s like a little reminder to embrace your vulnerability and let love flow freely. Perfect for the law of attraction!


If you need a little help or find you have some fears preventing you from manifesting, here’s a meditation. Don’t forget, you can listen to an audio version here.



Meditation to help release any fears or emotional blocks to better align with the law of attraction at the Taurus new moon


Before you begin, write down what it is that you most want to attract. Now, think of any fears you have about reaching your goal and write those down too.


Sit or lie down in a meditative position with the peridot orgone point in front of you or in your hand. Breathe deeply and allow your thoughts to float past, neither judging or entertaining them.


Imagine you are walking through a garden overcrowded by weeds. Beneath them lie the fruits of your labour, waiting to pop through the surface.


These weeds represent your fears. Using a scythe, or your hands, clear them away once and for all. 


Free up the growth of wealth and abundance by pulling up anything that is preventing you from manifesting your goal.


If you don’t have the energy to pull up the weeds, simply visualise them drying up and crumbling away, leaving the abundant foliage to grow stronger.


Any negative thoughts or mental blocks preventing you from receiving what you desire have to go.


Continue to breathe deeply, enjoying the brightly coloured and abundant foliage that grows stronger with each moment, as you clear away whatever it is that is holding you back from achieving your dreams.


Allow your mind to become freed from fear.


You have worked hard for this abundance, simply by taking part in the human experience. You deserve all the abundance in the world.


Breathe on the feeling of abundance for a few more moments.

You can continue to meditate as long as you wish. When you have finished, spend some time journaling on what you most wish to attract into your life then write your new moon intentions.

To receive the crystals that go with each meditation at the new and full moons, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.