The soothing energy of blue calcite can help you to access your intuition and express your thoughts and emotions more clearly. This crystal is renowned for its calming and stress-relieving properties and is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate tension, anxiety and stress. So if you’re feeling a little emotionally frazzled under the vibes of the Cancer full moon, meditate with blue calcite crystal and allow all those worries to simply float away.


Blue calcite can help you to find a sense of inner peace and tranquillity, making it a valuable tool when navigating hectic or challenging situations. It’s a lovely energy for emotional healing and balance, helping to release emotional blockages while encouraging a free flow of energy throughout the body. This can be particularly useful for those dealing with past traumas or emotional wounds.


Blue calcite’s tranquil energy is also just perfect for meditation and mindfulness. Believed to help quiet the mind, enhance concentration and deepen your connection to inner wisdom, holding blue calcite during meditation can bring a state of mental clarity, making it easier to access higher states of consciousness and gain insights into your deeper thoughts and emotions.


This beautiful baby blue gemstone can also help you to express yourself in a way that is both assertive and considerate of others’ feelings, helping you to build healthier relationships.


This crystal has a lovely energy for self-reflection and awareness. By promoting a serene mental state blue calcite can help you explore all those inner thoughts and emotions, leading to a better understanding of yourself and your needs.



Meditation for the Cancer full moon on the 26th/27th of December 2023


I love this meditation for the Cancer full moon over the 2023 festive season, which is in a supportive alignment to both Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. To read more about the energies of this full moon click HERE.


This meditation can help you to connect with your inner world and bring emotional healing and a deeper sense of self-awareness.


Begin by finding a comfortable seated position and gently closing your eyes.


Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly.


Imagine yourself standing in front of a magnificent temple. Visualise the soft candlelight illuminating the pathway that leads inside. Take a moment to observe the details of the temple’s architecture and feel a sense of anticipation building within you.


Now, envision a staircase within the temple leading downwards. With each step you take, feel yourself descending deeper into the chambers of your inner world. Sense the air becoming still and the atmosphere growing more sacred as you go further.


Within the temple, visualise yourself surrounded by wise and enlightened beings. These luminous souls emanate a profound wisdom and guidance. Take a moment to absorb their presence and allow their energy to inspire you.


As you continue down the staircase, the walls and floors of the temple are adorned with mystical symbols. Pay attention to what you see, as you breathe deeply, descending further into the sacred temple.


Once you have reached the bottom of the staircase, In front of you are three blank slates. As you relax your mind and focus on the first slate in front of you,  a symbol begins to appear. The first thing that comes to mind. Take a moment to meditate on this symbol. Breathe deeply as you gaze into the image that appears in front of you. Notice and emotions that come up.


Move your focus to the second slate. Relax as a symbol or shape begins to appear. Meditate on this symbol and what it means to you. Breathe deeply, allowing any thoughts to float past without judgement, just letting whatever needs to come up take shape.


Finally, move your gaze to the third slate and breathe deeply as you relax your body, allowing the final symbol to appear. Again, see what comes up, and allow any thought to float past as you meditate on this symbol and what it means to you.


Now that you have envisioned three symbols, take a moment to give thanks to your guides or your higher power for helping you to access this deep information.


When you are ready, ascend up the staircase slowly as you breathe deeply. With each step feel yourself becoming lighter as you walk with the newfound insights and information, allowing yourself to return to the present moment, feeling grounded and centred. Take a few more deep breaths, gradually bringing your attention back to your physical surroundings.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the insights and inspiration you have gained from your journey.


After this meditation, you might like to create a physical mood board using the guidance you received. Select images and words that resonate with your goals. Arrange them on a canvas, letting your creativity flow.


Once your mood board is complete, observe it with gratitude and acknowledge its power. Place it somewhere visible as a daily reminder of your aspirations.



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