Aragonite crystal was part of July Ivory Gloss for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st July, 2024. This crystal can help bring grounding and balance when it comes to achieving your goals. Click HERE to read about this full moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Aragonite is a super earthy crystal that helps centre your energy, keeping you focused and calm so you can make clear and thoughtful decisions. This crystal is classic for Capricorn who is happiest when climbing the proverbial mountain, helping to stabilise emotions as you approach any challenges with a composed mindset. 

Ivory Gloss subscription box with black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024 and aragonite crystal for the Capricorn blue full moon July 21st, 2024

The Capricorn full moon meditation works with aragonite crystal and can help you balance and enhance your career goals, making it an invaluable tool for personal and professional growth during this powerful time. 

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Given the transformative nature of the Capricorn blue moon, working with aragonite can help bring balance as you release old patterns and embrace new ways of thinking and working. As a grounding stone, aragonite connects you with earth’s energy, helping you stay focused during times of change. 

Aragonite boosts self-confidence and self-worth, empowering bold steps in your career. It encourages recognition of your capabilities and determination to pursue ambitions. Aragonite aligns well with Capricorn’s energy, fostering a sense of responsibility and practicality.

This crystal energy can help you to set realistic goals and develop strategic approaches to achieve them, essential during reflection and completion periods when the goat pauses upon the craggy ledge, waiting for the correct conditions to reach the summit.

It is also said to enhance patience and discipline, encouraging perseverance and dedication, helping you stay committed to your path even when faced with obstacles. It clears energy blockages, promoting a free flow of ideas and opportunities. This can be particularly beneficial for overcoming professional hurdles and moving forward with renewed vigour.

Here’s a meditation chosen for the Capricorn blue moon 21st July 2024, that works with aragonite crystal. To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the monthly Ivory Gloss box, join our subscribers. To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Allow your body to relax and your mind to quiet down.

Begin by imagining yourself standing at the edge of a crystal-clear mountain lake. The air is crisp and cool, and the night sky is clear, with the blue moon shining brightly above.

As you gaze at the lake, notice how its surface is perfectly still, acting like a mirror. See the blue moon and the towering peaks reflected with pristine clarity. The reflection is so perfect that it’s hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins.

Reflect on your personal goals and aspirations. Visualise each goal as one of the towering peaks around the lake. See these peaks clearly in the reflection on the lake’s surface, symbolising the clarity and focus you have on your ambitions.

Now, shift your attention to the blue moon’s reflection in the lake. This moon represents your intuitive insights and inner wisdom. Notice how the moonlight gently illuminates the mountain peaks in the reflection, symbolising how your intuition guides and enhances your path to achieving your goals.

Imagine the light from the blue moon spreading out across the lake, creating a harmonious blend of light and shadow on the water’s surface. This represents the balance and harmony between your practical ambitions (the mountain peaks) and your intuitive insights (the blue moon).

Allow yourself to feel the peace and harmony of this scene. As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine this serene balance infusing your entire being. Feel grounded like the mountains, and simultaneously, feel illuminated and guided by your intuition like the moonlight.

Silently repeat an affirmation that resonates with this balance. For example, “I am guided by my inner wisdom and focused on achieving my goals,” or “My intuition and ambition work in perfect harmony.”

Spend a few more moments in this visualisation, soaking in the tranquillity and the sense of harmony. Imagine this balanced energy becoming a part of you, ready to guide you in your waking life.

Slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. 

To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE