Amethyst crystal to align with the third eye chakra and bring your manifestations into reality at the full moon in Aquarius

Amethyst crystal to align with the third eye chakra and bring your manifestations into reality at the full moon in Aquarius

Amethyst is a truly high vibrational stone that works with both the crown and third eye chakras, making it a super popular crystal for tuning into your higher self.

This purple beauty is also excellent for aligning with the law of attraction and visualising your dreams, helping to elevate your spiritual journey, boost your mental clarity and provide you with insights from above. This makes amethyst just perfect for the August 2023 Aquarius supermoon.



Amethyst for enhancing intuition


Amethyst is the classic crystal for enhancing intuitive and psychic abilities. This gemstone is like a mental magnifier that helps you understand yourself better and gain insights into the world around you. It’s also believed to lift the energy of the room and keep the vibration high.



Mental focus


In dire need of some mental decluttering? Amethyst is here for you! This crystal can help clear your mind from distractions and also boost your concentration. Keep it close during meditation and any other activities that require a clear head and focus.



Spiritual growth


With its upper chakra connection, amethyst is your ultimate crystal for aligning with spiritual growth. Meditating with amethyst can nudge you towards a higher level of consciousness and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Get ready for some soul-expanding experiences with amethyst by your side.





Feeling stressed or anxious? Amethyst has calming superpowers. Its tranquil aura can ease your worries and anxieties, helping you balance your emotions and ease mental tension. This is also why amethyst is often used during detox or times when emotions are out of control. Definitely one to keep with you in therapy!





In some belief systems, amethyst doubles as a protective shield, guarding against negative energies that might mess with the proper functioning of your third eye chakra. It’s also said to protect from inebriation. The Ancient Greeks drank from amethyst cups so say goodbye to unwanted vibes at your next soiree.



Here’s a meditation you might like to try at the Aquarius full moon on the 1st of August, 2023 to embrace amethyst’s cosmic powers and open up to a whole new world of spiritual possibilities. You can listen to an audio version of this meditation HERE.


Meditation for the full supermoon in Aquarius on the 1st of August, 2023



This visualisation can help you to ground your goals into reality. Before you begin, set an intention or choose a goal you wish to manifest. Find a comfortable position, either sitting, standing, or laying on the earth beneath you. Allow your body to relax and your mind to settle. Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly, and bring your attention to the centre of your forehead, the location of your third eye. 

Visualise a radiant ball of indigo blue light expanding and glowing with each breath you take.This light represents your inner wisdom and intuition, guiding you along this journey. Imagine a magnificent bridge of light extending from your third eye, reaching out into the physical world. As you breathe in, the bridge cascades from your third eye, on each out breath, the bridge settles down in front of you.

Observe the bridge’s radiant glow, filled with vibrant colours that resonate with your intentions and desires. Begin to take notice of your surroundings. The bridge may be suspended in the air, surrounded by a celestial backdrop of stars and moonlight or moving through a serene landscape.

When you are ready and the bridge is secure, prepare to step onto it, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. Take one meditative step on the in-breath, then take another meditative step on the out-breath. Continue to walk in rhythm with the breath.

With each step, affirm your intentions silently or out loud. Visualise your dreams and aspirations aligning with the bridge’s light and power. Sense the bridge’s stability beneath your feet, supporting and guiding you towards your manifestation. As you near the end of the bridge, take a deep breath and express gratitude for this journey and the power of manifestation. 

Take a moment to connect once more with your third eye and the indigo light that spins vibrantly, amplifying your intentions and magnifying your manifesting power.  Feel a deep sense of trust and surrender, knowing that your intentions are being carried into the universe.

When you are ready, take a final step off from the bridge, reaching your desired destination. Immerse yourself in your goal and the energy of your intention. Feel everything around you, each sensation, the joy in your heart, and the total experience of the manifestation of your goal. Believe it is already happening.

Take a few more deep breaths as you enjoy this manifestation. Bring your awareness back to the present moment. Gently open your eyes and take a moment to ground yourself. Remember, the Bridge of Light is always accessible to you, serving as a reminder of your own inner power and the infinite possibilities that lie before you. 




To listen to this meditation, click HERE, and to receive the crystals that align with the energies of each new & full moon, join our Blue Ivory box subscribers, click HERE for more details.



Chrysocolla crystal to cultivate a sense of gratitude at the new moon in Cancer

Chrysocolla crystal to cultivate a sense of gratitude at the new moon in Cancer

If you want to work with the law of attraction, there are two main practices you need to get comfy with in order to get results. The first is forgiveness, a sort of spiritual cleansing where you can elevate your vibration instantly. The second, and the one that I think works so well with tonight’s Cancer new moon, is gratitude.


Gratitude is a simple concept which I guess specifically aligns with our origins of praising the gods – whatever that means for you! But giving thanks and appreciating what you have literally elevates your mood into a state where you are open to receive more. Hoorah!


Chrysocolla crystal for gratitude


If you’re looking for a crystal to help you to tap into the vibration of gratitude, look no further than the watery energies of chrysocolla. With its stunning speckles of duck egg blue, this gentle gemstone is renowned for its ability to soothe and nurture the emotional body.


Chrysocolla vibrates with a soft, yet potent energy, which holds the power to open you up to gratitude, making it the perfect crystal companion for the Cancer new moon. But chrysocolla is more than just a beautiful stone you can vibe with.


Manifesting with chrysocolla crystal


As a crystal that resonates deeply with the heart and throat chakras, chrysocolla encourages the expression of gratitude through emotional balance and clear communication. This makes chrysocolla an ideal crystal to incorporate into your manifestation practices.


Chrysocolla energy helps you tap into your innate knowing and align your intentions with your soul’s purpose. It also guides you to acknowledge the blessings in your lives, both big and small, and trust your inner voice as you navigate your path.


Emotional release and balance


During the Cancer new moon, chrysocolla can help with emotional release and transformation, which is going to be super helpful thanks to the current Pluto opposition. To read more about this new moon, click HERE.

This green and blue gem has a harmonising effect on your emotional state, promoting calmness and serenity so you can gently let go of pent-up emotions and patterns that no longer serve you. By acknowledging and releasing negative emotions, you pave the way for gratitude to flourish in your life.

Honest and gentle communication


But that’s not all! Chrysocolla has long been associated with enhancing communication and expression. This crystal empowers you to convey your thoughts and emotions more effectively, fostering open and honest conversations.


One of the more remarkable qualities of chrysocolla is its ability to soothe nerves, especially when it comes to public speaking. This makes it an invaluable tool for highly sensitive people, providing an extra level of support and confidence.


With chrysocolla by your side, you can feel at ease and express yourself more effectively, allowing your true thoughts and emotions to shine. Plusm when you practise gratitude, clear communication allows you to express your appreciation and deepen your relationships with others.


Here’s a meditation technique you might like to try to help align with this energy of gratitude. You can also listen to this meditation HERE.


Meditation to cultivate gratitude


Imagine yourself in a serene place of your choice, a garden, a beach, or a peaceful room filled with warmth and comfort. Feel the tranquillity surrounding you. Take a moment to soak in the energy of this place.


As you immerse yourself in this serenity, think of a person in your life you are grateful for. 


Envision a bright, radiant light appearing just above your head. This light represents gratitude in its purest form.


As you inhale, imagine this light flowing down through the crown of your head, gently filling your body with appreciation for the blessings in your life. Allow this gratitude to expand within you, filling every corner of your being.


Now, think of an object you are grateful for. It can be anything, a crystal, a piece of clothing, even a kitchen utensil. It doesn’t matter what it is, just focus on this object and again, visualise the white light filling your body. Meditate on this feeling of gratitude.


Finally, think of something about yourself that you are grateful for. It could be a physical attribute, or a psychological one, or simply the fact that you are breathing here on Earth.


Hold onto this thought about yourself and once more allow the bright white light to fill your body. On each inhalation, draw the light deeper into your being. 


With each exhale, visualise this light expanding and radiating outwards from your body. Feel it spreading, encompassing the space around you, and extending further, reaching out to the world. This radiant light carries with it pure gratitude and love, touching the lives of all those around you.


Stay in this grateful state, allowing the light of gratitude to continue flowing through you. Take a moment to bask in the warmth and positivity that radiates from within. Feel your vibration ascending.


When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, feeling refreshed and renewed. As you exhale, release any lingering tension or thoughts. 


Open your eyes, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. Carry this sense of gratitude and manifestation with you throughout your day, allowing it to guide you towards a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and love.


To receive the crystals that accompany each moon meditation, join our glamorous throng of subscribers to Blue Ivory. Click HERE for more details.

Black tourmaline crystal to help release self-imposed limitations at the Capricorn full moon

Black tourmaline crystal to help release self-imposed limitations at the Capricorn full moon

A real powerhouse of a crystal, black tourmaline can help you break free from psychological chains. This is a highly protective stone, traditionally used to transmute negativity but also great for grounding and a must-have during the current Saturn in Pisces transit which is seriously shapeshifting reality.

Black tourmaline offers a gorgeous energy for Saturn-ruled Capricorn, an earth sign known for its determination and practicality. For this Capricorn full moon I chose a meditation to help release self-imposed limitations so you can reach new heights of achievement (with the help of the black tourmaline pendant from July’s box around your neck of course – now SOLD OUT).

This unique, ridged and irridescent crystal can help ground and empower you on the path towards smashing your goals. And if achievements are not your thing, then wear it whenever you feel the need to calm yourself or ward off negative vibes. Ahhh.


Remove self-imposed limitations with black tourmaline crystal

As every Capricorn will know on the winding path to success, invisible barriers and self-imposed limitations can often hinder your progress. That’s where the mighty black tourmaline steps in, acting as a cosmic ally to dismantle these obstacles and pave the way for your ascent.

July 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box


To receive the crystals that align with each moon meditation in the Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE.


Black tourmaline, with its lustrous and protective vibration, is renowned for its ability to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive, allowing you to reclaim your personal power and stride confidently toward success.


This crystal is super grounding and stabilising, helping you to balance your energy and protect you from stress or nerves. It can also help promote resilience and settle excessive emotions, promoting a sense of calmness and balance. This is partly because black tourmaline vibrates with the root chakra, encouraging a deeper connection with the physical body while grounding any flighty energies.


This black rock is even believed to create a protective shield against electromagnetic radiation and psychic attacks. But it’s also thought to be super cleansing with the ability to absorb and transmute, cleansing and purifying the energetic body, while helping to release worries and tension.


Here’s a meditation you can practise at the Capricorn full moon, or whenever you wish to shake off some of those self-limiting beliefs.

PS! In the Blue Ivory subscription box astral guides I actually suggested you visualise throwing these rocks in a field while watching them explode into light, but in the audio version I went for a lake. But you know, you can throw those damn limitations anywhere you want! As long as it’s not in my general direction…


To listen to this meditation, click HERE


Meditation to help you release limitations at the Capricorn full moon on the 3rd of July, 2023

Sit in a meditative position with the black tourmaline necklace from the July Blue Ivory subscription box around your neck, or in your hand. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to enter into a state of relaxation and receptivity.


Visualise yourself standing at the edge of a vast, serene lake, representing the stillness and clarity you seek in your journey towards success. Envision the moon’s radiant light reflecting upon the water’s surface, infusing it with an otherworldly glow.


Continue to breathe deeply as you Take a moment to reflect on the limitations or self-imposed boundaries that have been holding you back.


Acknowledge them without judgement, understanding that they no longer serve your highest good.


As you think about these limitations, one by one, pick up small rocks from the ground and offer them the energy of your challenges.


Feel the weight of these rocks in your hands, representing the burdens that have been hindering your progress.


When you feel ready, take a deep breath and, with intention, throw each rock into the lake. 


Observe as the water ripples and absorbs the energy of these limitations, transforming them into boundless potential and opportunity.


As you release the rocks, affirm to yourself that you are breaking free from these limitations and embracing the path of success. 


Once you have thrown all of your limitations into the water, Visualise yourself stepping into a realm of unlimited possibilities, where your dreams become your reality.


Repeat the following affirmations to yourself,


“I release all limitations that no longer serve me.”

“I am worthy of success and fulfilment in my career.”

“I embrace my unlimited potential and welcome new opportunities.”


Sit in stillness for a few moments enjoying the renewed sense of empowerment and determination that fills your heart.


When you are ready, gently return your awareness to the present moment. Express gratitude to the universe for its guidance and support, and trust that its energy will continue to support you on your journey.



To receive the crystals and meditations chosen for each new and full moon, join our subscribers


Orange calcite to help create a work of art to remind you of your goals at the Gemini new moon

Orange calcite to help create a work of art to remind you of your goals at the Gemini new moon

Oooh, I just want to eat this crystal! Orange calcite doesn’t just sound juicy and sweet, its vibration can help unleash your inner artist and align you emotionally and spiritually with your goals. It’s also a delicious crystal for working with the law of attraction thanks to its joyful vibration which helps you to fully align with your manifestations.


Orange calcite was part of the June box to help with a creative visualisation technique at the Gemini new moon. This new moon is in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces taking your creativity and intuition to new depths. You can listen to this meditation here before creating a visionboard or work of art to remind you of your goals.



Tangerine quartz and orange calcite Ivory Gloss subscription box


To receive the crystals that align with each moon meditation in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.


Unleashing the muse


Orange calcite is your very own creative muse. Its playful vibration is here to encourage innovative thinking and self-expression.


This crystal is great for chatty Gemini energy, helping you to embrace unique perspectives and infuse your creations with your authentic voice. It can also boost your confidence, empowering you to experiment and break free from creative blocks.


As you connect with orange calcite, envision a surge of inspiration flowing through your entire being, lighting up your imagination and propelling you beyond the ordinary.



Confidence and empowerment


Orange calcite is all about boosting your self-esteem and unlocking your self-expression. Aligned with both the sacral and solar plexus chakras, this crystal exudes empowering vibes, sweeping away any self-doubt.


Meditating with orange calcite crystal can help you tap into your inner strength, allowing you to express yourself fearlessly and authentically. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader, encouraging you on every step of the way.


Allow orange calcite’s joyful energy to infuse you with a renewed sense of self-belief. Speak your truth, share your unique perspective, and rise tall in your creative pursuits.



Igniting passion and allure


Orange calcite isn’t just about artistic brilliance, it can also ignite the flames of physical creativity. Oooh!


Aligned with the sacral chakra, this crystal invites you to explore your sensuality and dive into the depths of your deepest desires. It’s time to awaken the sensual goddess within and savour the pleasures of life and intimacy.


Orange calcite’s creative vibrations can even aid fertility by harmonising the energy flow within your body. This crystal encourages connection between your physical and energetic self, creating an environment ripe with potential for new beginnings and growth.


Here’s a meditation you might like to help manifest your goals through creativity. To listen to an audio version, head over to the Meditation section of the Ivory app.



Meditation for the Gemini new moon on the 18th of June, 2023 to help you to tap into your unique creativity and manifest your goals.


Sit, stand or lie down in a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Take a moment to settle into your body and allow your mind to become still.

As you enter into this space of meditation, bring your attention to the orange calcite sphere held in your receiving hand. Feel its smooth surface and its comforting weight.

Now, imagine a heavy rain beginning to fall, washing away any thoughts or distractions that may be present in your mind.

With each droplet of rain, feel your thoughts becoming lighter and being carried away. Let go of any worries or concerns and surrender to this cleansing rain.

As your mind becomes clear, visualize a blank canvas appearing in front of you, suspended in the space behind your closed eyelids.

This canvas represents the limitless potential of your imagination and creativity. Take a moment to observe this blank canvas, noticing its size, shape, and texture.

Now, take a deep breath in, drawing in the energy of inspiration and possibility. As you exhale, release any tension or resistance within you. With each breath, allow yourself to relax even deeper into this meditative state.

As you continue to breathe deeply, begin to paint your goal on the canvas. Let your imagination run wild, using whatever colors and materials you wish.

See your goal taking shape before your eyes, vibrant and alive. Allow the colors to blend and flow, expressing the essence of your desires.

As you paint, feel the sensations brought on by this vision. Notice the excitement and joy that arises within you as you see your goal manifesting on the canvas. Feel the energy and enthusiasm flowing through your body as you engage with this creative process.

Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to create and manifest your desires. Embrace the power within you to bring your dreams into reality. Trust in your ability to make this vision a tangible experience.

When you feel that your painting is complete, gently open your eyes and bring your attention back to the present moment. Take a few moments to reflect on the artwork you have created in your mind and the sensations it evoked within you.

As a final step, consider creating a physical representation of your artwork. Use the materials and colors that resonated with you during the meditation. This tangible reminder will serve as a symbol of your creative power and the potential that lies within you.

Remember, as you journey forward, to return to this meditation whenever you need to reconnect with your goals and tap into your creative energy. Trust in the process and have faith in your ability to manifest your desires. Embrace the joy of creation and allow your dreams to unfold before you.


To receive the crystals and meditations chosen for each new and full moon, join our subscribers


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Tangerine quartz to help dance your manifestations into life at the Sagittarius full moon

Tangerine quartz to help dance your manifestations into life at the Sagittarius full moon


Tangerine quartz is a super rare form of quartz that can help you find inspiration. Meditate with tangerine quartz to amp up your creativity, allow fresh ideas to flow and boost optimism.


This crystal was chosen for the Sagittarius full moon on the 4th of June, which is aligned in an energising and playful trine with Mars in Leo. The Sagittarius full moon aligned with Mars is perfect for aligning the sacral chakra to help ignite your creative energy and propel you towards your goals.


To help activate this chakra and bring a little Leo energy into your life, try dancing under the moonlight. By immersing yourself in movement and expressing your desires through dance, you can further raise your vibration and cultivate a deep sense of belief in your dreams. Yes!



Tangerine quartz and orange calcite Ivory Gloss subscription box



To receive the crystal that aligns with each moon meditation in the Ivory Gloss subscription box, click HERE.


Tangerine quartz works with the sacral chakra and is great for stimulating your imagination and opening the doors to innovative thinking.


For those in need of a self-esteem boost, tangerine quartz can be a supportive ally. Its uplifting energy helps dispel self-doubt, promoting a sense of self-acceptance.


Believed to infuse your aura with youthfulness and joy, tangerine quartz awakens the childlike wonder within you. This gorgeous, sparkling stone encourages joy, optimism and confidence, acting as a gentle reminder of your worth and capabilities, empowering you to pursue your dreams fearlessly.



Harness a heightened awareness


Tangerine quartz is particularly beneficial for highly sensitive people who may feel overwhelmed by their heightened awareness. Its calming energy acts as a grounding force, helping to balance emotions and provide a sense of stability.


By working with this crystal, highly sensitive individuals can harness their sensitivity as a gift, enabling them to navigate the world with grace, resilience, and a deep connection to their intuition.



Raise your vibration and align with the law of attraction


Tangerine quartz is a beautiful stone for raising your vibration and aligning yourself with your goals. Its positive and high-frequency energy supports you in attracting what you desire into your life.


By incorporating tangerine quartz into your manifestation practices, whether through meditation or placing it in your environment, you can enhance your ability to manifest abundance, joy, and fulfillment.



Energetic cleansing and vitality


Tangerine quartz is renowned for its remarkable ability to cleanse and purify your energy field. It resonates with the sacral chakra, the centre of creativity, sensuality, and personal power.


By working with tangerine quartz, you can effectively release stagnant or negative energies, revitalising your aura and restoring a sense of balance and vitality. It aids in letting go of past traumas and emotional blockages, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.



Emotional healing and self-acceptance


Emotionally, tangerine quartz is a powerful ally, promoting self-acceptance, self-worth, and emotional healing. It encourages a positive outlook on life and helps dissolve self-doubt and insecurities.


This crystal can encourage an enhanced sense of confidence, motivation, and courage. It assists in embracing one’s authentic self and embracing the joy of living.



Creative inspiration and manifestation


Tangerine quartz holds a strong connection to the creative realms, making it a fantastic companion for artists, writers, and anyone seeking creative inspiration. It stimulates the imagination, amplifies creative ideas, and supports the manifestation of one’s artistic visions.


By meditating with tangerine quartz or keeping it close during creative pursuits, you can unlock your artistic potential and bring your dreams to life.



Soothing and uplifting energy


Tangerine quartz emits a soothing and uplifting energy, making it an excellent crystal for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. Its warm and vibrant energy brings a sense of joy, optimism, and enthusiasm.


By holding or wearing tangerine quartz, you can experience a gentle upliftment of your spirit, creating a more positive and harmonious state of being.



Sacral chakra activation


As mentioned before, tangerine quartz resonates strongly with the sacral chakra, which governs our emotions, sensuality, and passion.  This can lead to increased confidence, emotional stability, and a heightened ability to express oneself authentically.


Tangerine quartz is a great crystal for chakra dance or if you want to connect your physical energies to your manifestations. To align with the sacral chakra try this meditation while you dance. To listen, head on over to the Meditation section of the app.



Dance meditation for manifesting your goals at the June 2023 Sagittarius full moon


The art of manifestation combines the power of intention, visualisation, and energetic alignment to bring our dreams into reality. One powerful way to enhance this process is through dance meditation.


To begin, find a quiet space where you can stand barefoot. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and consciously release any tension in your shoulders and body.


Allow thoughts to gently pass by, focusing on the present moment. Take a few more deep breaths, grounding yourself by planting your feet firmly into the ground, with your knees slightly bent.


With gentle swaying and movement, start to connect with your manifestation. Visualise your desired outcome, and repeat it out loud as though it has already happened. This verbal affirmation sets a powerful intention, sending a clear message to the universe.


Feel the energy of your manifestation as you relax into a vision of it materialising in your life.


Now, shift your focus to your body. How would you hold yourself if your manifestation were a reality? How would it feel? Allow these sensations to guide your movements.


Begin to dance, letting your body express the emotions associated with your desired outcome. Whether it’s strength, empowerment, relief, or ecstasy, let your body become a vessel for these feelings.


As you move, take deep breaths and let the energy of your manifestation flow through you. Imagine yourself already in possession of your goal, experiencing the joy and gratitude that comes with it.


Feel your movements becoming more expansive, taking up space and allowing your body to fully embody the essence of your manifestation.



Dancing in gratitude


Gratitude is a powerful tool for manifestation, as it aligns us with the positive vibrations of abundance. As you continue to dance, let gratitude flood your being.


Feel the energy moving through you, knowing that you have already achieved your dream. It’s happening, and the feeling is indescribable.


Enjoy this dance of gratitude, letting your body express the immense joy and fulfilment that your manifestation brings.


Every step, sway, and twirl is a celebration of your success. Immerse yourself in the present moment, fully aware of the incredible journey you have embarked upon.


Keep dancing for as long as you can, ideally for at least ten minutes. Allow the music to guide you, surrendering to its rhythm and letting it carry you further into the energy of manifestation.


With each movement, reaffirm your belief in the power of the law of attraction and your ability to manifest your dreams.


As your dance comes to an end, take a moment to reflect on the experience. Notice the heightened state of awareness and the vibrational shift within you.


Carry this feeling throughout your day, remaining open to opportunities and inspired action that align with your manifestation.



Dance moves for the sacral chakra


Here are a few suggestions for dance moves that may help stimulate the sacral chakra:


  1. Hip Circles: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and gently rotate your hips in circles. This movement helps to activate the lower abdomen and pelvis, which are associated with the sacral chakra


  1. Belly Dancing: Belly dancing incorporates fluid and sensual movements that engage the entire core area, including the lower abdomen. The undulating movements in belly dance can help awaken the energy in the sacral chakra.


  1. Figure Eight: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and imagine drawing a horizontal figure-eight shape with your hips. This movement helps to open and balance the energy flow in the sacral chakra while engaging the lower abdomen and pelvic region.


  1. Free-Form Dance: Allow yourself to move freely and intuitively to the rhythm of the music. Let your body express itself without judgment or inhibition. This form of dance can help you tap into your creative energy and bring forth emotional expression associated with the sacral chakra.


Remember, the most important aspect of dancing for the sacral chakra is to connect with your body and let your movements flow naturally. Listen to music that resonates with your emotions and allows you to feel free and expressive.


To receive the crystals and meditations chosen for each new and full moon, join our subscribers


Peridot crystal to help you align with the law of attraction at the Taurus new moon

Peridot crystal to help you align with the law of attraction at the Taurus new moon


Peridot crystal is a super gorgeous, green gemstone that has been flying under the radar for way too long. Having said that, when I posted last month about the peridot orgone crystal points in the May Ivory Gloss box for the new moon in Taurus, a few lovelies got in touch to show me their own Emeralds of the Evening, as peridot is so aptly named. So seems this stone has been close to your hearts for many lifetimes.


The truth is, peridot can attract abundance like nobody’s business, so get ready to manifest!



Peridot crystal for the Taurus new moon on the 19th May 2023


If you’re an earthy Taurus, known for your love of luxury and financial stability (ahem!) then this vibrant green crystal will resonate deeply with your grounded Venusian energy and is here to help you become at one with your finances.


Place a peridot crystal in your workplace to amplify your wealth magnetism and whisper to it affirmations so you can infuse your visions with that earthy energy of abundance.


To listen to the meditation that goes with this crystal from the May Ivory Gloss box, click HERE.



Peridot for the law of attraction


Peridot is all about positive vibes and it aligns perfectly with the law of attraction’s philosophy of like attracts like.


By working with Peridot, you’re sending out a clear signal to the universe that you’re ready to receive all the abundance it has to offer. So grab your Peridot and get ready to manifest!



Peridot for the heart and solar plexus chakras


Part of the reason peridot is so great for manifesting is that it’s aligned with both the heart and solar plexus chakras. This crystal’s soothing green hue opens up your heart to love and compassion so you can be more open to receive, whilst giving you that solar plexus energy boost to help you put those manifestations into practice.


If you’ve been feeling a little guarded or closed off, you might find it hard to attract what you want. Peridot will help you break down those walls and invite love and kindness into your life. It’s like a little reminder to embrace your vulnerability and let love flow freely. Perfect for the law of attraction!


If you need a little help or find you have some fears preventing you from manifesting, here’s a meditation. Don’t forget, you can listen to an audio version here.



Meditation to help release any fears or emotional blocks to better align with the law of attraction at the Taurus new moon


Before you begin, write down what it is that you most want to attract. Now, think of any fears you have about reaching your goal and write those down too.


Sit or lie down in a meditative position with the peridot orgone point in front of you or in your hand. Breathe deeply and allow your thoughts to float past, neither judging or entertaining them.


Imagine you are walking through a garden overcrowded by weeds. Beneath them lie the fruits of your labour, waiting to pop through the surface.


These weeds represent your fears. Using a scythe, or your hands, clear them away once and for all. 


Free up the growth of wealth and abundance by pulling up anything that is preventing you from manifesting your goal.


If you don’t have the energy to pull up the weeds, simply visualise them drying up and crumbling away, leaving the abundant foliage to grow stronger.


Any negative thoughts or mental blocks preventing you from receiving what you desire have to go.


Continue to breathe deeply, enjoying the brightly coloured and abundant foliage that grows stronger with each moment, as you clear away whatever it is that is holding you back from achieving your dreams.


Allow your mind to become freed from fear.


You have worked hard for this abundance, simply by taking part in the human experience. You deserve all the abundance in the world.


Breathe on the feeling of abundance for a few more moments.

You can continue to meditate as long as you wish. When you have finished, spend some time journaling on what you most wish to attract into your life then write your new moon intentions.

To receive the crystals that go with each meditation at the new and full moons, join our Blue Ivory subscribers.


Smokey quartz crystal for releasing negative thoughts at the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse

Smokey quartz crystal for releasing negative thoughts at the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse

Smokey quartz is one of the best crystals to keep with you if you’re feeling out of sorts, if your worries are getting the best of you or you’re drowning in negative thoughts. A popular activity for the modern age, right?!

This super grounding stone can help shift anything toxic, stabilising your emotions while you do so. Looking for a crystal to calm your nerves and release negativity? Smokey quartz is the one for you.



Smokey quartz for the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse


Smokey quartz is a classic Scorpio crystal. Often used during spiritual or physical detox, this healing crystal can help you process old trauma and find the inner strength to handle intense emotions.


When facing that deep and stormy Scorpio energy, smokey quartz can help you step into the light and shake off negativity, allowing you to tap into that Scorpionic magic that is both regenerative and deeply healing.


Smokey quartz is also a great earthing crystal. It vibrates with both the root and solar plexus chakras, offering an extra boost of light and strength during transformative times. It’s a really useful crystal to help you be present in the moment without spiralling into negativity.


So if you’re feeling anxious or stuck in your head, meditate with smokey quartz to help release those negative behavioural patterns and intrusive thoughts.


In need of a spiritual cleanse? I love this stone if you want to shift something you no longer need, which is why it’s just so perfect for the May 2023 Scorpio south node full moon lunar eclipse.



Meditation for the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse, 5th May, 2023


This meditation was chosen for the Scorpio lunar eclipse on the 5th of May, 2023 which is in opposition to Uranus and Mercury in Taurus and a great opportunity to unburden yourself of whatever is holding you back, so you can prepare for the gorgeous new beginning at the Taurus new moon on the 19th May, 2023.


Before you begin, you might like to spend some time journaling on your fears and toss them into a burning bowl before you meditate on them floating away, one by one.


To listen to the audio version, head to the Meditation section of the Ivory app.



Meditation using smokey quartz crystal to clear negative thoughts


Sit in a meditative position or lie down with the smoky quartz crystal in your hand or on your third eye.


Breathe deeply as you focus on relaxing your body and lengthening the breath.


Now, imagine you are laying next to a stream of water. On the stream are deep green leaves, floating past you along the surface.


Listen to the sound of the stream and enjoy the sensations of the breeze on your skin, a warm, dappled light falling over you. A safe space for you to relax.


Continue to breathe as you focus on the sounds of the water and the sensations on your skin.


As you meditate, you may find some thoughts running through your mind. Each time a thought appears, place it on a leaf and watch it float past.


Even if a thought is positive, do not judge, simply place it on a leaf and let it float past.


If a thought pops into your head that makes you uncomfortable or questions your meditation practice, again, place it on a leaf and watch it float by.


Continue to focus on the breath. Inhale as the thoughts bubble up to the surface of your mind, and exhale allowing them to float past on each leaf.


If your thoughts momentarily stop, continue to breathe deeply and evenly as the stream flows past you.  Sooner or later, your thoughts will start up again. Ready to be placed on leaves and floated on by.


Don’t try to speed the river up and rush your thoughts along, instead allow them to come and go at their own pace. If a leaf gets stuck, allow it to hang around until it’s ready to float past.


As the thoughts become less frequent, focus again on the breath and the sensations in your body.


You can continue to meditate for a few more moments, or open your eyes and gently bring your awareness back into the room.



To receive the crystals that work with each meditation at the new and full moon, sign up to the Blue Ivory subscription box.




Hematite crystal for strength and resilience at the Aries new moon solar eclipse

Hematite crystal for strength and resilience at the Aries new moon solar eclipse

During intense times of change and transformation as is the energy ushered in by this week’s new moon solar eclipse in Aries, find yourself a piece of hematite crystal and sit yourself in meditation.

Hematite is a physically heavy stone that helps anchor you during times of challenge and offers a healthy dose of resilience. Personally, I don’t recall resilience being taught in school, but it’s definitely a key life skill that can keep you sane during these ‘interesting times’ we find ourselves in. Stay strong brave one!

Simply holding this stone has a grounding effect and energetically it’s said to help stabilise emotions, making it a great crystal to have with you if you’re a delicate flower or super sensitive and keen to boost your inner resolve. But what I love most about this metallic beauty is how it can act as a reminder to breathe deeply and stay connected to your centre during times of challenge. 

Your emotional armour

In ancient times, hematite was described as a sort of armour, preparing you for the battlefield but in the sense that it makes you immoveable and strong, so that the enemy cannot break you.

Hematite also works with the root chakra, offering stability and safety. Unlike other fiery stones, it can actually help bring you to the present moment and chill you out, bringing balance to intensity, rather than just arming you up ready for a fight. This is why it works so well with Aries energy.

Chances are if you’re a crystal fan you’re probably also an empath, and so hematite is going to be perfect if you’re trying to stay in your own energy. It’s a great crystal to help you to stay unaffected around other people’s moods,  hoisting your self-worth into the present moment. 

Fun fact, before this rock is polished and becomes a beautiful gunmetal silver, it’s actually a rusty red. This is why hematite is named after the blood. It has a rich iron content and is believed by some to help boost circulation too. Nice!

NOTE! Be sure to cleanse your hematite in salt, soil or smudge smoke. Hematite is not a good crystal to submerge in water.

Meditation for the new moon solar eclipse in aries on the 20th of April, 2023

A great grounding exercise to help you stay strong and rooted is the mountain visualisation.  To listen to the audio version head over to the Meditation section of the Ivory app.

If you can picture yourself as mighty, making yourself psychologically immovable when the psychological storm is raging all around you, you can help navigate any intense or swift changing emotions that cause you to lose your head.

Sit or stand with the hematite crystal from the April Ivory Gloss subscription box in your hand or pocket.

Roll your shoulders gently back and allow them to drop as you elongate your neck and spine. 

Begin to focus on the breath. As you breathe in, imagine a string is pulling you up towards the sky. On the exhale, imagine roots growing deep into the earth. 

Visualise your feet as grounded onto the earth and enjoy the feeling of strength and stability your connection to the earth brings you.

Now, Picture yourself as a mountain. Immovable and strong.

Visualise your thoughts and fears as a storm that rages around you.

Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly. On the inhale, silently repeat the phrase, “I am strong.” Then as you exhale, silently repeat the phrase, “I am grounded.”

As the storm rages around you, do not allow your thoughts to move away from this mantra, repeating it for a few more moments.

Now imagine the storm is clearing. The clouds part and the rain slowly stops. The sun begins to shine and everything is peaceful once more.

When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness back into the room.

Whenever you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, this exercise can help remind you of your strength and give you an emotional reset.

To receive the crystals that go with each moon and meditation, join our Ivory Gloss subscribers.

Blue chalcedony & carnelian crystals to practise forgiveness at the full moon in Libra

Blue chalcedony & carnelian crystals to practise forgiveness at the full moon in Libra

Since the 2023 Libra full moon falls so close to Easter, could there be any other topic that would resonate so wildly (especially in current times!) as the gift of forgiveness?

If you are looking to raise your vibration and attract good things into your life, it just isn’t going to happen if you’re harbouring any resentment. So forgive everyone! That includes YOURSELF too.

Blue chalcedony and carnelian crystals were featured in a special scented candle for the April 2023 Ivory Gloss box to help you align with this gorgeous Libra full moon. Click HERE to order your box.

Blue chalcedony


Blue chalcedony is such a great stone for Libra energy because it’s all about balance and diplomacy. This nurturing and harmonious stone is perfect to keep with you during any important, heartfelt discussions, or whenever you want to improve your relationships through honest and caring communication.

On a practical level, blue chalcedony is a great stone to have with you when writing. It’s helpful for lawyers, speech writers and presenters, but it also helps you to communicate your emotions peacefully. It is most often used to help you to share your truth.

It’s also a great crystal for anxiety and whenever you feel out of balance, bringing a soothing energy that can help stabilise your energy.

Carnelian crystal


If you add this crystal to carnelian, you have a lovely crystal combination for forgiveness. This is because carnelian helps release feelings of resentment and bitterness, encouraging self love and courage when facing difficult emotions.

Carnelian is also a lovely stone for increasing vitality and good feelings towards others and helps promote positive life choices. The combination of these two crystals is also perfect to keep with you when writing letters or practising healing arts that use words, such as psychotherapy.

While carnelian works with the sacral chakra and helps with creativity, blue chalcedony can help align the throat chakra and encourage any words you need to utter to bring about healing, helping them to flow with softness, wisdom and peace. Ahhhh…

Here’s the meditation to go with the blue chalcedony & carnelian crystal candle from April Ivory Gloss. To listen to this meditation, head to the MEDITATION section of the Ivory app.



Meditation for forgiveness at the Libra full moon 2023


Light the candle and place it safely in front of you. Sit or lie down in a meditative position. Relax each part of your body, beginning from the bottom of your feet, moving slowly up the body, until you reach the top of your head.

Allow whatever is present to just be. As you continue to relax your body and focus on the breath, deepen each inhalation and exhalation, allowing any thoughts that arise to simply pass you by.

Become a witness to your thoughts as they float past like clouds. Breathe into the space that lies beyond your thoughts. Your true self. Continue like this for a few more moments, allowing any thoughts to simply pass you by.

Bring someone to mind who you may have harmed in the past. Imagine them sitting in front of you.Repeat in your head, ‘please forgive me, I’m sorry, I love you.’

Breathe on this feeling of forgiveness coming from your heart and flowing in a green stream of healing light towards the other person’s heart.

Continue to breathe for a few more moments, while focusing on the feeling of asking for forgiveness. See them accepting this gift of forgiveness, and sending the healing light back into your heart centre.

Now, focus on someone that may have harmed you in the past. Imagine them, again, sitting there in front of you. Repeat in your head, ‘I forgive you, I’m sorry, I love you.’

This time, visualise a bright white light flowing into your crown chakra from the sky above. Breathe on this feeling of forgiveness flowing into you and blasting through any feelings of resentment towards this person. Continue to focus on asking for their forgiveness in whatever way feels right to you.

Now, do the same for yourself. Focus on your inner child, sitting there in front of you. Ask if they would like you to comfort them or hold them close.

In whatever way your inner child feels most comfortable, offer your forgiveness for any time you may not have been listening or in tune with them.

Now focus on the feeling of forgiving yourself. Repeat the words ‘I forgive myself’ and feel a flow of warmth and love radiating from your inner child back into your heart centre. Allow this feeling to completely fill your body.

Take a few moments to offer gratitude to yourself for taking this time. When you have finished, write a letter to whoever you most want to forgive from this meditation. You could write to as many people as you want. When you are finished, burn the letter safely over a candle.

To listen to this meditation, visit the MEDITATION section of the Ivory app.

Moqui marbles to support you during a vision quest at the new moon in Aries

Moqui marbles to support you during a vision quest at the new moon in Aries

In all my days researching and writing about the healing powers of rocks (lol) never have I ever stumbled upon something as totally random as the many named moqui marbles found in the Navajo Desert, Utah. 

Also known as Navajo Cherries, shaman stones and thunder balls, these spherical little rock formations are also found on Mars. Yes! Mars 🚀

OK, so they might not be exactly the same, although no-one really knows what the beautifully named ‘Martian Blueberries’ that reside there are made from, but they ARE very similar and it’s led to all sorts of delicious conspiracy theories about our alien ancestors.

I mean, wouldn’t it be wonderful to think these are little balls of fuel left behind by billion year old ancestral spaceships? AHAHA. Seriously though, the ancients knew there was something special about these strange clusters of marbles.

They believed that each night their ancestors returned to Earth to play marble games, leaving them there to reassure them. And if you have ever been to see a shaman and sat around a mystical fire, you may have seen them thrown into the flames where they crack and sizzle, so that they might open the veil to the spirit world.

Energetically there is something very planetary and galactic about these stones. From a healer’s perspective, the main reason you need them in your life is to provide a stabilising energy when vision journeying.

They are mainly used when floating off on the waves of visualisation in your meditation practice as a sort of anchoring energy to hoist you back to the earthly realms. This makes them super grounding. They are also great at balancing out energy.

Moqui marbles are actually used in pairs, with the smaller representing feminine energy, and the larger, masculine. Sit with one in each hand, or above and below your body if you’re lying down.

New moon in Aries, 21st March, 2023

Here’s a meditation to help you prepare for the big gameplan you will be creating after Tuesday’s brilliant new moon at the very first degree of the Zodiac,

Before you begin, spend some time journaling on what you wish your future to look like. When you look back on your life, what would you like to see? What type of person do you want to be? Lie down in savasana with the amethyst crystal on your third eye, the larger of the two moqui marbles at your feet and the smaller one above your head.

Breathe deeply and evenly, allowing your body to melt into the floor. As you continue to breathe and relax, begin to create a movie in the space behind your eyelids, playing out exactly how you wish your life to be in one year from now.

As you meditate on your future self, what fears arise? Do you sense any resistance? Pay attention to what feels tight within your body and where you may have tension. Now, allow all of that resistance to melt away.

Continue to breathe as each bit of tension is released in your body and you settle down into the movie in front of you. Be sure to spend some time focusing on yourself as happy and content during this movie. See yourself fully within your purpose, aligned with people who share your values.

Continue to breathe deeply and evenly and allow yourself to explore this future version of yourself and your life. Focus on gratitude for it already having happened.

Now, visualise your life 5 years from now. What have you achieved? How are you feeling? Again, pay attention to any fears that come up and allow them to be released fully from your body. Picture yourself thriving within this future version of yourself and again, give thanks for your dreams already having happened.

When you have finished, you can try creating a vision board including the most important ideas that came to mind during your meditation. I would recommend writing your plans out after Tuesday’s new moon, but focusing on the meditation in the days up to and after.

To listen to the audio version, see the Meditation section of the IVORY app, and to purchase the next Blue Ivory subscription box, click HERE.