Gold sheen obsidian crystal to release financial blockages at the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June, 2024

Gold sheen obsidian crystal to release financial blockages at the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June, 2024

Unlike its shadowy black counterpart, gold sheen obsidian acts as a kind of celestial torch, guiding you towards self-discovery by illuminating your hidden talents and latent abilities, encouraging you to embrace them fully.


If you find yourself stuck in negative patterns that prevent you from reaching your goals, gold sheen obsidian can help you step into the glittering brilliance of your authentic self, banishing those pesky barriers that keep you from your heart’s deepest desires, particularly those related to abundance and prosperity. Nice!


The full moon meditation chosen for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June 2024 can help you to release blocks to success, allowing you to invite abundance into your life. Click HERE to listen and click HERE to order the June Ivory Gloss box with gold obsidian crystal. 

June 2024 Ivory Gloss subscription box with crystals for the new and full moon astrology


Gold sheen obsidian is a transformative crystal that helps to identify and release money blocks, encouraging a positive flow of financial abundance and enhancing your ability to attract wealth and prosperity.


This crystal energy supports financial manifesting work by clearing energetic obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving financial success. By meditating with this crystal or keeping it close during financial planning, you can make it easier to manifest money and resources, creating a smoother path towards financial success.



Finding Your Star


Gold sheen obsidian also helps shine a light on your true potential, encouraging you to step out of the shadows of self-doubt and into the glittering brilliance of your true self. YES! This crystal energy brings clarity to your life, leading to a greater sense of purpose and an understanding of your true calling.

Every master manifestor knows that having a clear vision of what you want to achieve makes it easier to attract the resources and opportunities needed to make it a reality. When you work with gold sheen obsidian, visualise the perfect alignment of your energy with your highest goals.

This not only boosts your confidence but also your ability to pursue your dreams with determination and focus. By consistently meditating with this crystal, you create a powerful connection to your inner wisdom, allowing you to recognize and utilise your innate talents more effectively.


Gold sheen obsidian is a great crystal for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st / 22nd June, 2024 because it acts as a sort of mirror, reflecting back to you the areas of your life where you need to grow and evolve.

This self-awareness is crucial for that Capricorn vibe of personal development and for overcoming any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. As you work through these barriers, you’ll find yourself more open to receiving abundance in all its forms.


Unlocking Abundance and Prosperity


The energy of gold sheen obsidian is particularly potent when it comes to unlocking abundance and prosperity. It helps dissolve any subconscious blocks related to wealth, making it easier for you to attract financial opportunities. This crystal encourages you to adopt a positive mindset towards money, viewing it as a tool for growth and fulfilment rather than a source of stress or limitation.


Incorporating gold sheen obsidian into your daily routine can significantly enhance your manifesting abilities. Place it on your desk while working, carry it in your pocket, or meditate with it regularly to maintain a high vibrational state. This consistent exposure helps to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with the frequency of abundance.


Gold sheen obsidian also helps to balance your energy, ensuring that you remain grounded while pursuing your financial goals. This grounding effect is essential for maintaining focus and discipline, both of which are necessary for achieving long-term success. By staying connected to the earth’s energy, you can navigate financial challenges with greater ease and confidence.


Harnessing the Power of Clarity


Clarity is a crucial component of successful manifestation. Gold sheen obsidian helps to clear mental fog and confusion, providing you with a sharp, focused mind. This clarity allows you to set realistic, achievable goals and develop a strategic plan to accomplish them. With a clear vision, you can prioritise your actions and make informed decisions that align with your highest aspirations.


Gold sheen obsidian also enhances your intuition, making it easier for you to trust your inner guidance. This heightened intuition helps you recognize opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed and take inspired action towards your dreams. By tuning into your inner wisdom, you can make choices that are in harmony with your true self.


Creating a Prosperous Future


Working with gold sheen obsidian is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. As you continue to explore its energy, you’ll find new layers of potential within yourself. This crystal encourages you to keep expanding your horizons and embracing new possibilities. By staying open to change and willing to evolve, you create a prosperous future filled with opportunities and abundance. 


Meditation for the Capricorn full moon on the 21st/22nd June 2024 to help you to release blocks to success


Begin by cleansing your gold sheen obsidian crystal. You can do this by holding it under running water or smudging it with sage. Sit with the crystal in your hand for a few moments, then spend some time journaling on the fears and doubts you have about success.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down undisturbed. Hold the gold sheen obsidian crystal in your left hand or place it over your third eye.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Feel the tension melt away with each breath.  As you continue to breathe deeply, visualise a beam of moonlight descending from the sky. This moonlight is pure, calming and filled with cleansing energy. See it gently touching the top of your head, illuminating you with its soft glow.


Now, imagine strong, sturdy roots growing from your body. These roots travel down, deep into the earth, anchoring you securely. Feel the connection with the earth, providing you with stability and grounding.


Picture your worries, fears and financial blocks as dark, heavy energy within you. With each exhale, visualise this dark energy flowing out of your body. See the energy being absorbed into the ground and transformed by the earth’s powerful healing forces.


Take a few moments to feel the relief and release within you. Notice the lightness in your body and mind. Embrace the sense of openness and abundance that now fills the space where the blocks once resided.


Slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings and take a few deep breaths. When you are ready, open your eyes, feeling refreshed and grounded.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Celestite crystal to help create prayer flags at the Gemini new moon on the 6th June, 2024

Celestite crystal to help create prayer flags at the Gemini new moon on the 6th June, 2024

Celestite, also known as celestine, is a crystal that carries with it the celestial energies of peace, tranquillity and divine connection. This  crystal energy is renowned for its soothing and healing properties, which can open pathways to higher realms. By aligning with the throat and third eye chakras, celestite enhances communication, intuition, and spiritual awareness.


Celestite is like a direct line to the cosmos. Its energy is like a soft whisper, gently guiding you toward your highest self. It helps to clear away mental fog, allowing you to see the bigger picture with clarity and insight. So whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, sit with celestite to enjoy a calming presence, reminding you to breathe and reconnect with your inner peace.


This gentle gem is often used in meditation to foster a sense of calm and serenity, promoting harmony and balance as its gentle vibrations wash over you, as if you’re being enveloped in a celestial hug. Ahhhh.


Celestite is also a powerful tool for enhancing intuition. By activating the third eye chakra, this crystal sharpens your psychic abilities and heightens your awareness of the subtle energies around you. 


Thus meditation from June Ivory Gloss works with celestite crystal and can help you connect with your higher self.


After your meditation, write down your prayers and intentions or create some meditative art, such as these prayer flags from the June Ivory Gloss box, out NOW.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, let go of any stress or tension. Feel yourself sinking into a state of peace and calm.


Begin by grounding yourself. Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine, reaching deep into the earth, anchoring you.


Feel the stability and support of the earth beneath you. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose, releasing any lingering tension.


Imagine a bright, white light above your head. This light represents the higher power you believe in, whether it’s the universe, a divine presence, or your inner wisdom.


Feel this light flowing down, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. Know that you are connected to this higher power, and that it is always guiding and supporting you.


Take a moment to feel this connection deeply. Trust in the love and wisdom of this higher power. Allow yourself to be open and receptive to its guidance.


Now, imagine yourself five years from now. Visualise your future self clearly. Where are you? What does your life look like? See the details of your surroundings, the people around you, and the activities you’re engaged in. Imagine the colours, the sounds, and the feelings of this future moment.


Focus on the emotions you feel as you live this future life. Are you happy, content, excited? Let these positive emotions fill you up. Feel the joy, the peace, and the fulfilment that comes from living the life you desire.


See yourself achieving your goals and dreams. Imagine the steps you took to get there and the challenges you overcame. Trust that you have the strength and the support of the higher power to make this vision a reality.


Spend a few moments fully immersed in this vision of your future self. Know that this is a glimpse of what is possible for you. Feel the connection between your current self and your future self, and trust that you are on the right path.


When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. 


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.


Lapis lazuli crystal to help find inner clarity and connect to your higher self at the Sagittarius full moon on the 23rd May, 2024

Lapis lazuli crystal to help find inner clarity and connect to your higher self at the Sagittarius full moon on the 23rd May, 2024

With Thursday’s stunning full moon in Sagittarius poised to blow open our minds, meditating with lapis lazuli crystal can help illuminate your inner truth and open your eyes to your divine purpose. Wow!

To read more about the energies of this Sagittarius full moon, click HERE.

Sagittarians often move through life like a whirlwind, swirling in and out of situations with boundless energy. This crystal can help to bring balance, encouraging you to stay connected to your gut, especially if you have a tendency to say yes to everything, even when you can’t follow through.

This is because lapis lazuli encourages self-reflection, helping you to check in with your feelings so you can maintain a strong connection to your intuition. It’s also a wonderful crystal energy for enhancing creative talents, helping you to dive deep into your inner world so your visions can manifest into reality. 

This deep blue crystal is like holding the night sky in your hands. It resonates with the third eye chakra, the seat of spiritual awareness and inner wisdom. When activated, this chakra opens the door to a deeper connection with your higher self. OM!

Here’s a third eye chakra meditation you might like to try under the Sagittarius full moon.



Guided meditation for the Sagittarius full moon on the 23rd May, 2024


This meditation can help you find inner clarity and connect with your higher self. Relax your body and take a few deep breaths, feeling the air fill your lungs. Release slowly, grounding yourself in the present moment.

Feel the connection between your body and the earth beneath you. Imagine roots extending down. With each exhale, allow yourself to become more centred and grounded, ready to journey inward.

Focus your attention on your root chakra at the base of your spine. Visualise a deep red light, glowing brightly. As you breathe in, see this red light spinning and expanding, filling your body with a sense of security and stability. With each exhale, release any tension or fear, feeling yourself becoming more grounded and secure.

Move your attention to the sacral chakra, just below your navel. Picture an orange light, vibrant and alive. As you breathe in, see this orange light spinning and growing, filling you with creativity and passion. With each exhale, let go of any blocks or doubts, allowing your creative energy to flow freely.

Shift your focus to the solar plexus chakra, located above your navel. Envision a bright yellow light, shining like the sun. As you inhale, feel this yellow light spinning and expanding, filling your entire body with confidence and personal power. With each exhale, release any insecurities or fears, becoming more empowered and strong.

Now, move your attention to the heart chakra, in the centre of your chest. Visualise a beautiful green light, radiating love and compassion. As you breathe in, see this green light spinning and expanding, filling you with unconditional love and forgiveness. With each exhale, let go of any hurt or resentment, opening your heart to love and connection.

Focus your attention on the throat chakra. Picture a bright blue light, clear and pure. As you inhale, see this blue light spinning and growing, filling your body with the power of truthful and effective communication. With each exhale, release any fear of expression, allowing your true voice to emerge.

Shift your focus to the third eye chakra, between your eyebrows. Visualise a deep indigo light. As you breathe in, see this indigo light spinning and expanding, filling your mind and body with clarity and insight. See any confusion or fear dissipate. With each breath, align more deeply with your higher self as your path ahead becomes illuminated, guiding you towards your highest good.

Finally, focus your attention on the crown chakra, at the top of your head. Picture a violet light, glowing with divine energy. As you inhale, see this violet light spinning and expanding, connecting you to the universe and your higher self. With each exhale, let go of any sense of separation, feeling united with the cosmos.

Now, visualise the indigo light at your third eye chakra once more, the space between your eyebrows. Breathe deeply as the indigo light continues to spin and expand. Begin to visualise your biggest, most cherished goal, feeling the emotions and sensations associated with it having already come true. 

Continue like this for a few more moments, allowing your third eye to guide you. With each exhale, release any doubts or fears. On each inhale, allow yourself to expand energetically into your visualisation. 

When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the present moment.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Blue Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Green aventurine crystal for manifesting abundance at the Taurus new moon on the 8th May, 2024

Green aventurine crystal for manifesting abundance at the Taurus new moon on the 8th May, 2024

Green aventurine is known as the ‘stone of opportunity’ and the perfect partner for the Taurus new moon. Often used to attract good fortune, meditating with this crystal can help open your heart to receive, while removing any fears or anxieties about actually doing so.


To read more about the energies of this Taurus new moon click HERE.


Green aventurine is most well known for its ability to attract luck, but it’s not just about random chance. This crystal energy is about creating opportunities. That spark of adventure and the possibility of new ventures aligns with the frequency of green aventurine. Think of it as the universe’s way of nudging you to step out of your comfort zone, but with a little bit of liquid luck to help you.


Lucky lucky green aventurine


Believed to help manifest abundance by aligning your intentions with the heart chakra, green aventurine brings feelings of gratitude and generosity while fostering a mindset of self-worth and wealth. It’s also said to alleviate stress and anxiety related to making money and the general idea of abundance.


Looking to attract good things? Any manifesting machine knows that the energy of abundance is always present, it’s just those deep seeded negative self-beliefs that prevent you from accessing it, so pick up your green aventurine crystal and shine on! You magnificent beacon of prosperity, you. 


Meditation for the Taurus new moon, 2024


This meditation can help you to tune into the law of attraction and visualise your goals through candle magic. Begin by choosing a candle that resonates with your intentions, for example green for money and red for passion.


Find a quiet, comforting space where you can place your candle. This could be a small table adorned with natural elements like stones, plants, or anything that feels sacred and personal to you. Light the candle and take a moment to write down what it is you wish to manifest.


Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself a few moments to just be, letting the silence settle around you like a soft cloak.


Bring your attention to what you wish to manifest. As you continue to hold your vision, deepen your emotional connection to the experience of achieving your goals.


Engage all your senses. Hear the sounds that might accompany your success, perhaps the soft murmur of a crowd at your book launch, the serene silence of your new art studio, or the comforting clink of a toast in your dream home. 


Smell the environment around you. It could be the crisp scent of new books, the perfume of a new love, or the aromatic blend of coffee in your ideal morning routine.


Touch the textures of your achievement. Feel the smooth leather of a new chair or the brush of freshly cut grass underfoot in your garden.


Breathe deeply as you hold your vision. Bring the feeling of gratitude into this vision. And shine that feeling from within your heart out into the universe.


Continue like this for a few moments, breathing deeply and evenly, without force. Allow the rhythm of your breathing to lull you into a relaxed state, as you continue to visualise.


As your meditation draws to a close, take a deep breath and as you exhale, imagine releasing your vision like a bird into the sky, free and boundless. Trust that your dreams will be brought into reality. They are already happening.


When you feel ready and your heart is full of your vision, open your eyes. Blow out the candle, sending your intentions into the universe with your breath. 


Since the energy of a Taurus moon encourages stability and routine, it might help to practise this new moon meditation each day, at the same time. You can keep your sacred space intact and set an alarm if you’re finding it hard to stick to. 


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Blue Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Pietersite crystal for releasing negative emotions at the Scorpio full moon on the 23rd April 2024

Pietersite crystal for releasing negative emotions at the Scorpio full moon on the 23rd April 2024

Composed naturally of tiger’s eye, hawk’s eye and jasper, pietersite crystal can help you to clear away any emotional baggage, paving the way for personal growth. Just one of the reasons it works so well for this week’s Scorpio full moon.


Pietersite for the Scorpio full moon on the 23rd of April, 2024


Pietersite is a classic crystal for Scorpio, mirroring this brooding sign’s emotional depth and unwavering determination. The mesmerising blend of deep blues, fiery golds and earthy browns draws you into its swirling depths, symbolising the intricate labyrinth of emotions within the Scorpio psyche. Oooh.


This crystal really resonates with the water element, aligning perfectly with Scorpio’s intuitive side. As the Scorpio moon asks you to delve into the depths of your emotions, pietersite serves as a catalyst for transformation, encouraging the release of stagnant energies that no longer serve your highest good.


Pietersite the tempest stone


Pietersite is also known as the tempest stone (think of it like a storm clearing the air) and excellent for those stuck or unwilling to move forwards. This crystal is believed to aid in the clearing of stagnant energies, habits and life patterns that can help reveal new paths.


Just as a storm nourishes the earth, pietersite prepares for profound spiritual and emotional growth so you can better embrace the winds of change.


With next month’s new moon in Taurus ready to activate the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction, new beginnings and opportunities are coming whether you are ready or not, so tap into the energies of pietersite to help prepare you for this beautiful new beginning.



Guided meditation using pietersite for the Scorpio full moon


This meditation can help you to release negative energy and pent up tension. Sit or lie down with the pietersite crystal on your third eye or in your left hand.


Breathe deeply and relax, becoming aware of your body resting on the floor beneath you.


Take a moment to tune in, noticing any areas of discomfort and any emotions that may be bubbling beneath the surface, waiting to be acknowledged and released.


Continue to breathe deeply, neither judging nor focusing, simply becoming aware of the body and those places where emotions have been buried and pent-up tensions reside.


Surrendering to the flow of your breath, set an intention to release any resistance or holding patterns within you, and allow any negative energy to simply flow away.


With each inhale, allow the cleansing breath to reach deep into your being. With each exhale, visualise these emotions and tensions as dark clouds floating into the vast expanse of the sky, leaving behind a sense of lightness and clarity.


Continue like this for a few more moments, inviting any repressed sentiments or unresolved emotions to rise to the surface. Allow yourself to fully experience them without judgement or fear.


As you journey deeper into your meditation, you may find yourself encountering memories or thoughts that have long been buried. Allow them to surface organically, trusting in the process of emotional release and surrender.


With each breath, feel the weight of these emotions lifting from your shoulders, as if a burden has been lifted from your soul.


As you near the end of your meditation, take a moment to express gratitude for the release you have experienced.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to the present moment.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to receive the crystals that align with each new & full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.

Yellow jade for creating positive affirmations at the Aries new moon solar eclipse on the 8th April 2024

Yellow jade for creating positive affirmations at the Aries new moon solar eclipse on the 8th April 2024

Yellow jade was part of the April Ivory Gloss box to help you create positive affirmations.


While green jade might get all the attention, it’s yellow jade that’s the true golden child of the gemstone world. This crystal gives me Gustav Klimt vibes, with all those taupe, grey and gold smudges, and has a similarly uplifting vibration.


Yellow jade dances in harmony with the vibrant energy of Aries, stirring up vitality, courage and ambition in its beholders – a lovely vibe for the Aries new moon solar eclipse on the 8th April, 2024. This crystal is linked to optimism and intellect, wrapping you up in its warm embrace of joy and abundance. Yes please!


Meditating with yellow jade can help you tap into your inner strength and increase self-worth so you can better align with the law of attraction. It’s also the perfect stone for cementing those positive affirmations into your soul.


To listen to the new moon eclipse meditation to help you do this, click here.



Yellow jade and the law of attraction


Although all forms of jade are believed to bring wealth and good fortune, this fiery variant is said to help you to manifest your desires, empowering you to overcome obstacles and achieve success. This is partly because it aligns with the solar plexus chakra, the energy centre associated with personal power and self-belief.


When it comes to manifestation, yellow jade can help you stay focused and determined. Its energy acts as a beacon of light, guiding the mind towards clarity and purpose. By clearing away mental clutter and self-doubt, yellow jade enables you to channel your intentions with greater precision and effectiveness.


One of the most intriguing aspects of yellow jade is its association with fire energy. Fire is often seen as a symbol of transformation, passion and creativity. This crystal vibration represents the courage and vitality needed to pursue your dreams and ambitions, providing a boost of motivation and enthusiasm. Nice!


The meditation for the Aries solar eclipse can help you to reset your mind before creating affirmation cards. Begin by lighting the stick of palo santo from April Ivory Gloss, cleansing each of the three yellow jade crystals and repeating an intention to purify the space around you, inviting positive energy in its place.



Meditate with yellow jade at the Aries new moon solar eclipse


Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, allowing your body to settle and your mind to become quiet.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling as you allow your body to completely relax. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more present and centred in the moment.


Now, visualise the warm, golden light of the sun shining down from above. Feel its radiant energy enveloping you, filling you with warmth and positivity.


Breathe deeply and relax, enjoying the vibrant, warm, golden energy of the sun


As you continue to relax in the glow of the sun’s golden light, you notice the light starting to dim. Slowly and continuously, the light of the sun is blocked out as the moon passes in front of it, creating a solar eclipse.


Imagine any obstacles or challenges in your life being eclipsed by the power of your inner strength and resilience. See them fading away, powerless in the face of your unwavering determination and courage.


Embrace this moment of transformation and renewal, knowing that you have the power to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. Feel a sense of empowerment and inner peace wash over you as you embrace the changes unfolding within and around you.


Continue to breathe, as the light of the sun begins to grow once more in strength, preparing yourself to reset the mind, opening yourself up to a bright new beginning.


As you relax in the glow of this golden light, repeat your chosen affirmation silently or out loud to yourself. Let the words resonate within you, reinforcing your belief in your abilities and affirming your goals and aspirations.


Continue to breathe, repeating this affirmation with confidence, calmly and with total belief.


When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and return your awareness to the present moment.


As a final step, write down your affirmation on a small card or piece of paper. Place it in a noticeable place where you will see it regularly, such as your desk, mirror or bedside table.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, join our subscribers. Click HERE for more.