The classic crystal for cultivating a positive sense of self-worth, carnelian is often attributed to Taurus energy, helping the steady and earthy taurean to lift off into orbit 🚀


This is why carnelian is such a lovely crystal for the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse on the 28th October, 2023. With this vibrant gem by your side, you can walk through life with a heart full of joy and a confidence that just won’t quit.


To read more about the energies surrounding the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse, click HERE.


Carnelian is also super helpful for boosting creativity and rekindling a sense of enthusiasm for projects that may have been stalling. This makes it a lovely crystal for artists and creators of all types.



Lower chakra healing


Carnelian works with the three lower chakras, the root, the sacral and the solar plexus. This crystal energy can help you to feel solid, passionate and full of confidence.


With Carnelian as your guide, prepare to embark on a journey of self-empowerment, ready to embrace the joys of life and pursue your dreams with unwavering confidence and a deeper connection to your personal power. Yes please!



The root chakra: Stabilising and grounding


At the core of our being lies the root chakra, the foundation upon which all other chakras rest. This chakra is the seat of safety, grounding you within the world that cradles you. With a balanced root chakra, emotional risks become more manageable.


But when this vital energy centre is blocked, you can be left with a sense of imbalance and insecurity. Life can feel like a constant tightrope walk, leaving you on edge and in search of stability.


Carnelian can help you become rooted into the real world so you feel stronger and more supported.



The sacral chakra: Igniting the inner fire


As we ascend through the chakras, we arrive at the sacral chakra, where passions, intimacies, and inner fire take the stage.


A blocked sacral chakra can leave you feeling disconnected from joy and struggling to find enthusiasm in life’s pleasures.


Carnelian awakens a zest for life by allowing energy to flow from the ground to the naval, reigniting the flames of creativity and passion. It’s as if a dormant volcano comes to life, bubbling with the potential to create and explore.


With a revitalised sacral chakra, you’ll find that joy is not elusive but an integral part of your journey.



The solar plexus chakra: Increased personal power


Finally, we come to the solar plexus chakra, the area of personal power and self-esteem. Here, your warrior spirit waits in readiness. But when this chakra is stagnant, it can leave you feeling devoid of inner strength.


Carnelian is here to call that dormant warrior into action. It acts as a catalyst, rekindling the flames of self-confidence and determination, and infusing you with the courage to stand tall and face life’s challenges head-on.


With a harmonious solar plexus chakra, you become a force to be reckoned with, unyielding in your pursuit of personal goals.



Meditation to help boost self-esteem at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse, 28th October, 2023


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Before you begin, spend some time journaling on what you love about yourself, including any accomplishments or things you have done or created that make you feel proud.


In this meditation we are going to focus on five attributes or accomplishments and celebrate them in turn. Choose the ones that make you smile.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. Let go of any tension in your body and allow yourself to fully relax.


Imagine yourself standing at the beginning of a beautiful path, strewn with vibrant marigold petals.


Visualise yourself walking along this path, surrounded by the golden glow of the marigolds.


Breathe deeply as you feel the sensations along this path, the smell of flowers and incense, the soft, warm breeze on your skin.


In front of you, the path is lined with five different altars, each of them adorned with photos and offerings that represent your chosen positive qualities or accomplishments. These altars are a celebration of your unique journey and the person you have become.


As you walk along the path, pause at the first altar and take a moment to reflect on the images and offerings. Feel a sense of pride and gratitude.


When you are ready, continue to walk along the path and now pause at the second altar. Again, reflect on the images and offerings, enjoying the sense of achievement and self-worth.


continue to walk and now pause at the third altar, looking at the offerings and meditating on a sense of gratitude and self-love.


When you are ready, keep walking along the path and now pause at the fourth altar, again, meditating on the sense of love as you take a moment to reflect on all the items and offerings.


Once more, walk along the path until you reach the fifth altar. For the final time, pause and reflect on the sense of self-worth you are now feeling, as you admire all the offerings on this altar.


Feel the gratitude swell within your heart.


Looking back along the path at these five altars, see the snapshots of your life’s highlights and the representations of your strengths and achievements.


Continue to breathe on this sense of gratitude.


Feel a sense of pride for all that you have accomplished on your journey so far.


Notice how your self-esteem begins to bloom like the marigolds themselves. Feel a growing sense of self-worth and self-love filling your heart.


Let go of any doubts or negative thoughts, allowing them to be carried away by the gentle breeze that rustles the marigold petals.


With each step, affirm to yourself: “I am worthy. I am deserving of love and respect. I celebrate my accomplishments and strengths.”


Take a few moments to bask in the radiant glow of self-esteem and self-discovery.


When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE and to listen to this meditation, click HERE.