Citrine is said to vibrate with the energy of the sun. This bright, yellow crystal shines its solar power through any negative thoughts, helping to dissolve those stresses, doubts and fears so you can step forth boldly on your path towards manifesting your dreams. Yes please!

Citrine has a warm and invigorating energy that brings with it a connection to joy and bliss. It’s just perfect for manifesting, not only because this sunny gem boosts positivity and happiness, but because citrine is also linked to creativity, aligning both the sacral and solar plexus chakras to help spark a renewed inner fire that can help you envision your goals. 

This energising crystal is one of the most popular crystals to work with the law of attraction thanks to its positive and joyful vibration that can help you move past any negative blocks. It’s only once you release these that you can truly tune into the energy of abundance. 


Citrine was part of the December Blue Ivory subscription box for the Capricorn new moon on the 23rd of December 2022, which is super auspicious and aligned with jovial Jupiter at the first degree of Capricorn. This new moon symbolises bold and ambitious new beginnings on the world stage and in any Capricorn areas within your own life. For more information on this new moon please check out the astrology section of our app. 

Capricorns are highly determined and ambitious. They won’t let anything come in their way when it comes to their goals! However, they do have a tendency to become a little bit overburdened with this heavy responsibility. Citrine energy can help bring a sunny smile to those Saturnian challenges that many Cappies have to face, such as perfectionism… and overly critical thoughts.

Plus citrine is such a lovely crystal for the Capricorn season of Christmas, right? A bright light that shines through the darkness bringing hope and faith to all. A Christmas star – stars containing the same energy as the sun, of course, since the sun is a star after all.

Here’s a super festive meditation you might like to try to help tap into the abundant and joyful energy of citrine at this Capricorn Christmas new moon. You can also find the audio version of this in the meditation section of our app.

Christmas star of abundance meditation

Before you begin, think of something you are grateful for to help raise your vibration ready for you to attract. You can write this down in a gratitude list if it helps.

When you are ready, sit in a meditative position with the citrine crystal in your receiving hand. Relax your shoulders and elongate the spine, checking into each part of your body to help you to fully relax.


On each in-breath, mentally repeat the words, ‘I receive abundance’ and on each out-breath, ‘I release what I no longer need.’ Continue like this for a few moments.

Now imagine a bright, white light travelling up the spine to the crown of the head, then down the front of the body like a waterfall. 

Take the attention to the right foot and visualise a thread of white light to your left shoulder. Now do the same on the opposite side.


Take a thread of white light from the right hip to the left. Now take a thread of white light from the left hip to the right.

Hold the image of a bright star as you pulsate with light. Deepen the sensation with the affirmation ‘I am a Star’. Repeat this mantra and make sure you take some time to fully connect to the energy of the sun.

Tap into the power of your citrine and feel your star self glow golden yellow. Enjoy the sensation of this energy, how does it feel? Is it warm and comforting? Invigorating?

Breathe in the good feelings. Let them flow deep into the pit of your stomach to your solar plexus chakra where you can shine this light out once more through each of your golden rays.

When you are fully tuned into this feeling of abundance, imagine sparkling citrine crystals cascading towards you through each of your beams of light. This prosperous energy of Citrine permeates your aura, your chakras and your entire being. 

Listen to the sound of the citrine crystals bouncing against each other as they pour down towards you. Notice now that there’s something else sliding down these solar rays. This time it’s a steady stream of glistening gold coins.

The coins of gold fall in front of you and all around you. Fill your pockets with these coins. Enjoy this feeling of abundance.

Don’t forget, abundance is always there, it’s just your mind that is blocking the flow! If that’s the case, you might like to try emotional freedom technique, also known as ‘tapping’. For a step by step guide on how to do this see the Energy section of the Ivory app.