Since Aquarius is associated with hopes and wishes, I thought it would be nice to include clear quartz chips in this month’s box to make an intentions jar. The perfect activity in the days following the Aquarius new moon on the 9th February, 2024.


To order the February Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.


February 2024 Ivory Gloss with red jasper and clear quartz crystal chips


Clear quartz is one of the best crystals for manifesting work. When charged with a specific goal or affirmation, clear quartz magnifies the intention’s power, making it a crucial stone to keep with you when visualising your goals.



Clear quartz for manifesting using the law of attraction at the Aquarius new moon


Clear quartz is a major amplifier of energy. Meditating with this crystal can help improve the clarity of your thoughts and put you into a deeper state of alignment with the law of attraction. Simply holding this crystal and repeating your wishes in your head can really help you speed up the manifesting process.


This crystal acts as a conduit, intensifying the vibrations of other crystals and energies while focusing all your intentions into a concentrated beam of energy. Clear quartz is actually believed to have the unique ability to retain programming, making it an ideal tool for imprinting your intentions into the crystal matrix. Oooh.



Programming clear quartz


To program a clear quartz crystal (or any crystal really) cleanse it with water or smoke, then hold it in your hand and repeat out loud a clear intention for what you wish to manifest. Remember to give thanks and say it as though it has already happened!


When you are ready, hold it to your third eye and visualise and feel your manifestation come to life as vividly and emotionally as you can. Really feel it coming true. If you can trick your mind and body to fully believe, the law of attraction states it simply has to come true. Nice!



Manifesting meditation and intentions jar for the Aquarius new moon


This meditation was chosen for the Aquarius new moon on the 9th February 2024 to align with the clear quartz crystals in February Ivory Gloss. To listen to this meditation, click HERE.


Hold the clear quartz chips in your hand. Feel the weight of the crystals in your palm and take a moment to appreciate their energy.


Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs with air, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or stress. Continue like this for a few moments, breathing deeply and evenly, relaxing your entire body.


Visualise a beam of bright, white light shining down from the sky above, illuminating the space around you. Picture this light as pure and radiant, filling the air with positivity and clarity.


As you continue to visualise this white light, imagine it flowing into the crystal in your hand. Feel the crystal absorbing this light as it begins to glow with energy, becoming activated and ready to amplify your intentions.


Now, bring your attention to your desired goal. What do you wish to manifest in your life? As you hold onto the vision, allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with achieving it. Feel the joy, fulfilment and excitement as if your desires have already manifested.


Stay present in this moment, ideally for at least a minute, fully immersed in the energy of your intentions and the activated crystals in your hand. Let go of any doubts or worries, and trust in the power of your intentions and the support of the universe.


Continue to breathe deeply and relax, as you fully experience this vision. Take a moment to feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to connect with your intentions and for the support of the universe in manifesting your dreams.


Feel thankful for the abundance and blessings that surround you. Continue to breathe, enjoying this sense of gratitude for your vision coming true.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths. Gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Place the crystals in the jar and write down your new moon intentions on paper and add them to the jar along with any extra crystals or items you might want to include.


To listen to this meditation, click HERE and to order your February box, click HERE.