Rose quartz for finding balance at the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March 2024

Rose quartz for finding balance at the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March 2024

Rose quartz works beautifully with Libra energy and is said to balance the yin and yang energies within the body. This classic gemstone is often used to promote harmony and the release of resentment and anger.


In a world that seems to be losing its head, this gentle crystal serves as a beacon of compassion, guiding you towards a path of inner harmony and peace. This is because rose quartz energy resonates deeply with the heart chakra, the centre of love and empathy within the body’s subtle energy system.


So whenever you feel unbalanced or disconnected, whether due to past wounds or present conflicts, keep rose quartz close by to gently nudge your heart towards forgiveness and understanding.


Rose quartz can help replace heavy emotions with a sense of lightness and acceptance. Through its soothing vibrations, rose quartz teaches the art of letting go, allowing old hurts to dissipate like morning mist beneath the warmth of the sun. Ahhhh.


In relationships, both romantic and platonic, rose quartz is said to soften the barriers formed by pride and ego, allowing a deeper connection rooted in empathy and compassion. By wearing or carrying rose quartz, you should feel more attuned to the needs and emotions of your loved ones, fostering healthier communication and greater intimacy.


Rose quartz is believed to bring emotional healing on a profound level, gently unravelling the knots of pain and sorrow that may linger within the heart. Its gentle energy soothes the soul, offering solace in times of grief or turmoil.


As you meditate with rose quartz, layers of emotional armour begin to crumble, revealing the vulnerable yet resilient core beneath. Allow its gentle energy to surround you, like a warm embrace from the universe itself. Visualise love and acceptance.



Meditation for the Libra Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March, 2024


This meditation for the Libra lunar eclipse on the 25th of March, 2024, can help you to let go of creative blocks and negative thoughts through forgiveness and loving kindness.


Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax with each exhale.


Take a moment to set your intention for this meditation. Focus on the idea of finding balance and releasing any creative blocks or negative thoughts through forgiveness and loving-kindness.


Begin to breathe deeply and slowly, allowing each inhale to fill you with a sense of peace and each exhale to release any tension or negativity you may be holding onto.


Visualise yourself surrounded by a warm, golden light, representing love and compassion. Imagine this light expanding from your heart and enveloping yourself, your loved ones, acquaintances, and even those with whom you may have conflicts.


With each breath, imagine yourself sending thoughts of love, kindness, and well-being to all beings, including yourself. Picture these thoughts reaching them and filling them with warmth and positivity.


Visualise gentle breezes sweeping through your mind, carrying away any past grievances or negative thoughts. Feel them being lifted away, leaving behind a sense of lightness and peace.


As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine a sense of equilibrium and balance washing over you, like the scales of Libra finding perfect harmony. Feel this balance permeating every aspect of your being, bringing clarity and calmness.


Take a few moments to reflect on yourself and any past actions or situations where forgiveness is needed. Allow yourself to feel compassion towards yourself and others involved.


When you’re ready, open your eyes and grab a pen and paper. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself, acknowledging any mistakes or shortcomings with compassion and understanding. Offer yourself forgiveness and let go of any lingering guilt or negativity.



To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order the next Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.


Fluorite crystal for journaling at the Pisces new moon on the 10th March 2024

Fluorite crystal for journaling at the Pisces new moon on the 10th March 2024

Fluorite is the classic crystal to keep close by when you need inspiration or clarity of thought. It’s a lovely gemstone for journaling, which is why it works so well with the Pisces new moon on the 10th March, 2024.


Click HERE to read more about the energies of this new moon.


Meditate with fluorite to help boost creativity and inspiration, deepening your self-awareness while boosting personal growth and transformation.


Here are some other the ways fluorite crystal aligns so perfectly with Pisces energy…


Enhancing Intuition: Pisces energy is deeply intuitive. Fluorite can help you to tap into your intuition allowing you to explore your inner thoughts and feelings with more depth and clarity.


Encouraging Emotional Expression: Pisces is a water sign, associated with emotions and empathy. Fluorite’s soothing energy can encourage emotional expression and vulnerability, particularly when writing or journaling. This crystal can help you delve into your emotions and articulate them more effectively on paper.


Promoting Creativity: Pisces energy is inherently creative and fluorite can enhance this by stimulating the mind and encouraging new ideas. Keeping fluorite nearby while journaling can inspire you to explore innovative ways of expressing yourself through writing and other creative outlets.


Balancing Emotions: Pisces energy can sometimes lead to emotional overwhelm or confusion. Fluorite’s balancing properties can help stabilise your emotions, allowing you to convey your thoughts from a more grounded and centered perspective.


Facilitating Self-Reflection: The Pisces new moon energy is an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. Fluorite’s reflective qualities can deepen this process by encouraging you to examine your thoughts, emotions and experiences from different angles.


Enhancing Clarity of Thought: Fluorite is renowned for its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus. This crystal can help quiet the mind’s chatter, allowing for clearer and more coherent writing.


Stimulating Imagination: Pisces energy is closely connected to the realm of dreams, imagination, and fantasy. Fluorite’s ethereal energy can stimulate your imagination, leading to more imaginative and vivid journal entries.


Promoting Healing and Forgiveness: Pisces is a compassionate and forgiving sign, and journaling can be a powerful tool for emotional healing and forgiveness. Fluorite’s gentle energy can facilitate this process by encouraging acceptance, letting go of past hurts and fostering a sense of compassion towards oneself and others.


Connecting with Spirituality: Pisces energy is deeply spiritual and connected to the divine. Fluorite’s spiritual properties can help deepen your spiritual connection and provide insights and guidance during your journaling practice.


Creating a Sacred Space: Setting up a journaling space infused with Pisces energy and adorned with fluorite crystals can create a sacred and nurturing environment for self-expression and exploration, where you feel safe to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions.



Meditation for the new moon in Pisces, 10th March, 2024


This meditation can help you to clear your mind and prepare for journaling.


Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any tension or stress you may be holding onto. Feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation with each breath.


Visualise a beautiful, radiant gold light surrounding your entire body. This golden light is warm, comforting, and full of positive energy. Imagine it wrapping around you like a cocoon, offering you protection and tranquillity.


As you bask in this golden light, allow yourself to let go of any concerns or worries weighing on your mind. Release them into the universe, knowing that you are safe and supported.


Now, shift your focus to your throat chakra, located at the base of your throat. Visualise a brilliant blue light glowing softly at this energy centre. This blue light represents communication, expression, and truth.


With each breath you take, feel the blue light growing brighter and more vibrant. As you inhale, draw in positive energy and confidence. As you exhale, release any doubts or fears that may be blocking your throat chakra.


Feel the sensation of warmth and openness at the base of your throat as you connect with your throat chakra and the colour blue. Allow yourself to fully embrace your ability to communicate authentically and express yourself with clarity and ease.


As you continue to breathe deeply and focus on the blue light, allow any tension or resistance in your throat to melt away, leaving you feeling light, liberated, and empowered.


Stay in this moment for as long as you like, soaking in the soothing energy of the golden light surrounding you and the rejuvenating power of your throat chakra. When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to the present moment, carrying with you a sense of peace, clarity, and inner harmony.



Morning Journaling Prompts


Reflect on one thing you’re grateful for

and why it brings you joy.

Describe a goal and outline the steps

you’ll take to accomplish it.

Write about a positive affirmation or mantra you can carry with you throughout the day.

Explore one thing you learned yesterday and how you can apply it to today.

Describe one thing you’re looking forward to

and how you can make the most of it.

Reflect on one challenge you’re currently facing and brainstorm possible solutions.

Write a letter to your future self reflecting on your hopes and aspirations for the year ahead.

Explore one thing you can do to prioritise self-care and nourish your well-being.

Describe one moment of mindfulness or meditation you experienced recently

and how it affected your mindset.

Reflect on one person who inspires you.



To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order the March Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.


Red jasper crystal for making plans at the Virgo full moon on the 24th February 2024

Red jasper crystal for making plans at the Virgo full moon on the 24th February 2024


This meditation for the Virgo full moon on the 24th February, 2024 can help you to get organised, while integrating your plans with your intuition. With Saturn opposing the moon from Pisces, the key this weekend is to try to bring structure to the ethereal. Ground all that creativity and channel a little inspiration into those projects and plans.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order the March Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.


Red jasper for the Virgo full moon on the 24th february, 2024


Red jasper’s grounding properties can help anchor your imaginative ideas into the realm of reality. By connecting to the earth element, red jasper enables you to approach your creative plans with a sense of stability and focus, allowing for greater clarity and precision. Something that can be hard when it comes to the opposite sign of Pisces energy!


Making creative plans requires a relaxed, clear and focused mind. Red jasper enhances mental clarity and concentration, sharpening your ability to articulate your ideas and articulate your vision. By quieting the noise of distraction and self-doubt, red jasper empowers you to hone in on the essential elements of your creative plans, ensuring that they are cohesive, coherent, and actionable.


The creative process can sometimes feel daunting, especially when faced with uncertainty or self-criticism. Red jasper instils a sense of confidence and self-assurance, reminding you of your innate abilities and creative potential. Trust in your intuition and embrace the creative journey with faith and resilience.


Speaking of which, creativity flourishes in an environment fueled by passion and enthusiasm. Red jasper, with its fiery energy, ignites the flames of passion within your heart, infusing your creative plans with vitality and purpose. This crystal serves as a catalyst for inspiration, encouraging you to pursue your creative endeavours with unwavering determination and zeal.


While creativity thrives on imagination and innovation, it also benefits from a practical approach. Red jasper encourages you to strike a harmonious balance between creativity and practicality, ensuring that your creative plans are not only inspired but also feasible and sustainable in the long run. By infusing your creative endeavours with a touch of pragmatism, red jasper empowers you to transform your dreams into tangible reality.


Whether you’re brainstorming new ideas, drafting plans, or bringing your visions to life, red jasper infuses the creative process with grounded energy, passion, and purpose. Embrace your creative potential and manifest your dreams with clarity, confidence, and conviction.


Red jasper is actually a great stone for balancing Pisces and Virgo energies. Pisces, represented by the symbol of the fish, is a water sign known for its intuition, creativity, and emotional depth. Individuals under this sign are often dreamers, deeply attuned to the currents of the subconscious mind and the mysteries of the universe. However, Pisces energy can sometimes border on the ethereal, making it challenging to translate dreams into concrete actions.


Red jasper serves as a grounding force for Pisces energy, anchoring these intuitive impulses into the physical realm. Its earthy vibrations help Pisceans stay rooted in reality while still honouring their imaginative faculties. By fostering a sense of stability and focus, red jasper enables Pisces individuals to channel their creative energies into practical endeavours, bringing their dreams to fruition with clarity and purpose.


On the other hand, Virgo, symbolised by the Maiden, is an earth sign characterised by its analytical prowess, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. Virgos excel in practical matters, meticulously planning and organising every aspect of their lives. While this dedication to precision is admirable, it can sometimes lead to perfectionism and self-criticism.


Red jasper complements Virgo energy by infusing it with passion, courage, and resilience. Its fiery hues ignite the flame of motivation within Virgo individuals, inspiring them to pursue their goals with unwavering determination. Moreover, red jasper instils a sense of confidence in one’s abilities, encouraging Virgos to trust in their innate talents and embrace imperfection as part of the journey towards personal growth.


This is why red jasper serves as a bridge between the intuitive realm of Pisces and the practical domain of Virgo. It helps balance the ethereal and the tangible, allowing individuals to navigate the complexities of life with grace and authenticity. By integrating the qualities of courage, passion, and resilience, red jasper empowers both Pisces and Virgo energies to reach their full potential and manifest their deepest aspirations.


During the Virgo full moon, when that need for clarity and focus comes into play, take time to ground yourself with red jasper, and keep your mind open to the divine.


Meditation for the full moon in Virgo, 24th february 2024


This meditation can help you to get organised, while integrating your plans with your intuition.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself and relax your body and mind.


Allow any tension or stress to melt away as you focus on the present moment.


Picture a vibrant red light at the base of your spine, which represents your root chakra.


Imagine this red light growing brighter and expanding, grounding you firmly to the Earth like the roots of a tree.


Feel the energy of the Earth flowing up through your feet and into your root chakra, filling you with a sense of stability and security.


Repeat the affirmation: “I am grounded and connected to the Earth. My energy flows freely, supporting my journey.”


Now, bring your attention to your intention of creating a plan for your spiritual practice or creative project.


Repeat an affirmation that signifies your dedication to this endeavour, “I am committed to creating a plan that nurtures my growth and creativity.”


Feel the determination and focus building within you as you connect with your purpose.


Visualise a brilliant white light streaming down from the heavens, entering through the crown of your head.


Feel this divine light infusing every cell of your being with pure energy and clarity.


Direct this light energy down through the centre of your body, flowing into your root chakra.


As you do so, envision any blocks or obstacles dissolving away, allowing your energy to flow freely.


Repeat the affirmation: “I am open to receiving divine guidance and inspiration. My path is illuminated with clarity and purpose.”


Now, imagine the light energy from your root chakra rising back up through your body, reaching once again toward the crown of your head.

Feel the connection between your earthly presence and your higher consciousness strengthening with each breath.


Sense the alignment of your physical, emotional, and spiritual energies as they harmonise within you.


Repeat the affirmation: “I am aligned with the infinite wisdom of the universe. My journey is guided by love and truth.”


With your mind clear and your energy balanced, take a few moments to reflect on your spiritual practice or creative project.


Set aside any doubts or distractions, and allow your intuition to guide you as you formulate your plan.


Write down measurable goals that will support your growth and development in this endeavour.


Visualise yourself achieving each goal with confidence and determination, knowing that you are supported by the universe.


Repeat the affirmation: “I am empowered to manifest my dreams into reality. With each step, I move closer to my highest potential.”


When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself and integrate the experience. Express gratitude for the guidance and insight you have received during this meditation.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order your March box, click HERE.

Clear quartz crystal for setting intentions at the Aquarius new moon

Clear quartz crystal for setting intentions at the Aquarius new moon


Since Aquarius is associated with hopes and wishes, I thought it would be nice to include clear quartz chips in this month’s box to make an intentions jar. The perfect activity in the days following the Aquarius new moon on the 9th February, 2024.


To order the February Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.


February 2024 Ivory Gloss with red jasper and clear quartz crystal chips


Clear quartz is one of the best crystals for manifesting work. When charged with a specific goal or affirmation, clear quartz magnifies the intention’s power, making it a crucial stone to keep with you when visualising your goals.



Clear quartz for manifesting using the law of attraction at the Aquarius new moon


Clear quartz is a major amplifier of energy. Meditating with this crystal can help improve the clarity of your thoughts and put you into a deeper state of alignment with the law of attraction. Simply holding this crystal and repeating your wishes in your head can really help you speed up the manifesting process.


This crystal acts as a conduit, intensifying the vibrations of other crystals and energies while focusing all your intentions into a concentrated beam of energy. Clear quartz is actually believed to have the unique ability to retain programming, making it an ideal tool for imprinting your intentions into the crystal matrix. Oooh.



Programming clear quartz


To program a clear quartz crystal (or any crystal really) cleanse it with water or smoke, then hold it in your hand and repeat out loud a clear intention for what you wish to manifest. Remember to give thanks and say it as though it has already happened!


When you are ready, hold it to your third eye and visualise and feel your manifestation come to life as vividly and emotionally as you can. Really feel it coming true. If you can trick your mind and body to fully believe, the law of attraction states it simply has to come true. Nice!



Manifesting meditation and intentions jar for the Aquarius new moon


This meditation was chosen for the Aquarius new moon on the 9th February 2024 to align with the clear quartz crystals in February Ivory Gloss. To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Hold the clear quartz chips in your hand. Feel the weight of the crystals in your palm and take a moment to appreciate their energy.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs with air, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or stress. Continue like this for a few moments, breathing deeply and evenly, relaxing your entire body.


Visualise a beam of bright, white light shining down from the sky above, illuminating the space around you. Picture this light as pure and radiant, filling the air with positivity and clarity.


As you continue to visualise this white light, imagine it flowing into the crystal in your hand. Feel the crystal absorbing this light as it begins to glow with energy, becoming activated and ready to amplify your intentions.


Now, bring your attention to your desired goal. What do you wish to manifest in your life? As you hold onto the vision, allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with achieving it. Feel the joy, fulfilment and excitement as if your desires have already manifested.


Stay present in this moment, ideally for at least a minute, fully immersed in the energy of your intentions and the activated crystals in your hand. Let go of any doubts or worries, and trust in the power of your intentions and the support of the universe.


Continue to breathe deeply and relax, as you fully experience this vision. Take a moment to feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to connect with your intentions and for the support of the universe in manifesting your dreams.


Feel thankful for the abundance and blessings that surround you. Continue to breathe, enjoying this sense of gratitude for your vision coming true.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths. Gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Place the crystals in the jar and write down your new moon intentions on paper and add them to the jar along with any extra crystals or items you might want to include.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order your February box, click HERE.



Cherry quartz crystal for sharing your gifts at the Leo full moon

Cherry quartz crystal for sharing your gifts at the Leo full moon

Cherry quartz is a potent stone for promoting feelings of safety and peace within a group, which is why it’s just so perfect for the upcoming Leo full moon opposite Pluto in the sign of the collective, Aquarius. To read more about the energies of this full moon, click HERE.


After 16 years in power-hungry Capricorn astrologers are losing their minds at this shift. Although Pluto returns to Capricorn for the final hoorah for the powers that be over September and October this year, now we get to start the long transformation when it comes to technology, humanitarian issues, freedom, revolution, innovation, the greater group, communities and social structures. 


And with this Leo full moon shining her light on this important shift for humanity, issues to do with the above, and also feeling valuable (Leo) within the group  (Aquarius) could most definitely be up for review.


Now is your chance to visualise yourself as thriving in this new energy, as you work to release fears to do with how your personal desires and talents can be used for the greater good and create positive changes in society. Wow!


To listen to a guided meditation that works with the energy of cherry quartz for the Leo full moon – click here.



Cherry quartz for the leo full moon


Cherry quartz was part of January Ivory Gloss (now SOLD OUT) for the Leo full moon and is a great stone for helping you to feel like you’re in a genuine, caring environment so you can shine without fear of judgement, rejection, or worse! It’s actually a lovely stone to keep with you if you have social anxiety.

Ivory Gloss subscription box with cherry quartz and snowflake obsidian astrology crystals


To receive the crystals that align with the next new and full moons and join our monthly subscribers, click HERE.


An ode to the skills of humanity and the Aquarian world of innovation and technology, this energetically buzzing gem is actually a blend of two crystals, clear quartz and cinnabar which are powdered down and then heated at high temperatures. The gorgeous sweeping patterns this stone creates are mesmerising, and of course, the unique, cherry shade of pink is always a bonus.


All pink crystals are said to offer a forgiving and loving energy, but cherry quartz has a playful and ecstatic vibration which brings vigour and excitement. Perfect for those who are seeking emotional balance or who are in need of a boost.


And while it may not be created by natural means, you will love the frequency that this combination of crystal energies creates. Cinnabar crystal vibrates with warmth, sexuality, revolution and power. Its transformative energy is said to improve and protect your life at every level. Blending it with an amplifier like quartz and you can see why you want this crystal in your possession! I mean, who doesn’t want increased love, passion and vitality?


Guided meditation for the Leo full moon


This meditation can help you to tap into your inner potential and find confidence in sharing your unique gifts with the world. To listen to an audio version of this meditation, click HERE.


Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep, calming breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly.


Imagine yourself as a shining star in a vast, dark night sky. Picture your radiant light glowing brightly. As you continue to shine, start to visualise other stars appearing around you. 


Look around at the other stars. Notice if any fears or doubts arise within you about sharing your gifts with the collective of stars. Let go of those fears. Imagine them as dark clouds passing by, leaving your starlight untouched.


Now, bring your attention back to yourself as a star, still shining brightly. Visualise your light becoming even more vibrant and powerful. Observe how your light blends harmoniously with the light of the other stars around you. 


Picture a beautiful constellation forming, a brilliant and intricate pattern of cooperation and creativity. Feel the sense of unity and connection with the other stars. Recognize that together, all your unique talents and skills create a stunning display of collective brilliance.


Stay in this moment for a few more breaths, basking in the beauty of the star gathering you’ve created. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, bringing the sense of unity and creativity from your visualisation into your real-life endeavours. Enjoy the sense of inspiration it brings to your journey.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, join our monthly subscribers. Click HERE for more info.


Snowflake obsidian for aligning with your goals at the Capricorn new moon

Snowflake obsidian for aligning with your goals at the Capricorn new moon

OOH I just love the wintry name of snowflake obsidian, with its delicate lacey flecks embedded in the dark like snowflakes in the night. This crystal also feels quite lightweight in your hand, kind of like a snowflake in terms of the rock world, although yes it is still pretty heavy.


Snowflake obsidian is renowned for bringing a grounded and composed approach when working towards your goals. This is partly why snowflake obsidian is often recommended for hard-working Capricorns, who can benefit from the crystal’s calming influence when climbing the rugged mountain of work.


This unique form of obsidian is believed to embody the essence of balance and the interplay between light and shadow. Part of the reaason why it’s often associated with Capricorn season (and starsign) thanks to its ability to assist in releasing negative patterns and help promote personal growth, which aligns with the GOAT’s innate drive for self-improvement.


Need to clear the mental clutter? Snowflake Obsidian is here for it. Distractions? Consider them cancelled. Negative thoughts? Evicted! Snowflake obsidian can give you that extra oomph to tackle challenges and rise above responsibilities with grace.


During the Capricorn new moon all zodiac signs can benefit from the calm and supportive energy of snowflake obsidian. Don’t forget, we all have a tenth house which relates to Capricorn! And not to mention snowflake obsidian can help you better tune into the law of attraction by helping to release blocks, baggage and trauma, so you can align with your deepest desires and take steps towards those cherished goals. Nice!


Ivory Gloss subscription box with cherry quartz and snowflake obsidian astrology crystals


Snowflake obsidian was part of January Ivory Gloss (now SOLD OUT). To receive the crystals that align with the next new and full moon, click HERE.



Meditation to help you achieve your goals through visualisation with snowflake obsidian


In this meditation you simply focus on the area in front of your eyelids and imagine a blank canvas. Picture this mental canvas as your artistic journal and notice the colours, images, symbols and words that pop up.


Afterwards you can create your own vision board to capture your goals and those messages of insight that appeared during your meditation. If any fears pop up, make a note of them too, and work on journaling and EFT to help release them. Let creativity guide you, creating a physical reminder of your aspirations.



Creative vision board meditation: Bridging dreams and reality


Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Inhale positivity and exhale any tension or stress.


Shift your focus to yourself five years from now. See yourself achieving success and fulfilment in your chosen endeavours. Imagine the confidence and joy radiating from your future self.


Take a moment to connect with your future self. Feel only positive emotions. If anything negative comes up, allow yourself to feel them, then let the emotion simply fade away.


Visualise your goal coming true. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and fulfilment of your mental creation. Feel the satisfaction and gratitude for the dreams that are unfolding within your mind. Continue like this, breathing into the feeling of joy that comes from achieving your goals.


Imagine a blank canvas in your mind, representing your artistic journal. See it as a space where your dreams and aspirations can take form. Picture your goal vividly. Visualise the details, colours, and emotions associated with it. Let the images flow freely in your mind.


Begin adding vibrant colours, images, and words to your mental canvas. Let each element represent a part of your dreams and goals. Feel the excitement building as your mental vision board comes to life.


Open your eyes slowly and transition to the physical realm. Keep the mental images alive as you bring your attention to the artistic journal in front of you.


With intention, transfer the images from your mental vision board to your artistic journal. Use colours, sketches, and words to capture the essence of your aspirations on paper.


Allow your creative instincts to guide you as you express your dreams on the pages of your journal. This physical representation will serve as a tangible and powerful reminder of your goals.


Take a moment to reflect on the completed vision board in your artistic journal. Affirm to yourself that these dreams are not just aspirations but goals that you are actively working towards. Close the meditation with a sense of gratitude for your goals coming true.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.