Nikola Tesla described crystals as living entities, and he was right, of course! It only takes a little peek down the crystalline rabbit hole to understand that all these different types of rocks vibrate at frequencies connected to the secrets of the Universe.

Pisces super blue moon, 31st of August, 2023


I chose clear quartz for this week’s Pisces BLUE supermoon along with a chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual so you can infuse your intentions with this super high-vibe energy. To read more about this full moon, click HERE

Fun fact – did you know that clear quartz was found lining massive chambers within the great pyramids, and also entwined within the structures of the stones of stonehenge? 

Clear quartz: The master crystal

Just as the colours of the spectrum combine to create white, clear quartz harmonises all of the energy centres which is why it’s known as the master crystal and so helpful for chakra meditation.

chakra crystals in August Blue Ivory Gloss subscription box

These chakra crystals were part of August Ivory Gloss NOW SOLD OUT to align with a chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual. To receive the crystals that accompany the guided meditations at each new and full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.

Healing properties of clear quartz


Clear quartz is an amplifier of energy. This crystal can help purify your system, balancing all seven chakras, clearing blockages and restoring the flow. Among its many remarkable attributes, clear quartz acts as a conduit, intensifying the vibrations of other crystals and energies. Picture it as a magnifying glass for the soul, a tool that focuses all your intentions, emotions and thoughts into a concentrated beam of energy. 

Many spiritual seekers turn to clear quartz to enhance their journey. This crystal’s high vibrational frequency can help expand consciousness and deepen meditation. When charged with a specific goal or affirmation, clear quartz is thought to magnify the intention’s power, making it a handy stone to keep with you during manifestation work. 

While clear quartz is perfect for harmonising the chakras and allowing free flow of energy throughout the body, it actually resonates most with the crown chakra, helping to open up the channels for higher wisdom and understanding. This makes it super useful for clearing mental fog and confusion, helping with better decision-making.

Just as light disperses shadows, clear quartz encourages emotional clarity, a sense of inner peace and balance. It’s also believed that clear quartz has a natural ability to clear out any negativity or blockages in your energy field, however its cousin smokey quartz is even better for this.


Moon bowl ritual for the Pisces super blue moon



With Pisces connected to spirituality and transcendence, this chakra meditation and moon bowl ritual can help you to balance your chakras and also connect to the energy of water.


Find a calm, peaceful space and place a bowl in front of you. Light the white candle and set an intention for what you wish to release during this full moon.

Write your intention on a piece of paper, expressing your emotions and desires. Once finished, fold the paper and place it gently into the bowl.

Place crystals around the folded paper in the bowl that support the intention you are setting. Make sure the crystals you choose are safe to put in the water.

Take a few moments to bask in the energy of the full moon. Feel a sense of release and surrender as you let go of attachment to the outcome, trusting in the universal flow.



Chakra meditation for the Pisces super blue moon

To listen to the audio version of this meditation, click HERE

Sit in a meditative position, keeping your back straight and your hands resting comfortably on your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep, relaxing breaths to centre yourself.

As you continue to breathe deeply, focus your attention on the base of your spine, the area known as the root chakra. Visualise a vibrant red energy centre glowing at this point. 

With each inhalation, imagine a warm, nourishing red light expanding from this chakra, moving up your spine and reaching the top of your head. As you exhale, visualise the energy descending back down, maintaining a balanced and harmonious flow. 

Continue to breathe as you feel a sense of stability and grounding as you connect with this root energy.

Now, shift your attention to the sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen. Envision a glowing orange energy centre here. 

With each breath, see this orange light expanding upwards, travelling along your spine, and reaching the crown of your head. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow down again. 

Feel a surge of creativity and passion as you connect with this sacral energy.

Move your focus to the solar plexus chakra, situated just above the navel. Imagine a bright yellow energy centre spinning here. 

Inhale deeply, letting this yellow light rise up through your spine, reaching all the way to the top of your head. Exhale, letting the energy descend, maintaining a gentle and fluid flow. 

Embrace a sense of empowerment and confidence as you connect with this solar plexus energy.

Shift your awareness to the heart chakra, located in the centre of your chest. Picture a vibrant green light radiating from this area. 

As you inhale, visualise the green light moving upwards, travelling along your spine, into th4 crown of your head. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow downward again.

Feel a profound sense of love, compassion, and harmony as you breathe deeply with this heart energy.

Now, direct your attention to the throat chakra, positioned at the base of your throat. Envision a calming blue energy centre glowing brightly. 

Inhale deeply, allowing the blue light to ascend through your spine, reaching up to the crown of your head. As you exhale, let the energy descend gracefully. 

Feel a clear and authentic expression of your thoughts and emotions as you connect with this throat energy. Continue to breathe deeply.

Move your focus to the third eye chakra, situated between your eyebrows. Visualise an indigo light spinning intensely. 

Inhale slowly and deeply, letting the indigo light rise along your spine, extending beyond the crown of your head. Upon exhaling, allow the energy to flow back down.

Embrace heightened intuition, insight, and awareness as you connect with this third eye energy.

Finally, bring your attention to the crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Imagine a luminous white energy spinning here.

Inhale with intention, letting this radiant light travel up your spine and beyond. As you exhale, allow the energy to gracefully descend.

Experience a deep sense of spiritual awareness as you connect with this crown energy. Take a few moments to breathe naturally and let the energy settle within you. 

Now, focus on a pillar of light shooting out from the top of your head into the Universe. Feel the flow of energy throughout your body rising into the heights above you, from the root, to the crown, to your higher power. 

Continue to breathe deeply as you raise your vibration. Remaining relaxed, but connecting to that sensation of light energy vibrating within. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. 

To complete the moon bowl ritual, gently extinguish the candle, symbolising the completion of the ritual. Place the bowl out with your crystals under the light of the full moon.

Keep the bowl in a sacred space as a reminder of your intentions throughout the lunar cycle. Return to the bowl for meditation and reflection.

Remember, this meditation can be a powerful practice for aligning and harmonising your chakras. Regularly engaging in this meditation can help you maintain a sense of balance and well-being in your physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.


To receive the crystals that accompany the guided meditations at each new and full moon, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.