Howlite is a super-soothing stone that’s just perfect for navigating the battleground of the mind. For highly-sensitive souls and those entangled in racing thoughts, howlite crystal works kind of like an anchor, stabilising you in the present moment while stopping you from floating out to sea.

The meditation from the November Blue Ivory subscription box for the Gemini full moon on the 2th November 2023 works with howlite crystal and is an adaptation of the six thinking hats method by Edward De Bono. I’ve tried to align each hat with the chakras so you can more easily delve into the energies.

Click HERE to find out more about the 7 chakra thinking hats journaling technique and click HERE to listen to the Gemini full moon meditation.

Howlite crystal for the Gemini full moon, 27th November, 2023

Believed to bring both emotional and mental balance, howlite is used to calm the mind’s constant chatter. So if, (like me!!) you are always on your screen, get your howlite crystal at the ready and have faith you will be triumphant on your quest towards calm and clarity.


Howlite was part of the November 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box for the Gemini full moon, now SOLD OUT. To receive the next box, join our subscribers…




Crystals for mindfulness

Howlite is an ideal crystal to keep with you during meditation. It works especially well with mindfulness practice because it encourages more focus on the present, allowing for a break from the worries of the past and the uncertainties of the future. 

Beyond the realms of meditation, howlite plays a pivotal role in promoting clearer thinking. Keep this stone close whenever you’re trying to organise your thoughts, particularly in situations where emotions may cloud your judgement.

This is a really great crystal for problem-solving, empowering you to make decisions with a calm and rational mind, leading to more thoughtful and well-informed wins. YES!

In the relentless whirlwind of stimuli and demands that life (lol the internet) throws at us, meditating with howlite can offer up an inner sanctuary for the mind, cultivating a sacred space of stillness.


Emotional intelligence

Howlite is also a great stone for working through emotional issues, bringing understanding and constructive communication within relationships.

When emotions run high, howlite’s calming influence can help defuse tension, allowing for a more open and empathetic conversation. This makes it an ideal crystal for maintaining composure and promoting harmony when it comes to significant others. Keep this crystal with you in business meetings!


Contemplation and inner searching

Howlite’s gentle energy is not just great for smoother discussions, it’s also believed to open up a pathway to delve into your inner world, encouraging self-awareness and reflection. 

By quieting the mind and promoting emotional balance, howlite can help you embrace personal growth with a sense of calm assurance, allowing for a positive mindset that is going to be super helpful for your sense of self-worth..


Meditation for mental clarity using howlite crystal for the Gemini full moon, November 27th, 2023

Before meditating, spend some time journaling on your problem using this adaptation of the six thinking hats method. Click HERE to find out more. 

Begin by making yourself comfortable in a meditative position. Feel the support of the earth beneath you and close your eyes, taking a moment to relax your entire body as you breathe deeply, allowing each breath to centre you in the present moment.


Turn your attention to the base of the spine, where the spinning red light of the root chakra sits. Breathe deeply as you visualise roots growing deep into the earth beneath you. Feel this energy grounding you. Notice a sense of stability and security as you continue to visualise roots growing deep from the red light spinning at the base of your spine. Continue to breathe like this for a few moments.


Now, bring the situation you wish to focus on to mind. What fears are coming up? Continue to breathe into the area of the root chakra and allow any fears to melt away into the earth beneath you. Repeat to yourself, I am safe. Breathe deeply.


Move your focus to the area just below your navel, visualising the warm, orange glow of the sacral chakra. Breathe deeply as you feel the orange spinning light begin to fill your hips, unlocking your deepest, desires. What comes up?  As you breathe into this area,  repeat to yourself, I am creative


Bring your attention to the area above the navel. Feel the radiant yellow light of the solar plexus chakra spinning as it begins to expand, opening yourself up to optimism and positivity. Breathe deeply as the bright, yellow light shines out from your solar plexus into the world around you. Notice the excitement and expansion as you focus on this yellow light energy. What opportunities and positive moves can you identify? Repeat the positive affirmation, “I am unstoppable.”  


Shift your focus to the centre of your chest, where a bright green light radiates from the heart chakra. Feel the warmth of love and compassion surrounding you. Breathe deeply as you visualise the green light expanding from your heart to the hearts of others. How can you better infuse love into your situation? Breathe deeply and relax, visualising the colour green as it fills your body and noticing what comes up. Repeat the affirmation, “I am love.”  


Now, direct your attention to the base of the throat and the bright blue light that spins there. Feel the throat opening and your light shining out into the world in front of you. Think about how you can communicate your needs and feelings clearly.  Repeat the words, “I am expressive.”  


Move your attention to the area between your eyebrows, where an indigo light signifies the third eye chakra. Feel the clarity of this deep blue light as it activates all of the chakras. Breathe deeply as you evaluate the situation objectively. What comes to your mind intuitively? Repeat the affirmation, “I am open to inspiration.”


Finally, bring your attention to the top of your head, where a violet spinning light represents the Crown Chakra. Imagine a pillar of white light energy streaming down from the heavens and into your crown chakra. Sense a connection to higher wisdom and a clear path forward. What deeper insights or spiritual guidance can you access? Repeat the positive affirmation, “I am connected with the wisdom of the Universe.”  


Now, drawing the light energy in through your crown, allow the pillar of light energy to activate each chakra, helping to create a complete holistic understanding. Breathe this pure light energy up and down the spine, then up again,  from the root to the crown then from the crown to the root, allowing for the steady and fluid flow of energy. 


Notice if anything comes up, and if it does, allow it to float past, unjudged. Continue to breathe like this for a few more moments. Relax your body, and focus on the light.


Gradually returning your awareness to the present moment, open your eyes and take some time to journal your experiences focusing on the feelings and energies that surfaced during this chakra meditation.


To receive the crystals that align with next month’s moon meditations, join our subscribers…