If you’ve been holding onto past emotional wounds, especially those tied to messy relationships or deep-seated resentments, rhodonite crystal is the balm your heart’s been craving. This is the go-to crystal when it comes to healing emotional pain, breaking free from toxic patterns and finally allowing yourself to grow, thrive and move forward with emotional strength and inner peace. Ahhhh.

But rhodonite isn’t just about patching up the cracks. It’s about welcoming new beginnings with a heart that’s ready to embrace fresh energy. So whether you’re heart’s been shattered, bruised, or just in need of a little extra TLC, rhodonite is the crystal companion for you. 



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The Libra new moon solar eclipse meditation works with rhodonite crystal and can help you heal your heart.

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The Art of Releasing Resentment and Opening the Heart

Carrying around resentment is like lugging a heavy bag of rocks with you everywhere you go. Rhodonite’s nurturing energy helps you put down that emotional baggage. While it won’t erase the past, it gently reframes it, helping you see those painful moments as the stepping stones that shaped you into the resilient, beautiful soul you are today.

When you hold Rhodonite or meditate with it, you’ll feel it gently prying open your heart space, letting forgiveness flow in. And let’s be real for a second! Most of the time, forgiveness isn’t about the other person, it’s about you. Rhodonite helps you forgive yourself… for staying too long, for missing the red flags, for giving so much love and feeling like it wasn’t enough. This crystal reminds you that your heart is magnificent and that every love, no matter how it ended, has been a part of your growth.

Click HERE to read more about the Libra new moon solar eclipse on the 2nd October, 2024


Moving On from Toxic Patterns

We all know how easy it is to fall into the same relationship patterns. Whether it’s attracting the same type of person or repeating the same behaviours, sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck in a cycle. This is where Rhodonite truly shines. Its transformative energy helps you break free from those toxic patterns that have kept you stuck, allowing you to create healthier, more balanced connections.

Think of it like learning a new dance. First, you have to recognise the old steps that kept you locked in place. Then, Rhodonite helps you change the rhythm, letting you step into a new pattern. One that feels more aligned with your highest self. With this crystal by your side, you’ll notice your relationships evolving and your connection to yourself deepening in the most beautiful ways.


Fostering Personal Growth and Inner Peace

Healing isn’t a one-time fix, it’s a journey. And Rhodonite is there for you through every step, like a supportive friend reminding you that growth is always happening, even when things feel hard. This crystal helps you tend to your emotional garden, so to speak, encouraging you to keep going, even when the weeds seem to overshadow the flowers.

By balancing your emotional energy, Rhodonite creates a space of peace within you. It’s like emotional feng shui for your heart, clearing away the clutter so serenity can flow in. This doesn’t mean you’ll never feel pain again, it means that when you do, you’ll have the tools to navigate it with grace and resilience. With Rhodonite’s support, you’ll see how far you’ve come and how much stronger you are because of your journey.


Grounding and Reconnecting with Your Strength

One of the most beautiful qualities of Rhodonite is its grounding nature. When your emotions run high, whether from heartbreak, anger, or confusion, this crystal brings you back to your centre. It’s like pressing pause on the emotional whirlwind and taking a deep, calming breath. Rhodonite connects you to your inner reservoir of strength, reminding you that you are so much more powerful than you realise.

With Rhodonite, you can stand tall in your truth, even when the world around you feels unstable. It helps you reclaim your power, not by erasing your past, but by showing you that you are defined by how you choose to move forward. You are not your past, you are your future, and Rhodonite is here to help you step into it with grace, strength, and an open heart.


Embracing New Beginnings with an Open Heart

Rhodonite isn’t just about healing old wounds. It’s about helping you open your heart to the endless possibilities that await you. Once you’ve released the pain, reclaimed your strength, and let go of the past, you’re ready to welcome fresh energy into your life with open arms.

Whether it’s a new relationship, a deeper connection to yourself, or simply a renewed sense of joy and excitement, Rhodonite encourages you to embrace it with passion and enthusiasm. You’ve done the work, babe, and now it’s time to step into the next part of your journey with confidence and love. Rhodonite is your crystal for emotional healing, personal growth, and embracing the beauty of new beginnings.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the October Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE

Meditation to heal the heart at the Libra solar eclipse, October 2nd, 2024

Here’s a meditation you might like to try to help you to visualise this healing energy. Breathe deeply. Let each inhale fill your lungs with a sense of calm, and each exhale release any tension or worry.  With each breath, you are slowly peeling away the layers of the outside world and stepping into a soft, safe space within yourself.

As you breathe, allow any tension in your body to gently release with each exhale. With every breath, feel yourself becoming more present in this moment. Continue like this for a few more moments.

Bring your attention to the centre of your chest, to the area of your heart where a small rose bud appears. With every breath you take, the rose starts to slowly open, revealing delicate pink petals..

This rose represents your heart, your emotions, and your soul’s journey. As the rosebud begins to unfurl, imagine each petal representing memories, relationships and experiences tied to old patterns.

Focus on the affirmation, “I release what no longer serves me and embrace the balance and harmony within my heart.”

With each exhale, see a petal gently falling away from the rose. As it falls, it is carried away by a soft, warm breeze. With each petal that falls, feel a sense of release and lightness growing in your heart. 


Continue breathing deeply and releasing more petals. Each petal falling away leaves you feeling freer and more at peace. There is no need to hold on to these old ways anymore. Trust that as you release them, you are making space for something new and more balanced to enter your life.

As the last petal falls, you are left with the centre of the rose in your heart. In this centre, you see a radiant golden light emerging. This light represents pure love, self-compassion, and inner harmony.

Feel this golden light expanding in your heart, filling the entire area with warmth and healing energy. With each inhale, the light grows brighter and stronger. With each exhale, it spreads further through your body, radiating outwards, surrounding you in a cocoon of warmth and peace.

Stay with this feeling of warmth and light in your heart centre for a few moments. 

Knowing that this golden light of self-love and balance will remain with you, even as the meditation comes to an end, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your physical body. Open your eyes and focus on a feeling of forgiveness.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


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