If you want to work with the law of attraction, there are two main practices you need to get comfy with in order to get results. The first is forgiveness, a sort of spiritual cleansing where you can elevate your vibration instantly. The second, and the one that I think works so well with tonight’s Cancer new moon, is gratitude.


Gratitude is a simple concept which I guess specifically aligns with our origins of praising the gods – whatever that means for you! But giving thanks and appreciating what you have literally elevates your mood into a state where you are open to receive more. Hoorah!


Chrysocolla crystal for gratitude


If you’re looking for a crystal to help you to tap into the vibration of gratitude, look no further than the watery energies of chrysocolla. With its stunning speckles of duck egg blue, this gentle gemstone is renowned for its ability to soothe and nurture the emotional body.


Chrysocolla vibrates with a soft, yet potent energy, which holds the power to open you up to gratitude, making it the perfect crystal companion for the Cancer new moon. But chrysocolla is more than just a beautiful stone you can vibe with.


Manifesting with chrysocolla crystal


As a crystal that resonates deeply with the heart and throat chakras, chrysocolla encourages the expression of gratitude through emotional balance and clear communication. This makes chrysocolla an ideal crystal to incorporate into your manifestation practices.


Chrysocolla energy helps you tap into your innate knowing and align your intentions with your soul’s purpose. It also guides you to acknowledge the blessings in your lives, both big and small, and trust your inner voice as you navigate your path.


Emotional release and balance


During the Cancer new moon, chrysocolla can help with emotional release and transformation, which is going to be super helpful thanks to the current Pluto opposition. To read more about this new moon, click HERE.

This green and blue gem has a harmonising effect on your emotional state, promoting calmness and serenity so you can gently let go of pent-up emotions and patterns that no longer serve you. By acknowledging and releasing negative emotions, you pave the way for gratitude to flourish in your life.

Honest and gentle communication


But that’s not all! Chrysocolla has long been associated with enhancing communication and expression. This crystal empowers you to convey your thoughts and emotions more effectively, fostering open and honest conversations.


One of the more remarkable qualities of chrysocolla is its ability to soothe nerves, especially when it comes to public speaking. This makes it an invaluable tool for highly sensitive people, providing an extra level of support and confidence.


With chrysocolla by your side, you can feel at ease and express yourself more effectively, allowing your true thoughts and emotions to shine. Plusm when you practise gratitude, clear communication allows you to express your appreciation and deepen your relationships with others.


Here’s a meditation technique you might like to try to help align with this energy of gratitude. You can also listen to this meditation HERE.


Meditation to cultivate gratitude


Imagine yourself in a serene place of your choice, a garden, a beach, or a peaceful room filled with warmth and comfort. Feel the tranquillity surrounding you. Take a moment to soak in the energy of this place.


As you immerse yourself in this serenity, think of a person in your life you are grateful for. 


Envision a bright, radiant light appearing just above your head. This light represents gratitude in its purest form.


As you inhale, imagine this light flowing down through the crown of your head, gently filling your body with appreciation for the blessings in your life. Allow this gratitude to expand within you, filling every corner of your being.


Now, think of an object you are grateful for. It can be anything, a crystal, a piece of clothing, even a kitchen utensil. It doesn’t matter what it is, just focus on this object and again, visualise the white light filling your body. Meditate on this feeling of gratitude.


Finally, think of something about yourself that you are grateful for. It could be a physical attribute, or a psychological one, or simply the fact that you are breathing here on Earth.


Hold onto this thought about yourself and once more allow the bright white light to fill your body. On each inhalation, draw the light deeper into your being. 


With each exhale, visualise this light expanding and radiating outwards from your body. Feel it spreading, encompassing the space around you, and extending further, reaching out to the world. This radiant light carries with it pure gratitude and love, touching the lives of all those around you.


Stay in this grateful state, allowing the light of gratitude to continue flowing through you. Take a moment to bask in the warmth and positivity that radiates from within. Feel your vibration ascending.


When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, feeling refreshed and renewed. As you exhale, release any lingering tension or thoughts. 


Open your eyes, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. Carry this sense of gratitude and manifestation with you throughout your day, allowing it to guide you towards a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and love.


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