Black moonstone was part of July Ivory Gloss for the Cancer new moon on the 5th July, 2024. This crystal can help you work through those pesky fears and uncertainties that can rise to the surface when stepping into new beginnings. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Navigating the unpredictable tides of change can be daunting, but there’s a serene power found in black moonstone that can help you surf them in style. This gorgeous crystal, deeply attuned to the lunar cycle, is the perfect companion during times of uncertainty and the heightened emotions that often come with them.

Ivory Gloss subscription box with black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024 and aragonite crystal for the Capricorn blue full moon July 21st, 2024

The Cancer new moon meditation works with black moonstone crystal and can help encourage emotional stability during times of change.

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There are many shades of moonstone you can work with, but like all black crystals, black moonstone offers an extra level of grounding, protection and release, which is why this crystal is so useful for providing emotional support when navigating change.


Its deep connection to the emotional and intuitive energies of Cancer and the dark phase of the moon, makes it a powerful tool for moving through life’s great transitions.


Black moonstone can also encourage a deeper connection to your higher power, and your soul family, offering a feeling of protection and guidance while helping you to trust in the bigger picture and the Universe’s plan. Nice!



Releasing Past Traumas


One of black moonstone’s most interesting gifts is its ability to help release past traumas. We all carry emotional wounds from our past, hindering our growth and keeping us stuck in old patterns. Black moonstone gently encourages you to confront and let go of these emotional burdens, creating space for new experiences. 


This crystal is amazing if you want to explore your inner world and what you want from life because it resonates with the phase of the moon that encourages you to turn inwards. Again, new beginnings work wonderfully here as you let go of the past, uncovering new aspects of yourself and space for growth and exciting opportunities.



Meditation using black moonstone crystal for the Cancer new moon, July 5th, 2024

Here’s a meditation you might like to try during the days following the Cancer new moon on the 5th July 2024. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation.



Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, feeling the air fill your lungs completely. Slowly exhale, releasing any tension or stress. 


Visualise yourself sitting by the water and notice the serene environment around you. Continue to breathe, listening to the sound of the water, and enjoying the sensation of the breeze.


Imagine yourself surrounded by your soul family and ancestors, their presence comforting and supportive. Sense their love and wisdom enveloping you, creating a safe and nurturing space.


Allow your mind to search for any remnants of the past that are living inside you. Gently bring to awareness any memories, limiting beliefs, or negative stories that may surface.


Picture your breath travelling through your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your toes. As you inhale, gather all these remnants, and as you exhale, release them, letting them dissipate into the air, or the water. With each breath, feel lighter and more free, letting go of the past and making space for new, positive experiences.


Now, focus on your heart centre. Visualise a soft, pink light beginning to glow within your heart, warm and radiant. See this light growing and expanding, enveloping your entire being. Feel its loving energy surrounding you, bringing a sense of peace and emotional support.


Extend this pink light outward, enveloping your soul family and ancestors as well. Feel the connection between you and them, strengthened by this shared light and love. Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of unity and support, knowing that you are deeply loved and never alone.


Take a few more deep breaths, inhaling love and exhaling any remaining tension. When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying this sense of peace and connection with you. 

To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.