Moss agate cleanses the heart chakra and allows for fresh energy flow. This crystal is perfect for the Virgo full moon and holds a vibration that can help you spring clean your life and create balance. Keep moss agate crystal close to you when connecting to the energy of abundance and Mother Earth.


Moss agate can help you feel at one with nature and is actually a great crystal for manifesting abundance, particularly when it comes to money. It can help clear away stagnant energy and mindset blocks, encouraging a fresh flow in its place. This crystal also helps you to connect to earth energy which governs your finances.


In fact, moss agate was traditionally carried as a lucky amulet when doing business deals or taxes, so if you’re working on your accounts, or you’re a small business owner trying to grow your business, or just trying to succeed in your working life, moss agate can help attract new flowing streams of income and allow you to balance your books when the figures just don’t seem to add up. Gimme!


Moss agate is also supposed to be great for soothing inflammation and connecting you to a cooling vibe if you’re feeling hot and riley. And if you’re into gardening then this stone was made for YOU! Place it in your favourite plant pot and watch what happens. This beautiful stone can also help you to feel at one with nature, if you are in need of a little zen. Aren’t we all right now. Aaargh!


Another lovely use for moss agate crystal is for balancing out your emotions if you are swinging from one extreme to the other. It can help you feel safe and secure when thrown off course, or when the world around you seems to be falling to pieces. It’s a grounding crystal, but in an emotional sense, combining the healing energies of both earth and water.


Moss agate can also help you to clean out all the clutter and sort out your life, so it’s a great crystal for the Virgo full moon, and for Virgo energy in general of course, because it helps you to GET THINGS DONE. This crystal is great for releasing perfectionism and can help Virgo energy to balance out. It’s also great for new beginnings and unleashing creativity.


Tuesday’s full moon in Virgo is going to need a bit of balancing energy with so much happening in the opposite sign of Neptune.


Here’s a meditation from last month’s Blue Ivory subscription box to go with the moss agate crystal moon for the full moon in Virgo on the 7th of March, 2023. CLICK HERE to subscribe to our monthly boxes.



Guided meditation for the full moon in Virgo, March 7th, 2023

Sit in a meditative position and begin to follow the breath.


Relax your shoulders and elongate the spine, allowing your muscles to relax, and your thoughts to gently pass like clouds.


Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly.


On the next in-breath, imagine your body filling up with a cleansing water that rises from the earth beneath you.


On the next out-breath, visualise the water swirling around the heart chakra and each part of your body, cleansing and releasing any stagnant energy.


Again, breathe in as you gently draw the energy up your spine as it swells out into your body, flushing out each part and removing any tension or negativity.


Breathe out and watch the water flow down through your root chakra where it disappears and is transformed by the healing nature of the earth.


Continue to breathe on the idea of water flowing up through your spine and into your body, through the heart chakra and out through the root chakra beneath you.


When you are ready, visualise a wave of green water flowing out of your heart and into your surrounding area, washing through any negativity around you.


Feel the cleansing water invigorate you as it flows through your surroundings, creating a sacred space full of positivity.


Continue to breathe and allow any thoughts to pass round. When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness back into the room.