Blue calcite for accessing your intuition at the Cancer full moon

Blue calcite for accessing your intuition at the Cancer full moon

The soothing energy of blue calcite can help you to access your intuition and express your thoughts and emotions more clearly. This crystal is renowned for its calming and stress-relieving properties and is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate tension, anxiety and stress. So if you’re feeling a little emotionally frazzled under the vibes of the Cancer full moon, meditate with blue calcite crystal and allow all those worries to simply float away.


Blue calcite can help you to find a sense of inner peace and tranquillity, making it a valuable tool when navigating hectic or challenging situations. It’s a lovely energy for emotional healing and balance, helping to release emotional blockages while encouraging a free flow of energy throughout the body. This can be particularly useful for those dealing with past traumas or emotional wounds.


Blue calcite’s tranquil energy is also just perfect for meditation and mindfulness. Believed to help quiet the mind, enhance concentration and deepen your connection to inner wisdom, holding blue calcite during meditation can bring a state of mental clarity, making it easier to access higher states of consciousness and gain insights into your deeper thoughts and emotions.


This beautiful baby blue gemstone can also help you to express yourself in a way that is both assertive and considerate of others’ feelings, helping you to build healthier relationships.


This crystal has a lovely energy for self-reflection and awareness. By promoting a serene mental state blue calcite can help you explore all those inner thoughts and emotions, leading to a better understanding of yourself and your needs.



Meditation for the Cancer full moon on the 26th/27th of December 2023


I love this meditation for the Cancer full moon over the 2023 festive season, which is in a supportive alignment to both Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. To read more about the energies of this full moon click HERE.


This meditation can help you to connect with your inner world and bring emotional healing and a deeper sense of self-awareness.


Begin by finding a comfortable seated position and gently closing your eyes.


Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly.


Imagine yourself standing in front of a magnificent temple. Visualise the soft candlelight illuminating the pathway that leads inside. Take a moment to observe the details of the temple’s architecture and feel a sense of anticipation building within you.


Now, envision a staircase within the temple leading downwards. With each step you take, feel yourself descending deeper into the chambers of your inner world. Sense the air becoming still and the atmosphere growing more sacred as you go further.


Within the temple, visualise yourself surrounded by wise and enlightened beings. These luminous souls emanate a profound wisdom and guidance. Take a moment to absorb their presence and allow their energy to inspire you.


As you continue down the staircase, the walls and floors of the temple are adorned with mystical symbols. Pay attention to what you see, as you breathe deeply, descending further into the sacred temple.


Once you have reached the bottom of the staircase, In front of you are three blank slates. As you relax your mind and focus on the first slate in front of you,  a symbol begins to appear. The first thing that comes to mind. Take a moment to meditate on this symbol. Breathe deeply as you gaze into the image that appears in front of you. Notice and emotions that come up.


Move your focus to the second slate. Relax as a symbol or shape begins to appear. Meditate on this symbol and what it means to you. Breathe deeply, allowing any thoughts to float past without judgement, just letting whatever needs to come up take shape.


Finally, move your gaze to the third slate and breathe deeply as you relax your body, allowing the final symbol to appear. Again, see what comes up, and allow any thought to float past as you meditate on this symbol and what it means to you.


Now that you have envisioned three symbols, take a moment to give thanks to your guides or your higher power for helping you to access this deep information.


When you are ready, ascend up the staircase slowly as you breathe deeply. With each step feel yourself becoming lighter as you walk with the newfound insights and information, allowing yourself to return to the present moment, feeling grounded and centred. Take a few more deep breaths, gradually bringing your attention back to your physical surroundings.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the insights and inspiration you have gained from your journey.


After this meditation, you might like to create a physical mood board using the guidance you received. Select images and words that resonate with your goals. Arrange them on a canvas, letting your creativity flow.


Once your mood board is complete, observe it with gratitude and acknowledge its power. Place it somewhere visible as a daily reminder of your aspirations.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, join our subscribers


Rutilated quartz for manifesting your dreams at the Sagittarius new moon

Rutilated quartz for manifesting your dreams at the Sagittarius new moon

A stone graced by the golden locks of angels, or the hair of Venus depending on which way you sway, rutilated quartz is a master manifesting crystal. Flecked with golden rutile needles, this super-amplifying variety of quartz can help enhance manifestation by stimulating positive thoughts and clearing the energy blocks that prevent you from aligning with your goals.


Believed to help you focus your intentions and make better decisions, rutilated quartz is a great crystal to use with other gemstones to help amplify their energies. It’s also lovely for accelerating the law of attraction, enhancing your talents and elevating your thoughts. Wow!



Sagittarius new moon on the 12th December, 2023


I chose to incorporate a festive altar into this manifesting meditation for this month’s new moon because it’s so strongly influenced by Neptune, and of course, Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy and religion so I just thought getting into the festive spirit could only help.


Click HERE to read more about the energies of this new moon.


In this meditation you light a candle and concentrate your intentions onto it, then spend some time visualising your goals. Afterwards you can write a letter giving thanks for your manifestations already having happened and place it alongside flowers, crystal and symbols of your choice upon your festive altar. Ahhh.



Law of attraction


Rutilated quartz is believed to help you trust your instincts, leading you to more enlightened decision-making. This enhanced intuition along with that mega manifester amplification of energy can help you tune into the law of attraction.

Clearing energy blockages is another talent attributed to rutilated quartz. The main way to get to your goals is through 100% belief so if there’s something you’re nervous about the law of attraction won’t work. Try EFT or tapping to help with this.



Meditation for the Sagittarius new moon on the 12th December, 2023


Create a sacred altar before you, filled with beautiful items that resonate with your desires. Arrange the clear quartz merkaba, rutilated quartz and blue calcite crystals from the December box, along with flowers, and any other items with symbolic significance.


December Ivory Gloss subscription box


Light a candle at the centre of your altar. As the flame dances, let it be a representation of the powerful manifesting energy you are about to work with. This candle is helping guide your intentions into the Universe.

Sit in a meditative position in front of the candle and take a moment to breathe deeply, inhaling positivity and exhaling any tension. 

Let your gaze gently shift towards the flame flickering at the centre of your altar. The dancing flame holds the power to illuminate your deepest desires.

Fix your eyes upon the dance of the flame, and as you do, let yourself be drawn into its rhythmic movements. Feel the warmth as its nurturing energy surrounds you with positivity.

Take a moment to connect with the flame, recognising how it represents the spark within you, the gift of creation. As you watch the flame flicker and sway, sense the rhythmic flow of energy that can help you to manifest your desires.

Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly while gazing into the flame, connecting with its energy.

Now, close your eyes. Feel the gentle rhythm of your breath, a steady anchor grounding you in the present moment.

With each inhale, visualise a stream of positive energy flowing into your being from the flame, filling you with warmth, light, and optimism.

As you exhale, release any doubts or fears that may linger within, letting them dissipate like clouds of smoke.

Let your mind become a blank canvas. In this moment of quiet contemplation, allow your desires to take centre stage.

See them unfolding in your mind’s eye, vivid and clear, like scenes from a movie. Let the images and details materialise, bringing your aspirations to life in the sacred dance of the flame.

How does your manifestation feel now it has come true? Allow yourself to bask in the feeling of joy that comes with realising your goal. What sensations do you feel on your skin? How does your body feel now that you are in this receiving state?

Continue to witness the scenes of your manifested dreams playing out like a movie, immersing yourself in the emotions that accompany these manifestations.

Feel the warmth of love, the exhilaration of success, or the profound serenity of inner peace washing over you. Let these emotions become a part of your being, filling your consciousness with the essence of your desires.

Breathe deeply and evenly, becoming fully immersed in the beauty of these manifested dreams. Imagine the details with precision, as if you are living them in this very moment. 

With each breath, feel the gratitude welling up within you, the deep sense of appreciation that these desires have already come to fruition. Bask in the joy and fulfilment that these manifestations bring to your life.

Imagine your dreams aligning with the universal energies, becoming an inseparable part of the cosmos. See the bridge between your intentions and the universe strengthening with each passing moment.

As you melt into this state of deep connection, take a moment to express your thanks to the universe. Feel the gratitude expanding within you, resonating with the energy of your surroundings. Sense the alignment of your intentions with the universal flow.

Continue to breathe, allowing yourself to merge with the sensations and emotions that accompany this journey. Know that you have planted the seeds of your desires in the fertile soil of the universe, and as you open your eyes, carry this energy with you into the world.

You can complete this meditation by writing a letter of gratitude to your higher power for your manifestations coming true, and placing it on your altar.

To listen to this meditation click HERE and to receive the crystals that align with the energies of each new and full moon join our monthly Blue Ivory subscribers. Click HERE for more info.

Howlite for mental clarity at the Gemini full moon

Howlite for mental clarity at the Gemini full moon

Howlite is a super-soothing stone that’s just perfect for navigating the battleground of the mind. For highly-sensitive souls and those entangled in racing thoughts, howlite crystal works kind of like an anchor, stabilising you in the present moment while stopping you from floating out to sea.

The meditation from the November Blue Ivory subscription box for the Gemini full moon on the 2th November 2023 works with howlite crystal and is an adaptation of the six thinking hats method by Edward De Bono. I’ve tried to align each hat with the chakras so you can more easily delve into the energies.

Click HERE to find out more about the 7 chakra thinking hats journaling technique and click HERE to listen to the Gemini full moon meditation.

Howlite crystal for the Gemini full moon, 27th November, 2023

Believed to bring both emotional and mental balance, howlite is used to calm the mind’s constant chatter. So if, (like me!!) you are always on your screen, get your howlite crystal at the ready and have faith you will be triumphant on your quest towards calm and clarity.


Howlite was part of the November 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box for the Gemini full moon, now SOLD OUT. To receive the next box, join our subscribers…




Crystals for mindfulness

Howlite is an ideal crystal to keep with you during meditation. It works especially well with mindfulness practice because it encourages more focus on the present, allowing for a break from the worries of the past and the uncertainties of the future. 

Beyond the realms of meditation, howlite plays a pivotal role in promoting clearer thinking. Keep this stone close whenever you’re trying to organise your thoughts, particularly in situations where emotions may cloud your judgement.

This is a really great crystal for problem-solving, empowering you to make decisions with a calm and rational mind, leading to more thoughtful and well-informed wins. YES!

In the relentless whirlwind of stimuli and demands that life (lol the internet) throws at us, meditating with howlite can offer up an inner sanctuary for the mind, cultivating a sacred space of stillness.


Emotional intelligence

Howlite is also a great stone for working through emotional issues, bringing understanding and constructive communication within relationships.

When emotions run high, howlite’s calming influence can help defuse tension, allowing for a more open and empathetic conversation. This makes it an ideal crystal for maintaining composure and promoting harmony when it comes to significant others. Keep this crystal with you in business meetings!


Contemplation and inner searching

Howlite’s gentle energy is not just great for smoother discussions, it’s also believed to open up a pathway to delve into your inner world, encouraging self-awareness and reflection. 

By quieting the mind and promoting emotional balance, howlite can help you embrace personal growth with a sense of calm assurance, allowing for a positive mindset that is going to be super helpful for your sense of self-worth..


Meditation for mental clarity using howlite crystal for the Gemini full moon, November 27th, 2023

Before meditating, spend some time journaling on your problem using this adaptation of the six thinking hats method. Click HERE to find out more. 

Begin by making yourself comfortable in a meditative position. Feel the support of the earth beneath you and close your eyes, taking a moment to relax your entire body as you breathe deeply, allowing each breath to centre you in the present moment.


Turn your attention to the base of the spine, where the spinning red light of the root chakra sits. Breathe deeply as you visualise roots growing deep into the earth beneath you. Feel this energy grounding you. Notice a sense of stability and security as you continue to visualise roots growing deep from the red light spinning at the base of your spine. Continue to breathe like this for a few moments.


Now, bring the situation you wish to focus on to mind. What fears are coming up? Continue to breathe into the area of the root chakra and allow any fears to melt away into the earth beneath you. Repeat to yourself, I am safe. Breathe deeply.


Move your focus to the area just below your navel, visualising the warm, orange glow of the sacral chakra. Breathe deeply as you feel the orange spinning light begin to fill your hips, unlocking your deepest, desires. What comes up?  As you breathe into this area,  repeat to yourself, I am creative


Bring your attention to the area above the navel. Feel the radiant yellow light of the solar plexus chakra spinning as it begins to expand, opening yourself up to optimism and positivity. Breathe deeply as the bright, yellow light shines out from your solar plexus into the world around you. Notice the excitement and expansion as you focus on this yellow light energy. What opportunities and positive moves can you identify? Repeat the positive affirmation, “I am unstoppable.”  


Shift your focus to the centre of your chest, where a bright green light radiates from the heart chakra. Feel the warmth of love and compassion surrounding you. Breathe deeply as you visualise the green light expanding from your heart to the hearts of others. How can you better infuse love into your situation? Breathe deeply and relax, visualising the colour green as it fills your body and noticing what comes up. Repeat the affirmation, “I am love.”  


Now, direct your attention to the base of the throat and the bright blue light that spins there. Feel the throat opening and your light shining out into the world in front of you. Think about how you can communicate your needs and feelings clearly.  Repeat the words, “I am expressive.”  


Move your attention to the area between your eyebrows, where an indigo light signifies the third eye chakra. Feel the clarity of this deep blue light as it activates all of the chakras. Breathe deeply as you evaluate the situation objectively. What comes to your mind intuitively? Repeat the affirmation, “I am open to inspiration.”


Finally, bring your attention to the top of your head, where a violet spinning light represents the Crown Chakra. Imagine a pillar of white light energy streaming down from the heavens and into your crown chakra. Sense a connection to higher wisdom and a clear path forward. What deeper insights or spiritual guidance can you access? Repeat the positive affirmation, “I am connected with the wisdom of the Universe.”  


Now, drawing the light energy in through your crown, allow the pillar of light energy to activate each chakra, helping to create a complete holistic understanding. Breathe this pure light energy up and down the spine, then up again,  from the root to the crown then from the crown to the root, allowing for the steady and fluid flow of energy. 


Notice if anything comes up, and if it does, allow it to float past, unjudged. Continue to breathe like this for a few more moments. Relax your body, and focus on the light.


Gradually returning your awareness to the present moment, open your eyes and take some time to journal your experiences focusing on the feelings and energies that surfaced during this chakra meditation.


To receive the crystals that align with next month’s moon meditations, join our subscribers…


Mookaite for rebirth and transformation at the Scorpio new moon

Mookaite for rebirth and transformation at the Scorpio new moon

Mookaite, found in Mooka, Western Australia, embodies the essence of earth and fire. This rare form of jasper vibrates with a unique fusion of energies that brings both stability and inspiration, serving as a guiding light to help you surpass the ordinary.


Meditating with mookaite can help ignite the flames of renewal. Like the phoenix emerging from the ashes, this gemstone is believed to offer the vitality needed for rebirth, the perfect energy for Monday’s Scorpio new moon.


To receive the crystals that align with next month’s new & full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers. Click HERE for more info.



Rebirth and transformation


Mookaite is a lovely stone for Scorpio as it gently encourages the ongoing cycle of emotional growth, helping you to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings. 


Amidst the chaos of modern life, this crystal energy can bring you a sense of tranquility, motivating you to confront and conquer obstacles while building resilience and adaptability in the face of change.


Serving as a guiding beacon, illuminating possibilities and helping with choices that resonate with one’s authentic self, mookaite can also help you to see things with fresh eyes, helping you come to better conclusions and propelling you forward with a renewed sense of purpose. 



Grounded harmony and compassion


But that’s not all! Mookaite crystal is often used to help boost levels of self-compassion and kindness. It’s grounding energy brings a gentleness that helps stabilise during transformation.


Keep Mookaite with you as a nurturing companion, providing a little support during challenging times. In the midst of tricky decisions, connect with this crystal energy to both comfort you and give you the confidence to take the next step.



Meditation for the Scorpio new moon on the 13th November, 2023


Here’s a meditation to help you connect with the archetype of the phoenix rising, so you can envision yourself burning away anything that may be holding you back as you rise into a new reality. Scorpio energy for sure!

To read about the new moon in Scorpio, click HERE and to listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE.


Before your meditation, try journaling on what you would like to put firmly in the past, and what new things would improve in your life.


Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or negativity.


As you settle into your relaxed state, imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, radiant light. This light represents the transformative energy that will guide you through the process of emotional healing and rebirth.


Imagine the light spreading all around you, as you begin to imagine yourself standing in a vast, tranquil desert.


The sand beneath your feet is soft and warm, and the sky above you is a canvas of deep oranges, purples, and pinks as the sun sets. You are in a place of solitude and stillness, ready to embark on a transformative journey.


In the distance, you see a phoenix soaring gracefully through the sky. Her wings are a brilliant mix of red, orange, and gold, and her feathers shimmer with an otherworldly glow. The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, renewal and transformation.


As you watch the phoenix, you feel a deep connection with its energy. You realise that like the phoenix, you too have the power to rise from the ashes of your past experience. You are ready to release any pain, hurt, or negativity that has weighed you down.


Now, imagine a small fire forming in front of your feet. This fire represents the power you have within you to burn through any old emotions and wounds that you are ready to release.


Slowly and deliberately step into the fire. As you do, visualise the flames gently consuming any negative emotions or memories that have held you back. Feel the warmth of the fire as it purifies your being.


As the fire burns, you begin to transform. Your old self is being consumed by the flames, and from the ashes, a new you begins to emerge. You feel lighter, freer, and more vibrant than ever before. Your heart is open, and you are ready to embrace a new chapter of emotional healing and growth.


The phoenix continues to soar above you, and you realise that you are now one with its energy. You have become a symbol of rebirth and transformation, just like the phoenix itself.


Take a moment to bask in this new energy and sense of renewal. Feel the joy and liberation that comes with letting go of old emotions. You are now ready to move forward with a fresh perspective, a healed heart and a renewed spirit.


When you are ready, slowly return your awareness to the present moment. Open your eyes, knowing that you have embarked on a journey of emotional healing and rebirth, just like the magnificent phoenix. Carry this sense of transformation and renewal with you as you navigate your life, and remember that you have the power to rise above any challenges that come your way.


After your meditation, try journaling on the new route you wish to take. Be open to the fresh feeling of wisdom and self-belief as you see all the options in front of you. Have faith that the vibrations of mookaite will have you moving forward more effectively.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.

Carnelian for boosting self-esteem at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse

Carnelian for boosting self-esteem at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse

The classic crystal for cultivating a positive sense of self-worth, carnelian is often attributed to Taurus energy, helping the steady and earthy taurean to lift off into orbit 🚀


This is why carnelian is such a lovely crystal for the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse on the 28th October, 2023. With this vibrant gem by your side, you can walk through life with a heart full of joy and a confidence that just won’t quit.


To read more about the energies surrounding the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse, click HERE.


Carnelian is also super helpful for boosting creativity and rekindling a sense of enthusiasm for projects that may have been stalling. This makes it a lovely crystal for artists and creators of all types.



Lower chakra healing


Carnelian works with the three lower chakras, the root, the sacral and the solar plexus. This crystal energy can help you to feel solid, passionate and full of confidence.


With Carnelian as your guide, prepare to embark on a journey of self-empowerment, ready to embrace the joys of life and pursue your dreams with unwavering confidence and a deeper connection to your personal power. Yes please!



The root chakra: Stabilising and grounding


At the core of our being lies the root chakra, the foundation upon which all other chakras rest. This chakra is the seat of safety, grounding you within the world that cradles you. With a balanced root chakra, emotional risks become more manageable.


But when this vital energy centre is blocked, you can be left with a sense of imbalance and insecurity. Life can feel like a constant tightrope walk, leaving you on edge and in search of stability.


Carnelian can help you become rooted into the real world so you feel stronger and more supported.



The sacral chakra: Igniting the inner fire


As we ascend through the chakras, we arrive at the sacral chakra, where passions, intimacies, and inner fire take the stage.


A blocked sacral chakra can leave you feeling disconnected from joy and struggling to find enthusiasm in life’s pleasures.


Carnelian awakens a zest for life by allowing energy to flow from the ground to the naval, reigniting the flames of creativity and passion. It’s as if a dormant volcano comes to life, bubbling with the potential to create and explore.


With a revitalised sacral chakra, you’ll find that joy is not elusive but an integral part of your journey.



The solar plexus chakra: Increased personal power


Finally, we come to the solar plexus chakra, the area of personal power and self-esteem. Here, your warrior spirit waits in readiness. But when this chakra is stagnant, it can leave you feeling devoid of inner strength.


Carnelian is here to call that dormant warrior into action. It acts as a catalyst, rekindling the flames of self-confidence and determination, and infusing you with the courage to stand tall and face life’s challenges head-on.


With a harmonious solar plexus chakra, you become a force to be reckoned with, unyielding in your pursuit of personal goals.



Meditation to help boost self-esteem at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse, 28th October, 2023


To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Before you begin, spend some time journaling on what you love about yourself, including any accomplishments or things you have done or created that make you feel proud.


In this meditation we are going to focus on five attributes or accomplishments and celebrate them in turn. Choose the ones that make you smile.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. Let go of any tension in your body and allow yourself to fully relax.


Imagine yourself standing at the beginning of a beautiful path, strewn with vibrant marigold petals.


Visualise yourself walking along this path, surrounded by the golden glow of the marigolds.


Breathe deeply as you feel the sensations along this path, the smell of flowers and incense, the soft, warm breeze on your skin.


In front of you, the path is lined with five different altars, each of them adorned with photos and offerings that represent your chosen positive qualities or accomplishments. These altars are a celebration of your unique journey and the person you have become.


As you walk along the path, pause at the first altar and take a moment to reflect on the images and offerings. Feel a sense of pride and gratitude.


When you are ready, continue to walk along the path and now pause at the second altar. Again, reflect on the images and offerings, enjoying the sense of achievement and self-worth.


continue to walk and now pause at the third altar, looking at the offerings and meditating on a sense of gratitude and self-love.


When you are ready, keep walking along the path and now pause at the fourth altar, again, meditating on the sense of love as you take a moment to reflect on all the items and offerings.


Once more, walk along the path until you reach the fifth altar. For the final time, pause and reflect on the sense of self-worth you are now feeling, as you admire all the offerings on this altar.


Feel the gratitude swell within your heart.


Looking back along the path at these five altars, see the snapshots of your life’s highlights and the representations of your strengths and achievements.


Continue to breathe on this sense of gratitude.


Feel a sense of pride for all that you have accomplished on your journey so far.


Notice how your self-esteem begins to bloom like the marigolds themselves. Feel a growing sense of self-worth and self-love filling your heart.


Let go of any doubts or negative thoughts, allowing them to be carried away by the gentle breeze that rustles the marigold petals.


With each step, affirm to yourself: “I am worthy. I am deserving of love and respect. I celebrate my accomplishments and strengths.”


Take a few moments to bask in the radiant glow of self-esteem and self-discovery.


When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE and to listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Black lemurian jade for ancestral healing at the Libra new moon solar eclipse

Black lemurian jade for ancestral healing at the Libra new moon solar eclipse

One of the more mesmerising cosmic treasures of the universe is black lemurian jade. Found in the heart of Peru, this precious gem is as rare as a shooting star and as captivating as the night sky, the colour of which can sometimes see this crystal named midnight lemurian jade.


This black and gold stone contains shimmery particles of pyrite and can’t help but give celestial vibes. It carries with it a deeply feminine energy, beckoning you to explore your inner world and heal any ancestral wounds, most of which were likely passed down energetically through many generations.



Ancestral Healing: Casting off Shadows


“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.” Thich Nhat Hanh


The south node solar eclipse in Libra is your cue to examine your relationships and the roles you play within them. It’s a time to lift the curtain on the wounds you inherited from your ancestors and allow yourself to process the energetic trauma so you can release it fully.


Having a meditation practice to connect deeply to your ancestors and release the burdens they carried in their lives can really help with your healing, and in turn, your ability to raise your vibration to align with the life you’ve always dreamed of.


To read more about this eclipse, click HERE.


Black lemurian jade helps to uncover any energy imbalances, freeing you from past traumas so you can gain the courage to chase your true calling. With its deep connection to the divine feminine, this crystal is the perfect partner for embracing your inner mysteries.


A cosmic ally for transformation


Black Lemurian Jade can also help you to reach new heights of spiritual awakening and empower you to embrace the winds of change. After the Libra solar eclipse, allow its vibration to help illuminate your path to ancestral healing and mending the bonds between you and your loved ones.


As you meditate with the energies of black lemurian jade, take some time to reevaluate your commitments and the roles you take on. Allow yourself to tune into your inner world and give thanks to those who came before you.


With this crystal by your side, you’ll be ready to heal your past so you can better illuminate the future. And with this newfound clarity, you can finally break free from the chains of codependency, and in doing so, find your unique identity and life’s purpose.




Meditation for the Libra new moon solar eclipse on the 14th October 2023 using black lemurian jade



To listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE. This meditation can help you connect with and heal the energy of your ancestors, fostering a sense of understanding, forgiveness and gratitude. By doing so, you can release any negative patterns or unresolved issues that may be affecting your progress.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.


Take a moment to set your intention for this ancestral healing meditation. What would you like to heal or release within your ancestral lineage? It could be generational patterns, unresolved issues, or simply a desire to connect and express gratitude. Formulate your intention clearly in your mind.


Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill completely.


Exhale slowly through your nose, releasing any tension in your body.


Feel your body connecting with the Earth beneath you. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, sinking deep into the Earth, anchoring you securely. You are safe and supported.


Imagine yourself standing at the entrance of a beautiful forest. This is the Forest of Ancestral Wisdom. As you step inside, a soft, gentle light guides your way. This light represents the wisdom and love of your ancestors.


Continue to walk deeper into the forest until you come upon a clearing. Here, you find a circle of your ancestors sitting in quiet contemplation. These are your blood relatives, the ones who have come before you, and they are here to help and support you.


Approach the circle, and as you do, you may recognize some of their faces or feel their presence. Take a moment to greet them with respect and love. You are safe and protected in their presence.


Now, one by one, share your intentions and feelings with your ancestors. Speak from your heart. Tell them what you wish to heal or release within your ancestral lineage. Feel their understanding and compassion as they listen to your words.


As you speak, notice any burdens or negative emotions that may arise within you. See them as dark clouds hovering above you.


Ask your ancestors for their help in transforming these negative energies. Visualise their love and wisdom flowing into these dark clouds, gradually transforming them into bright, radiant light.


Feel the weight lifting from your shoulders as the negative energy dissolves, and a sense of healing and lightness washes over you.


Now, take a moment to listen. Your ancestors may have messages or guidance for you. Be open to their wisdom. Trust your intuition and any images, words, or sensations that come to you.


Thank your ancestors for their presence and assistance. Express your deep gratitude for the healing and transformation that has taken place. Know that you can return to this place whenever you need their support.


Slowly start to return your awareness to your physical body. Feel the connection between your body and the Earth. Take a few deep breaths and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes.



To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the monthly Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE.