Mookaite, found in Mooka, Western Australia, embodies the essence of earth and fire. This rare form of jasper vibrates with a unique fusion of energies that brings both stability and inspiration, serving as a guiding light to help you surpass the ordinary.


Meditating with mookaite can help ignite the flames of renewal. Like the phoenix emerging from the ashes, this gemstone is believed to offer the vitality needed for rebirth, the perfect energy for Monday’s Scorpio new moon.


To receive the crystals that align with next month’s new & full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers. Click HERE for more info.



Rebirth and transformation


Mookaite is a lovely stone for Scorpio as it gently encourages the ongoing cycle of emotional growth, helping you to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings. 


Amidst the chaos of modern life, this crystal energy can bring you a sense of tranquility, motivating you to confront and conquer obstacles while building resilience and adaptability in the face of change.


Serving as a guiding beacon, illuminating possibilities and helping with choices that resonate with one’s authentic self, mookaite can also help you to see things with fresh eyes, helping you come to better conclusions and propelling you forward with a renewed sense of purpose. 



Grounded harmony and compassion


But that’s not all! Mookaite crystal is often used to help boost levels of self-compassion and kindness. It’s grounding energy brings a gentleness that helps stabilise during transformation.


Keep Mookaite with you as a nurturing companion, providing a little support during challenging times. In the midst of tricky decisions, connect with this crystal energy to both comfort you and give you the confidence to take the next step.



Meditation for the Scorpio new moon on the 13th November, 2023


Here’s a meditation to help you connect with the archetype of the phoenix rising, so you can envision yourself burning away anything that may be holding you back as you rise into a new reality. Scorpio energy for sure!

To read about the new moon in Scorpio, click HERE and to listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE.


Before your meditation, try journaling on what you would like to put firmly in the past, and what new things would improve in your life.


Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or negativity.


As you settle into your relaxed state, imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, radiant light. This light represents the transformative energy that will guide you through the process of emotional healing and rebirth.


Imagine the light spreading all around you, as you begin to imagine yourself standing in a vast, tranquil desert.


The sand beneath your feet is soft and warm, and the sky above you is a canvas of deep oranges, purples, and pinks as the sun sets. You are in a place of solitude and stillness, ready to embark on a transformative journey.


In the distance, you see a phoenix soaring gracefully through the sky. Her wings are a brilliant mix of red, orange, and gold, and her feathers shimmer with an otherworldly glow. The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, renewal and transformation.


As you watch the phoenix, you feel a deep connection with its energy. You realise that like the phoenix, you too have the power to rise from the ashes of your past experience. You are ready to release any pain, hurt, or negativity that has weighed you down.


Now, imagine a small fire forming in front of your feet. This fire represents the power you have within you to burn through any old emotions and wounds that you are ready to release.


Slowly and deliberately step into the fire. As you do, visualise the flames gently consuming any negative emotions or memories that have held you back. Feel the warmth of the fire as it purifies your being.


As the fire burns, you begin to transform. Your old self is being consumed by the flames, and from the ashes, a new you begins to emerge. You feel lighter, freer, and more vibrant than ever before. Your heart is open, and you are ready to embrace a new chapter of emotional healing and growth.


The phoenix continues to soar above you, and you realise that you are now one with its energy. You have become a symbol of rebirth and transformation, just like the phoenix itself.


Take a moment to bask in this new energy and sense of renewal. Feel the joy and liberation that comes with letting go of old emotions. You are now ready to move forward with a fresh perspective, a healed heart and a renewed spirit.


When you are ready, slowly return your awareness to the present moment. Open your eyes, knowing that you have embarked on a journey of emotional healing and rebirth, just like the magnificent phoenix. Carry this sense of transformation and renewal with you as you navigate your life, and remember that you have the power to rise above any challenges that come your way.


After your meditation, try journaling on the new route you wish to take. Be open to the fresh feeling of wisdom and self-belief as you see all the options in front of you. Have faith that the vibrations of mookaite will have you moving forward more effectively.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.