One of the more mesmerising cosmic treasures of the universe is black lemurian jade. Found in the heart of Peru, this precious gem is as rare as a shooting star and as captivating as the night sky, the colour of which can sometimes see this crystal named midnight lemurian jade.


This black and gold stone contains shimmery particles of pyrite and can’t help but give celestial vibes. It carries with it a deeply feminine energy, beckoning you to explore your inner world and heal any ancestral wounds, most of which were likely passed down energetically through many generations.



Ancestral Healing: Casting off Shadows


“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.” Thich Nhat Hanh


The south node solar eclipse in Libra is your cue to examine your relationships and the roles you play within them. It’s a time to lift the curtain on the wounds you inherited from your ancestors and allow yourself to process the energetic trauma so you can release it fully.


Having a meditation practice to connect deeply to your ancestors and release the burdens they carried in their lives can really help with your healing, and in turn, your ability to raise your vibration to align with the life you’ve always dreamed of.


To read more about this eclipse, click HERE.


Black lemurian jade helps to uncover any energy imbalances, freeing you from past traumas so you can gain the courage to chase your true calling. With its deep connection to the divine feminine, this crystal is the perfect partner for embracing your inner mysteries.


A cosmic ally for transformation


Black Lemurian Jade can also help you to reach new heights of spiritual awakening and empower you to embrace the winds of change. After the Libra solar eclipse, allow its vibration to help illuminate your path to ancestral healing and mending the bonds between you and your loved ones.


As you meditate with the energies of black lemurian jade, take some time to reevaluate your commitments and the roles you take on. Allow yourself to tune into your inner world and give thanks to those who came before you.


With this crystal by your side, you’ll be ready to heal your past so you can better illuminate the future. And with this newfound clarity, you can finally break free from the chains of codependency, and in doing so, find your unique identity and life’s purpose.




Meditation for the Libra new moon solar eclipse on the 14th October 2023 using black lemurian jade



To listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE. This meditation can help you connect with and heal the energy of your ancestors, fostering a sense of understanding, forgiveness and gratitude. By doing so, you can release any negative patterns or unresolved issues that may be affecting your progress.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.


Take a moment to set your intention for this ancestral healing meditation. What would you like to heal or release within your ancestral lineage? It could be generational patterns, unresolved issues, or simply a desire to connect and express gratitude. Formulate your intention clearly in your mind.


Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill completely.


Exhale slowly through your nose, releasing any tension in your body.


Feel your body connecting with the Earth beneath you. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, sinking deep into the Earth, anchoring you securely. You are safe and supported.


Imagine yourself standing at the entrance of a beautiful forest. This is the Forest of Ancestral Wisdom. As you step inside, a soft, gentle light guides your way. This light represents the wisdom and love of your ancestors.


Continue to walk deeper into the forest until you come upon a clearing. Here, you find a circle of your ancestors sitting in quiet contemplation. These are your blood relatives, the ones who have come before you, and they are here to help and support you.


Approach the circle, and as you do, you may recognize some of their faces or feel their presence. Take a moment to greet them with respect and love. You are safe and protected in their presence.


Now, one by one, share your intentions and feelings with your ancestors. Speak from your heart. Tell them what you wish to heal or release within your ancestral lineage. Feel their understanding and compassion as they listen to your words.


As you speak, notice any burdens or negative emotions that may arise within you. See them as dark clouds hovering above you.


Ask your ancestors for their help in transforming these negative energies. Visualise their love and wisdom flowing into these dark clouds, gradually transforming them into bright, radiant light.


Feel the weight lifting from your shoulders as the negative energy dissolves, and a sense of healing and lightness washes over you.


Now, take a moment to listen. Your ancestors may have messages or guidance for you. Be open to their wisdom. Trust your intuition and any images, words, or sensations that come to you.


Thank your ancestors for their presence and assistance. Express your deep gratitude for the healing and transformation that has taken place. Know that you can return to this place whenever you need their support.


Slowly start to return your awareness to your physical body. Feel the connection between your body and the Earth. Take a few deep breaths and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes.



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