Amazonite crystal for co-creating plans with your higher power at the Virgo new moon

Amazonite crystal for co-creating plans with your higher power at the Virgo new moon

Also known as The Hope Stone, amazonite can help create positive change as you work towards your goals. Great for keeping with you when creating plans, this crystal energy enhances creativity and allows for easy expression of ideas. It’s also a lovely stone for helping you develop a deeper understanding of your true self.


As a Cardinal earth sign (Capricorn!) there is nothing I love more than creating lists and plans that help carve a way up that proverbial mountain. If you’re also a dreamer, like me, then putting those plans together with a little bit of creativity can be the extra push you need to actually be bothered to put those plans into action.


Bit of a side note here. Before I set up Ivory Gloss, I remember speaking to a psychotherapist about why I was finding it SO hard to stop procrastinating. He asked me to describe exactly what it was about sitting down to do the work that was creating such discomfort.


It’s kind of obvious, but the first thing that came to mind was the horror of just looking at the teeny tiny black typeface, all greys and white and just monotone writing and all just colourless, unnatural and panic inducing. Eurgh! So, he suggested I start putting my ideas into the world through colour.


I mean, duh! So obvious, and yet I never fully realised how writing your plans down in pen and paper is actually how most creatives work within digital agencies, and basically the best way to start getting your head around manifesting and grounding your visions into reality.



Co-creating with spirit


One thing I noticed when I started writing down my plans, and especially when I had to deliberate between choices, or forge a way forward through a tricky challenge, was that I started to receive intuitive messages which helped steer me along my way. Some people call these ‘downloads’ but they can also be simply described as messages from your inner voice.


Something else started happening which helped guide me along. I started seeing angel numbers, feathers and signs, and hearing phrases in music, or on the tele, at those specific times  when important choices needed to be made. Wow!


A lovely crystal energy which works with this idea of connecting to your higher self in order put your thoughts into plans is amazonite crystal, which was part of the September Blue Ivory subscription box (now sold out).



Amazonite crystal for the Virgo new moon, 15th September, 2023


This turquoise, green and white crystal is a classic stone for Virgo and a lovely energy to work with at this month’s new moon. Amazonite is associated with luck (there’s a reason it’s also known as the Gamblers Stone) and great at giving you that extra push to transform your intentions into reality.


Amazonite can also help you develop a deeper understanding of your true self so that you can create the goals and plans that align with the REAL version of you, and are therefore meant to last. This is another reason amazonite works so well with Virgo energy.


Virgo’s are known for having a harsh inner critic, and while they bring their gentle touch to their relationships with others, they can often be their own worst enemy and find it tricky to live up to those impossible standards.


Soothing and balancing, amazonite can help to remove self-destructive thoughts and build more self-esteem, aligning your personal values with your actions while encouraging kindness and self-respect.



How to co-create with your higher power


Get yourself a GIANT fresh white pad of paper, some coloured pens or pencils, and just start writing down what you want from life. If you have a vision for what you want to create, even though you have no idea where it might finally take you, just follow that voice inside you and put that pen to paper. Now, start listening to your intuition and paying attention.


By writing all your thoughts down, creating lists, spider diagrams, brainstorms etc you are helping the magic find its way into reality. Not sure what your purpose is? I read a great book that was recommended to me called What Colour is Your Parachute, which helps you to really tune into this process.


Astrology tip! Check out your birth chart and look to the north node and your 10th house to gain insights.


How do you put your plans together? Do you journal> Do you use pens, pencils, screens, do you paint your visions? I need to know! Tell all in the comments below.



Guided meditation using amazonite crystal for the Virgo new moon


You might like to spend some time reflecting on the role of the higher power in your life before you start this meditation. Ask for guidance and support for your plan. Let go of any need for complete control, knowing that the universe fully supports you.


Sit or lie down in a meditative position, Close your eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath in through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Let go of any tension or distractions, and let yourself fully arrive in this moment.


Take a few moments to settle into the stillness. Feel the weight of your body grounding you to the earth beneath you. With each breath, allow your mind to quieten and your body to relax.


Breathe deeply and evenly, through your nose, letting any thoughts pass you by, neither engaging nor judging.


Now, bring your awareness to your heart centre. Imagine a warm and radiant light glowing in the centre of your chest, expanding with each breath.


This light is a connection to the universal energy that is always available to support and guide you. Continue to breathe, allowing this light to expand further.


In this space of silence and openness, allow any insights or guidance to come to you.


Trust that the universe is ready to provide you with the blessings and assistance you need. Feel your heart opening to receive these gifts.


As you continue to breathe deeply, reflect on the role of the higher power in your life. With every inhale, imagine you are drawing in their loving energy and guidance. With every exhale, release any doubts or resistance you may have.


Visualise this higher power as a wellspring of love and wisdom. See it as a presence of light and energy, always ready to assist you on your path.


Enjoy the sense of trust growing within you for their continuous support on your journey. Feel your connection with Source strengthening as you express your heartfelt gratitude.


Continue to breathe, while enjoying the safety and love of your higher power. When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness back into the room.


To listen to this meditation click HERE and to receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, click HERE.


Clear Quartz to harmonise your chakra system and align with Source at the blue moon in Pisces

Clear Quartz to harmonise your chakra system and align with Source at the blue moon in Pisces

Nikola Tesla described crystals as living entities, and he was right, of course! It only takes a little peek down the crystalline rabbit hole to understand that all these different types of rocks vibrate at frequencies connected to the secrets of the Universe.

Pisces super blue moon, 31st of August, 2023


I chose clear quartz for this week’s Pisces BLUE supermoon along with a chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual so you can infuse your intentions with this super high-vibe energy. To read more about this full moon, click HERE

Fun fact – did you know that clear quartz was found lining massive chambers within the great pyramids, and also entwined within the structures of the stones of stonehenge? 

Clear quartz: The master crystal

Just as the colours of the spectrum combine to create white, clear quartz harmonises all of the energy centres which is why it’s known as the master crystal and so helpful for chakra meditation.

chakra crystals in August Blue Ivory Gloss subscription box

These chakra crystals were part of August Ivory Gloss NOW SOLD OUT to align with a chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual. To receive the crystals that accompany the guided meditations at each new and full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.

Healing properties of clear quartz


Clear quartz is an amplifier of energy. This crystal can help purify your system, balancing all seven chakras, clearing blockages and restoring the flow. Among its many remarkable attributes, clear quartz acts as a conduit, intensifying the vibrations of other crystals and energies. Picture it as a magnifying glass for the soul, a tool that focuses all your intentions, emotions and thoughts into a concentrated beam of energy. 

Many spiritual seekers turn to clear quartz to enhance their journey. This crystal’s high vibrational frequency can help expand consciousness and deepen meditation. When charged with a specific goal or affirmation, clear quartz is thought to magnify the intention’s power, making it a handy stone to keep with you during manifestation work. 

While clear quartz is perfect for harmonising the chakras and allowing free flow of energy throughout the body, it actually resonates most with the crown chakra, helping to open up the channels for higher wisdom and understanding. This makes it super useful for clearing mental fog and confusion, helping with better decision-making.

Just as light disperses shadows, clear quartz encourages emotional clarity, a sense of inner peace and balance. It’s also believed that clear quartz has a natural ability to clear out any negativity or blockages in your energy field, however its cousin smokey quartz is even better for this.


Moon bowl ritual for the Pisces super blue moon



With Pisces connected to spirituality and transcendence, this chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual can help you to balance your chakras and also connect to the energy of water.


Find a calm, peaceful space and place a bowl in front of you. Light the white candle and set an intention for what you wish to release during this full moon.

Write your intention on a piece of paper, expressing your emotions and desires. Once finished, fold the paper and place it gently into the bowl.

Place crystals around the folded paper in the bowl that support the intention you are setting. Make sure the crystals you choose are safe to put in the water.

Take a few moments to bask in the energy of the full moon. Feel a sense of release and surrender as you let go of attachment to the outcome, trusting in the universal flow.



Chakra meditation for the Pisces super blue moon

To listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE

Sit in a meditative position, keeping your back straight and your hands resting comfortably on your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep, relaxing breaths to centre yourself.

As you continue to breathe deeply, focus your attention on the base of your spine, the area known as the root chakra. Visualise a vibrant red energy centre glowing at this point. 

With each inhalation, imagine a warm, nourishing red light expanding from this chakra, moving up your spine and reaching the top of your head. As you exhale, visualise the energy descending back down, maintaining a balanced and harmonious flow. 

Continue to breathe as you feel a sense of stability and grounding as you connect with this root energy.

Now, shift your attention to the sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen. Envision a glowing orange energy centre here. 

With each breath, see this orange light expanding upwards, travelling along your spine, and reaching the crown of your head. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow down again. 

Feel a surge of creativity and passion as you connect with this sacral energy.

Move your focus to the solar plexus chakra, situated just above the navel. Imagine a bright yellow energy centre spinning here. 

Inhale deeply, letting this yellow light rise up through your spine, reaching all the way to the top of your head. Exhale, letting the energy descend, maintaining a gentle and fluid flow. 

Embrace a sense of empowerment and confidence as you connect with this solar plexus energy.

Shift your awareness to the heart chakra, located in the centre of your chest. Picture a vibrant green light radiating from this area. 

As you inhale, visualise the green light moving upwards, travelling along your spine, into th4 crown of your head. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow downward again.

Feel a profound sense of love, compassion, and harmony as you breathe deeply with this heart energy.

Now, direct your attention to the throat chakra, positioned at the base of your throat. Envision a calming blue energy centre glowing brightly. 

Inhale deeply, allowing the blue light to ascend through your spine, reaching up to the crown of your head. As you exhale, let the energy descend gracefully. 

Feel a clear and authentic expression of your thoughts and emotions as you connect with this throat energy. Continue to breathe deeply.

Move your focus to the third eye chakra, situated between your eyebrows. Visualise an indigo light spinning intensely. 

Inhale slowly and deeply, letting the indigo light rise along your spine, extending beyond the crown of your head. Upon exhaling, allow the energy to flow back down.

Embrace heightened intuition, insight, and awareness as you connect with this third eye energy.

Finally, bring your attention to the crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Imagine a luminous white energy spinning here.

Inhale with intention, letting this radiant light travel up your spine and beyond. As you exhale, allow the energy to gracefully descend.

Experience a deep sense of spiritual awareness as you connect with this crown energy. Take a few moments to breathe naturally and let the energy settle within you. 

Now, focus on a pillar of light shooting out from the top of your head into the Universe. Feel the flow of energy throughout your body rising into the heights above you, from the root, to the crown, to your higher power. 

Continue to breathe deeply as you raise your vibration. Remaining relaxed, but connecting to that sensation of light energy vibrating within. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. 

To complete the moon bowl ritual, gently extinguish the candle, symbolising the completion of the ritual. Place the bowl out with your crystals under the light of the full moon.

Keep the bowl in a sacred space as a reminder of your intentions throughout the lunar cycle. Return to the bowl for meditation and reflection.

Remember, this meditation can be a powerful practice for aligning and harmonising your chakras. Regularly engaging in this meditation can help you maintain a sense of balance and well-being in your physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.


To receive the crystals that accompany the guided meditations at each new and full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.

Tiger’s Eye crystal to help you step into your authentic self at the new moon in Leo

Tiger’s Eye crystal to help you step into your authentic self at the new moon in Leo

In a time when Saturn in Pisces has everyone questioning their reality, the roar of golden tiger’s eye brings with it a promise of authenticity and self-expression. Yes!


With its iridescent glimmers of gold and tan, this crystal has long been a helping hand when it comes to proudly stepping into your own skin, thanks mainly to its connection with the solar plexus chakra, the energy centre of confidence, courage and motivation.



Leo new moon


The wildcat energy of tiger’s eye is just perfect for the August 2023 Leo new moon, urging you to take a good, long look in the mirror of your heart.


By taking the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and motivations, you can gain a clearer sense of who you are at your core, and feel more confident sharing your unique gifts with the world.


Maybe you don’t know exactly what those gifts are yet? Well, now is your chance to dig deep and connect with the REAL you, because this is your time to shine!



Artsy vibes


Tiger’s eye is a classic gemstone when it comes to stimulating creativity and tapping into your more artistic side. Perhaps more importantly, this crystal energy can help you to better express it.


Ideas could be set alight from the heart with tiger’s eye in your pocket, helping to unleash your inner muse so your true colours burst out onto life’s canvas.


This is typical Leo energy of course. Leo loves to create, whether that’s art, or even better, people! Part of the reason for this is that intense desire to express yourself authentically.



Tiger’s eye for inner strength


Being authentic means being true to your values and setting healthy boundaries. Tiger’s eye can help support this process by enhancing your ability to assert yourself and communicate your needs effectively.


Tiger’s eye is actually one of the most popular stones to keep with you for protection. Partly because of its association with inner strength, helping you to withstand external pressures or opinions that might sway you from being true to yourself.


Here’s a meditation you might like to try in the days following the new moon in Leo, so you can step into your inner power and create positive change.



Meditation to step into authenticity


Before you begin, spend some time journaling about the masks you wear in different areas of your life. Reflect on the roles you play, the expectations you fulfil, and the personas you adopt to fit in or meet societal standards.


Be honest with yourself as you explore these masks, acknowledging the ways they may have limited your self-expression or prevented you from fully embracing your authentic self.


Close your eyes and visualise yourself standing in front of a full-length mirror. Imagine this mirror expanding to surround you, creating a sacred space filled with masks. Each mask represents a different role or persona you have identified in your journaling.



Observing the masks you wear


Take a moment to observe the masks before you. Notice their colours, shapes, and textures. Acknowledge the purpose each mask has served in your life, allowing you to navigate through different situations and relationships.


Take a deep breath and hold the awareness that you are ready to explore your authentic self-expression.


Begin to remove one mask at a time. Choose the mask that feels most prominent or limiting based on your journaling.


Take a deep breath and, with intention, gently remove the mask from your face. Notice the sensation of liberation as your true face is revealed.


Observe your reflection in the mirror, connecting with your authentic self. Feel a sense of freedom and empowerment as you embrace your true self, knowing that your authentic expression is a gift to the world.


Take a moment to celebrate and honour your authentic self. Allow a wave of self-acceptance and self-love to wash over you. Feel the joy and liberation that comes with expressing yourself fully, unapologetically, and without fear.


Now, move on to the next mask, repeating the process of removing it and witnessing your true self in the mirror. Continue this practice, removing each mask one by one, until you have revealed your authentic face beneath them all.



Embracing authenticity


With each mask removed, feel a deeper sense of alignment within yourself. Embrace the freedom to express your authentic self in all areas of your life, knowing that your unique qualities are meant to be celebrated. Allow a profound connection to your inner truth.


Take a few moments to sit with this experience, basking in the newfound sense of authenticity and self-expression. Know that you can return to this meditation whenever you feel the need to reconnect with your authentic self and celebrate your unique qualities.


When you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, feeling the life-giving energy fill your body, and exhale slowly, grounding yourself in the here and now. Open your eyes and carry the empowering energy of this meditation with you as you continue your journey of self-expression and authenticity.



To receive the crystals that align with each moon meditation, join our monthly Blue Ivory subscribers. Click HERE for more info.


Amethyst crystal to align with the third eye chakra and bring your manifestations into reality at the full moon in Aquarius

Amethyst crystal to align with the third eye chakra and bring your manifestations into reality at the full moon in Aquarius

Amethyst is a truly high vibrational stone that works with both the crown and third eye chakras, making it a super popular crystal for tuning into your higher self.

This purple beauty is also excellent for aligning with the law of attraction and visualising your dreams, helping to elevate your spiritual journey, boost your mental clarity and provide you with insights from above. This makes amethyst just perfect for the August 2023 Aquarius supermoon.



Amethyst for enhancing intuition


Amethyst is the classic crystal for enhancing intuitive and psychic abilities. This gemstone is like a mental magnifier that helps you understand yourself better and gain insights into the world around you. It’s also believed to lift the energy of the room and keep the vibration high.



Mental focus


In dire need of some mental decluttering? Amethyst is here for you! This crystal can help clear your mind from distractions and also boost your concentration. Keep it close during meditation and any other activities that require a clear head and focus.



Spiritual growth


With its upper chakra connection, amethyst is your ultimate crystal for aligning with spiritual growth. Meditating with amethyst can nudge you towards a higher level of consciousness and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Get ready for some soul-expanding experiences with amethyst by your side.





Feeling stressed or anxious? Amethyst has calming superpowers. Its tranquil aura can ease your worries and anxieties, helping you balance your emotions and ease mental tension. This is also why amethyst is often used during detox or times when emotions are out of control. Definitely one to keep with you in therapy!





In some belief systems, amethyst doubles as a protective shield, guarding against negative energies that might mess with the proper functioning of your third eye chakra. It’s also said to protect from inebriation. The Ancient Greeks drank from amethyst cups so say goodbye to unwanted vibes at your next soiree.



Here’s a meditation you might like to try at the Aquarius full moon on the 1st of August, 2023 to embrace amethyst’s cosmic powers and open up to a whole new world of spiritual possibilities. You can listen to an audio version of this meditation HERE.


Meditation for the full supermoon in Aquarius on the 1st of August, 2023



This visualisation can help you to ground your goals into reality. Before you begin, set an intention or choose a goal you wish to manifest. Find a comfortable position, either sitting, standing, or laying on the earth beneath you. Allow your body to relax and your mind to settle. Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly, and bring your attention to the centre of your forehead, the location of your third eye. 

Visualise a radiant ball of indigo blue light expanding and glowing with each breath you take.This light represents your inner wisdom and intuition, guiding you along this journey. Imagine a magnificent bridge of light extending from your third eye, reaching out into the physical world. As you breathe in, the bridge cascades from your third eye, on each out breath, the bridge settles down in front of you.

Observe the bridge’s radiant glow, filled with vibrant colours that resonate with your intentions and desires. Begin to take notice of your surroundings. The bridge may be suspended in the air, surrounded by a celestial backdrop of stars and moonlight or moving through a serene landscape.

When you are ready and the bridge is secure, prepare to step onto it, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. Take one meditative step on the in-breath, then take another meditative step on the out-breath. Continue to walk in rhythm with the breath.

With each step, affirm your intentions silently or out loud. Visualise your dreams and aspirations aligning with the bridge’s light and power. Sense the bridge’s stability beneath your feet, supporting and guiding you towards your manifestation. As you near the end of the bridge, take a deep breath and express gratitude for this journey and the power of manifestation. 

Take a moment to connect once more with your third eye and the indigo light that spins vibrantly, amplifying your intentions and magnifying your manifesting power.  Feel a deep sense of trust and surrender, knowing that your intentions are being carried into the universe.

When you are ready, take a final step off from the bridge, reaching your desired destination. Immerse yourself in your goal and the energy of your intention. Feel everything around you, each sensation, the joy in your heart, and the total experience of the manifestation of your goal. Believe it is already happening.

Take a few more deep breaths as you enjoy this manifestation. Bring your awareness back to the present moment. Gently open your eyes and take a moment to ground yourself. Remember, the Bridge of Light is always accessible to you, serving as a reminder of your own inner power and the infinite possibilities that lie before you. 




To listen to this meditation, click HERE, and to receive the crystals that align with the energies of each new & full moon, join our Blue Ivory box subscribers, click HERE for more details.



Chrysocolla crystal to cultivate a sense of gratitude at the new moon in Cancer

Chrysocolla crystal to cultivate a sense of gratitude at the new moon in Cancer

If you want to work with the law of attraction, there are two main practices you need to get comfy with in order to get results. The first is forgiveness, a sort of spiritual cleansing where you can elevate your vibration instantly. The second, and the one that I think works so well with tonight’s Cancer new moon, is gratitude.


Gratitude is a simple concept which I guess specifically aligns with our origins of praising the gods – whatever that means for you! But giving thanks and appreciating what you have literally elevates your mood into a state where you are open to receive more. Hoorah!


Chrysocolla crystal for gratitude


If you’re looking for a crystal to help you to tap into the vibration of gratitude, look no further than the watery energies of chrysocolla. With its stunning speckles of duck egg blue, this gentle gemstone is renowned for its ability to soothe and nurture the emotional body.


Chrysocolla vibrates with a soft, yet potent energy, which holds the power to open you up to gratitude, making it the perfect crystal companion for the Cancer new moon. But chrysocolla is more than just a beautiful stone you can vibe with.


Manifesting with chrysocolla crystal


As a crystal that resonates deeply with the heart and throat chakras, chrysocolla encourages the expression of gratitude through emotional balance and clear communication. This makes chrysocolla an ideal crystal to incorporate into your manifestation practices.


Chrysocolla energy helps you tap into your innate knowing and align your intentions with your soul’s purpose. It also guides you to acknowledge the blessings in your lives, both big and small, and trust your inner voice as you navigate your path.


Emotional release and balance


During the Cancer new moon, chrysocolla can help with emotional release and transformation, which is going to be super helpful thanks to the current Pluto opposition. To read more about this new moon, click HERE.

This green and blue gem has a harmonising effect on your emotional state, promoting calmness and serenity so you can gently let go of pent-up emotions and patterns that no longer serve you. By acknowledging and releasing negative emotions, you pave the way for gratitude to flourish in your life.

Honest and gentle communication


But that’s not all! Chrysocolla has long been associated with enhancing communication and expression. This crystal empowers you to convey your thoughts and emotions more effectively, fostering open and honest conversations.


One of the more remarkable qualities of chrysocolla is its ability to soothe nerves, especially when it comes to public speaking. This makes it an invaluable tool for highly sensitive people, providing an extra level of support and confidence.


With chrysocolla by your side, you can feel at ease and express yourself more effectively, allowing your true thoughts and emotions to shine. Plusm when you practise gratitude, clear communication allows you to express your appreciation and deepen your relationships with others.


Here’s a meditation technique you might like to try to help align with this energy of gratitude. You can also listen to this meditation HERE.


Meditation to cultivate gratitude


Imagine yourself in a serene place of your choice, a garden, a beach, or a peaceful room filled with warmth and comfort. Feel the tranquillity surrounding you. Take a moment to soak in the energy of this place.


As you immerse yourself in this serenity, think of a person in your life you are grateful for. 


Envision a bright, radiant light appearing just above your head. This light represents gratitude in its purest form.


As you inhale, imagine this light flowing down through the crown of your head, gently filling your body with appreciation for the blessings in your life. Allow this gratitude to expand within you, filling every corner of your being.


Now, think of an object you are grateful for. It can be anything, a crystal, a piece of clothing, even a kitchen utensil. It doesn’t matter what it is, just focus on this object and again, visualise the white light filling your body. Meditate on this feeling of gratitude.


Finally, think of something about yourself that you are grateful for. It could be a physical attribute, or a psychological one, or simply the fact that you are breathing here on Earth.


Hold onto this thought about yourself and once more allow the bright white light to fill your body. On each inhalation, draw the light deeper into your being. 


With each exhale, visualise this light expanding and radiating outwards from your body. Feel it spreading, encompassing the space around you, and extending further, reaching out to the world. This radiant light carries with it pure gratitude and love, touching the lives of all those around you.


Stay in this grateful state, allowing the light of gratitude to continue flowing through you. Take a moment to bask in the warmth and positivity that radiates from within. Feel your vibration ascending.


When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, feeling refreshed and renewed. As you exhale, release any lingering tension or thoughts. 


Open your eyes, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. Carry this sense of gratitude and manifestation with you throughout your day, allowing it to guide you towards a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and love.


To receive the crystals that accompany each moon meditation, join our glamorous throng of subscribers to Blue Ivory. Click HERE for more details.