Cherry quartz is a potent stone for promoting feelings of safety and peace within a group, which is why it’s just so perfect for the upcoming Leo full moon opposite Pluto in the sign of the collective, Aquarius. To read more about the energies of this full moon, click HERE.


After 16 years in power-hungry Capricorn astrologers are losing their minds at this shift. Although Pluto returns to Capricorn for the final hoorah for the powers that be over September and October this year, now we get to start the long transformation when it comes to technology, humanitarian issues, freedom, revolution, innovation, the greater group, communities and social structures. 


And with this Leo full moon shining her light on this important shift for humanity, issues to do with the above, and also feeling valuable (Leo) within the group  (Aquarius) could most definitely be up for review.


Now is your chance to visualise yourself as thriving in this new energy, as you work to release fears to do with how your personal desires and talents can be used for the greater good and create positive changes in society. Wow!


To listen to a guided meditation that works with the energy of cherry quartz for the Leo full moon – click here.



Cherry quartz for the leo full moon


Cherry quartz was part of January Ivory Gloss (now SOLD OUT) for the Leo full moon and is a great stone for helping you to feel like you’re in a genuine, caring environment so you can shine without fear of judgement, rejection, or worse! It’s actually a lovely stone to keep with you if you have social anxiety.

Ivory Gloss subscription box with cherry quartz and snowflake obsidian astrology crystals


To receive the crystals that align with the next new and full moons and join our monthly subscribers, click HERE.


An ode to the skills of humanity and the Aquarian world of innovation and technology, this energetically buzzing gem is actually a blend of two crystals, clear quartz and cinnabar which are powdered down and then heated at high temperatures. The gorgeous sweeping patterns this stone creates are mesmerising, and of course, the unique, cherry shade of pink is always a bonus.


All pink crystals are said to offer a forgiving and loving energy, but cherry quartz has a playful and ecstatic vibration which brings vigour and excitement. Perfect for those who are seeking emotional balance or who are in need of a boost.


And while it may not be created by natural means, you will love the frequency that this combination of crystal energies creates. Cinnabar crystal vibrates with warmth, sexuality, revolution and power. Its transformative energy is said to improve and protect your life at every level. Blending it with an amplifier like quartz and you can see why you want this crystal in your possession! I mean, who doesn’t want increased love, passion and vitality?


Guided meditation for the Leo full moon


This meditation can help you to tap into your inner potential and find confidence in sharing your unique gifts with the world. To listen to an audio version of this meditation, click HERE.


Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep, calming breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly.


Imagine yourself as a shining star in a vast, dark night sky. Picture your radiant light glowing brightly. As you continue to shine, start to visualise other stars appearing around you. 


Look around at the other stars. Notice if any fears or doubts arise within you about sharing your gifts with the collective of stars. Let go of those fears. Imagine them as dark clouds passing by, leaving your starlight untouched.


Now, bring your attention back to yourself as a star, still shining brightly. Visualise your light becoming even more vibrant and powerful. Observe how your light blends harmoniously with the light of the other stars around you. 


Picture a beautiful constellation forming, a brilliant and intricate pattern of cooperation and creativity. Feel the sense of unity and connection with the other stars. Recognize that together, all your unique talents and skills create a stunning display of collective brilliance.


Stay in this moment for a few more breaths, basking in the beauty of the star gathering you’ve created. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, bringing the sense of unity and creativity from your visualisation into your real-life endeavours. Enjoy the sense of inspiration it brings to your journey.


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon, join our monthly subscribers. Click HERE for more info.