Also known as The Hope Stone, amazonite can help create positive change as you work towards your goals. Great for keeping with you when creating plans, this crystal energy enhances creativity and allows for easy expression of ideas. It’s also a lovely stone for helping you develop a deeper understanding of your true self.


As a Cardinal earth sign (Capricorn!) there is nothing I love more than creating lists and plans that help carve a way up that proverbial mountain. If you’re also a dreamer, like me, then putting those plans together with a little bit of creativity can be the extra push you need to actually be bothered to put those plans into action.


Bit of a side note here. Before I set up Ivory Gloss, I remember speaking to a psychotherapist about why I was finding it SO hard to stop procrastinating. He asked me to describe exactly what it was about sitting down to do the work that was creating such discomfort.


It’s kind of obvious, but the first thing that came to mind was the horror of just looking at the teeny tiny black typeface, all greys and white and just monotone writing and all just colourless, unnatural and panic inducing. Eurgh! So, he suggested I start putting my ideas into the world through colour.


I mean, duh! So obvious, and yet I never fully realised how writing your plans down in pen and paper is actually how most creatives work within digital agencies, and basically the best way to start getting your head around manifesting and grounding your visions into reality.



Co-creating with spirit


One thing I noticed when I started writing down my plans, and especially when I had to deliberate between choices, or forge a way forward through a tricky challenge, was that I started to receive intuitive messages which helped steer me along my way. Some people call these ‘downloads’ but they can also be simply described as messages from your inner voice.


Something else started happening which helped guide me along. I started seeing angel numbers, feathers and signs, and hearing phrases in music, or on the tele, at those specific times  when important choices needed to be made. Wow!


A lovely crystal energy which works with this idea of connecting to your higher self in order put your thoughts into plans is amazonite crystal, which was part of the September Blue Ivory subscription box (now sold out).



Amazonite crystal for the Virgo new moon, 15th September, 2023


This turquoise, green and white crystal is a classic stone for Virgo and a lovely energy to work with at this month’s new moon. Amazonite is associated with luck (there’s a reason it’s also known as the Gamblers Stone) and great at giving you that extra push to transform your intentions into reality.


Amazonite can also help you develop a deeper understanding of your true self so that you can create the goals and plans that align with the REAL version of you, and are therefore meant to last. This is another reason amazonite works so well with Virgo energy.


Virgo’s are known for having a harsh inner critic, and while they bring their gentle touch to their relationships with others, they can often be their own worst enemy and find it tricky to live up to those impossible standards.


Soothing and balancing, amazonite can help to remove self-destructive thoughts and build more self-esteem, aligning your personal values with your actions while encouraging kindness and self-respect.



How to co-create with your higher power


Get yourself a GIANT fresh white pad of paper, some coloured pens or pencils, and just start writing down what you want from life. If you have a vision for what you want to create, even though you have no idea where it might finally take you, just follow that voice inside you and put that pen to paper. Now, start listening to your intuition and paying attention.


By writing all your thoughts down, creating lists, spider diagrams, brainstorms etc you are helping the magic find its way into reality. Not sure what your purpose is? I read a great book that was recommended to me called What Colour is Your Parachute, which helps you to really tune into this process.


Astrology tip! Check out your birth chart and look to the north node and your 10th house to gain insights.


How do you put your plans together? Do you journal> Do you use pens, pencils, screens, do you paint your visions? I need to know! Tell all in the comments below.



Guided meditation using amazonite crystal for the Virgo new moon


You might like to spend some time reflecting on the role of the higher power in your life before you start this meditation. Ask for guidance and support for your plan. Let go of any need for complete control, knowing that the universe fully supports you.


Sit or lie down in a meditative position, Close your eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath in through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Let go of any tension or distractions, and let yourself fully arrive in this moment.


Take a few moments to settle into the stillness. Feel the weight of your body grounding you to the earth beneath you. With each breath, allow your mind to quieten and your body to relax.


Breathe deeply and evenly, through your nose, letting any thoughts pass you by, neither engaging nor judging.


Now, bring your awareness to your heart centre. Imagine a warm and radiant light glowing in the centre of your chest, expanding with each breath.


This light is a connection to the universal energy that is always available to support and guide you. Continue to breathe, allowing this light to expand further.


In this space of silence and openness, allow any insights or guidance to come to you.


Trust that the universe is ready to provide you with the blessings and assistance you need. Feel your heart opening to receive these gifts.


As you continue to breathe deeply, reflect on the role of the higher power in your life. With every inhale, imagine you are drawing in their loving energy and guidance. With every exhale, release any doubts or resistance you may have.


Visualise this higher power as a wellspring of love and wisdom. See it as a presence of light and energy, always ready to assist you on your path.


Enjoy the sense of trust growing within you for their continuous support on your journey. Feel your connection with Source strengthening as you express your heartfelt gratitude.


Continue to breathe, while enjoying the safety and love of your higher power. When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness back into the room.


To listen to this meditation click HERE and to receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, click HERE.