In all my days researching and writing about the healing powers of rocks (lol) never have I ever stumbled upon something as totally random as the many named moqui marbles found in the Navajo Desert, Utah. 

Also known as Navajo Cherries, shaman stones and thunder balls, these spherical little rock formations are also found on Mars. Yes! Mars 🚀

OK, so they might not be exactly the same, although no-one really knows what the beautifully named ‘Martian Blueberries’ that reside there are made from, but they ARE very similar and it’s led to all sorts of delicious conspiracy theories about our alien ancestors.

I mean, wouldn’t it be wonderful to think these are little balls of fuel left behind by billion year old ancestral spaceships? AHAHA. Seriously though, the ancients knew there was something special about these strange clusters of marbles.

They believed that each night their ancestors returned to Earth to play marble games, leaving them there to reassure them. And if you have ever been to see a shaman and sat around a mystical fire, you may have seen them thrown into the flames where they crack and sizzle, so that they might open the veil to the spirit world.

Energetically there is something very planetary and galactic about these stones. From a healer’s perspective, the main reason you need them in your life is to provide a stabilising energy when vision journeying.

They are mainly used when floating off on the waves of visualisation in your meditation practice as a sort of anchoring energy to hoist you back to the earthly realms. This makes them super grounding. They are also great at balancing out energy.

Moqui marbles are actually used in pairs, with the smaller representing feminine energy, and the larger, masculine. Sit with one in each hand, or above and below your body if you’re lying down.

New moon in Aries, 21st March, 2023

Here’s a meditation to help you prepare for the big gameplan you will be creating after Tuesday’s brilliant new moon at the very first degree of the Zodiac,

Before you begin, spend some time journaling on what you wish your future to look like. When you look back on your life, what would you like to see? What type of person do you want to be? Lie down in savasana with the amethyst crystal on your third eye, the larger of the two moqui marbles at your feet and the smaller one above your head.

Breathe deeply and evenly, allowing your body to melt into the floor. As you continue to breathe and relax, begin to create a movie in the space behind your eyelids, playing out exactly how you wish your life to be in one year from now.

As you meditate on your future self, what fears arise? Do you sense any resistance? Pay attention to what feels tight within your body and where you may have tension. Now, allow all of that resistance to melt away.

Continue to breathe as each bit of tension is released in your body and you settle down into the movie in front of you. Be sure to spend some time focusing on yourself as happy and content during this movie. See yourself fully within your purpose, aligned with people who share your values.

Continue to breathe deeply and evenly and allow yourself to explore this future version of yourself and your life. Focus on gratitude for it already having happened.

Now, visualise your life 5 years from now. What have you achieved? How are you feeling? Again, pay attention to any fears that come up and allow them to be released fully from your body. Picture yourself thriving within this future version of yourself and again, give thanks for your dreams already having happened.

When you have finished, you can try creating a vision board including the most important ideas that came to mind during your meditation. I would recommend writing your plans out after Tuesday’s new moon, but focusing on the meditation in the days up to and after.

To listen to the audio version, see the Meditation section of the IVORY app, and to purchase the next Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE.