Green aventurine is known as the ‘stone of opportunity’ and the perfect partner for the Taurus new moon. Often used to attract good fortune, meditating with this crystal can help open your heart to receive, while removing any fears or anxieties about actually doing so.


To read more about the energies of this Taurus new moon click HERE.


Green aventurine is most well known for its ability to attract luck, but it’s not just about random chance. This crystal energy is about creating opportunities. That spark of adventure and the possibility of new ventures aligns with the frequency of green aventurine. Think of it as the universe’s way of nudging you to step out of your comfort zone, but with a little bit of liquid luck to help you.


Lucky lucky green aventurine


Believed to help manifest abundance by aligning your intentions with the heart chakra, green aventurine brings feelings of gratitude and generosity while fostering a mindset of self-worth and wealth. It’s also said to alleviate stress and anxiety related to making money and the general idea of abundance.


Looking to attract good things? Any manifesting machine knows that the energy of abundance is always present, it’s just those deep seeded negative self-beliefs that prevent you from accessing it, so pick up your green aventurine crystal and shine on! You magnificent beacon of prosperity, you. 


Meditation for the Taurus new moon, 2024


This meditation can help you to tune into the law of attraction and visualise your goals through candle magic. Begin by choosing a candle that resonates with your intentions, for example green for money and red for passion.


Find a quiet, comforting space where you can place your candle. This could be a small table adorned with natural elements like stones, plants, or anything that feels sacred and personal to you. Light the candle and take a moment to write down what it is you wish to manifest.


Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself a few moments to just be, letting the silence settle around you like a soft cloak.


Bring your attention to what you wish to manifest. As you continue to hold your vision, deepen your emotional connection to the experience of achieving your goals.


Engage all your senses. Hear the sounds that might accompany your success, perhaps the soft murmur of a crowd at your book launch, the serene silence of your new art studio, or the comforting clink of a toast in your dream home. 


Smell the environment around you. It could be the crisp scent of new books, the perfume of a new love, or the aromatic blend of coffee in your ideal morning routine.


Touch the textures of your achievement. Feel the smooth leather of a new chair or the brush of freshly cut grass underfoot in your garden.


Breathe deeply as you hold your vision. Bring the feeling of gratitude into this vision. And shine that feeling from within your heart out into the universe.


Continue like this for a few moments, breathing deeply and evenly, without force. Allow the rhythm of your breathing to lull you into a relaxed state, as you continue to visualise.


As your meditation draws to a close, take a deep breath and as you exhale, imagine releasing your vision like a bird into the sky, free and boundless. Trust that your dreams will be brought into reality. They are already happening.


When you feel ready and your heart is full of your vision, open your eyes. Blow out the candle, sending your intentions into the universe with your breath. 


Since the energy of a Taurus moon encourages stability and routine, it might help to practise this new moon meditation each day, at the same time. You can keep your sacred space intact and set an alarm if you’re finding it hard to stick to. 


To receive the crystals that align with each new and full moon in the Blue Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.