Moss agate crystal to cleanse the heart chakra and open up to new perspectives at the full moon in Virgo

Moss agate crystal to cleanse the heart chakra and open up to new perspectives at the full moon in Virgo



Moss agate cleanses the heart chakra and allows for fresh energy flow. This crystal is perfect for the Virgo full moon and holds a vibration that can help you spring clean your life and create balance. Keep moss agate crystal close to you when connecting to the energy of abundance and Mother Earth.


Moss agate can help you feel at one with nature and is actually a great crystal for manifesting abundance, particularly when it comes to money. It can help clear away stagnant energy and mindset blocks, encouraging a fresh flow in its place. This crystal also helps you to connect to earth energy which governs your finances.


In fact, moss agate was traditionally carried as a lucky amulet when doing business deals or taxes, so if you’re working on your accounts, or you’re a small business owner trying to grow your business, or just trying to succeed in your working life, moss agate can help attract new flowing streams of income and allow you to balance your books when the figures just don’t seem to add up. Gimme!


Moss agate is also supposed to be great for soothing inflammation and connecting you to a cooling vibe if you’re feeling hot and riley. And if you’re into gardening then this stone was made for YOU! Place it in your favourite plant pot and watch what happens. This beautiful stone can also help you to feel at one with nature, if you are in need of a little zen. Aren’t we all right now. Aaargh!


Another lovely use for moss agate crystal is for balancing out your emotions if you are swinging from one extreme to the other. It can help you feel safe and secure when thrown off course, or when the world around you seems to be falling to pieces. It’s a grounding crystal, but in an emotional sense, combining the healing energies of both earth and water.


Moss agate can also help you to clean out all the clutter and sort out your life, so it’s a great crystal for the Virgo full moon, and for Virgo energy in general of course, because it helps you to GET THINGS DONE. This crystal is great for releasing perfectionism and can help Virgo energy to balance out. It’s also great for new beginnings and unleashing creativity.


Tuesday’s full moon in Virgo is going to need a bit of balancing energy with so much happening in the opposite sign of Neptune.


Here’s a meditation from last month’s Blue Ivory subscription box to go with the moss agate crystal moon for the full moon in Virgo on the 7th of March, 2023. CLICK HERE to subscribe to our monthly boxes.



Guided meditation for the full moon in Virgo, March 7th, 2023

Sit in a meditative position and begin to follow the breath.


Relax your shoulders and elongate the spine, allowing your muscles to relax, and your thoughts to gently pass like clouds.


Continue to breathe, deeply and evenly.


On the next in-breath, imagine your body filling up with a cleansing water that rises from the earth beneath you.


On the next out-breath, visualise the water swirling around the heart chakra and each part of your body, cleansing and releasing any stagnant energy.


Again, breathe in as you gently draw the energy up your spine as it swells out into your body, flushing out each part and removing any tension or negativity.


Breathe out and watch the water flow down through your root chakra where it disappears and is transformed by the healing nature of the earth.


Continue to breathe on the idea of water flowing up through your spine and into your body, through the heart chakra and out through the root chakra beneath you.


When you are ready, visualise a wave of green water flowing out of your heart and into your surrounding area, washing through any negativity around you.


Feel the cleansing water invigorate you as it flows through your surroundings, creating a sacred space full of positivity.


Continue to breathe and allow any thoughts to pass round. When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness back into the room.

Rose quartz crystal for connecting to your intuition at the new moon in Pisces

Rose quartz crystal for connecting to your intuition at the new moon in Pisces

What was the first crystal you ever loved? Mine was rose quartz 🌹This soothing stone can help you tune into your inner self which is why it is just so perfect for the Pisces new moon.

Usually I would recommend practising your new moon rituals a few days after the exact time the sun and moon align (traditionally when you first see the crescent moon in the sky) but this time, thanks to the Venus and Neptune conjunction in Pisces and the fact that the last quarter moon phase is just perfect for connecting to your inner self, I would go ahead and listen to this meditation in the days leading up to the Pisces new moon.

Rose quartz energy is linked to the heart chakra and unconditional love. It has a softening vibration which can help heal any past hurts, but it also has a super spiritual side that is often overlooked, helping you to relax into the quiet energy of your intuition.

This meditation involves lying down in savasana, which is basically a yogi term for just lying on the ground! But you can practise in any meditative position with the rose quartz moon in your hand (or without the crystal, it will still work!)

To join our subscribers and receive the crystals for the each month’s new and full moons please head over to our website




Connect to your heart’s desires with rose quartz


The energy of rose quartz is said to help you connect with your inner self and can help you to find your truth. It has a soft vibration that can help you feel at ease when connecting to your intuition.


As you ascend into your heart chakra and connect to the higher realms, it becomes easier to tune into what you need to do. Rose quartz is actually a stone of spiritual evolution. This gentle crystal can help you to move on from situations that no longer serve you.




New Moon in Pisces, February 20th, 2023


The new moon in Pisces is aligned with beautiful Venus and Neptune in Pisces, a super spiritual connection that can help you tune into your higher self and receive any insights you need to hear.


Pisces ruler Neptune is said to be the higher octave of Venus. The feeling of unconditional love that rose quartz brings with it can help connect you to the higher heart chakra.


With the energies at this new moon so tightly aligned with Venus and Neptune in Pisces, now is your chance to connect to that inner voice that knows where your soul wants to progress to (as an astrologer I usually look to the north node for this! But your intuition is still the best guide you have.)


Here’s a meditation from last month’s Blue Ivory subscription box to go with the rose quartz crystal moon for the new moon in Pisces on the 20th of February, 2023. CLICK HERE to subscribe to our monthly boxes.



Guided meditation for the new moon in Pisces, February 20th, 2023


Lie down in savasana with the rose quartz crystal moon on your third eye. Relax your entire body as you breathe deeply and evenly. Make sure your arms and legs are resting slightly apart.


Focus on your right foot and allow it to fully relax. Move up the right leg to the knee, then the thigh, allowing your entire leg to relax. Now the left foot, knee, thigh. Allow your left leg to relax. Relax the hips, the torso, the upper body.


Now move to the right arm, elbow. The left arm, elbow. Allow your shoulders to relax. Your neck, your head. Allow the space behind the eyes to relax. The forehead, the brow, the top of your head. Allow your entire body to relax.


Breathe deeply as you allow the earth to support you fully. On each out-breath, feel your body melt into the ground.


Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, relaxing each of your muscles and becoming a witness to your thoughts as they float past like clouds.


Gently focus on your third eye, and feel the rose quartz crystal resting there. Enjoy the calm, gentle, rose pink energy as it envelops you.


Continue to breathe and relax until you feel like you’re floating on a light, pink cloud.


On each in-breath, feel yourself rising up on this cloud. Allow all the stresses of your life to melt away as this pink and loving energy surrounds you.


With each breath you take in, you float higher and higher into the pink clouds.


Here you are met with the divine goddess, the moon, the feminine energy of intuition, emotions, the higher self.


You see the moon high above you, a soft pink shine, barely visible, but this pink moon begins to grow.


Feel the glow of divine love flow down from her into the top of your head.


Visualise the crown chakra spinning violet at the top of your head.


From your crown chakra a beam of white light connects to this moon.


Now think of your higher self, the part of you that can receive insights from this divine goddess energy. What messages does she have for you?


Continue to breathe deeply and bask in this divine goddess energy.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and bring your awareness back to the room. You can also try journaling on the question, ‘What does my higher self want me to know?’



Red tiger’s eye crystal for stepping into your creative power at the full moon in Leo

Red tiger’s eye crystal for stepping into your creative power at the full moon in Leo

Red tiger’s eye crystal for Leo


Red tiger’s eye is also known as DRAGON’S EYE and is basically a souped up version of the golden original. This crystal works with both the root and sacral chakras making it helpful for tuning into your creativity and grounding your art into the real world.


All tiger’s eye crystals have a protective energy about them and are often used as talismans, but what I LOVE about the red and dragonish version is that it can help block out any negativity preventing you from stepping into your purpose so you can really get into the flow.


Typically if you’re creative or intuitive, the energy around you can be important when it comes to producing beautiful things. Red tiger’s eye can help you set boundaries without losing your cool. Yes Khaleesi! This is why it works so well at the Leo full moon in February 2023, which could be a little bit unruly…


To receive the crystals that go with each new & full moon in the Blue Ivory subscription box, visit and to read more about the Leo full moon please check out the astrology section of the IVORY app.


Red tiger’s eye for the Leo full moon


Red tiger’s eye is a great crystal for the Leo full moon because it helps tame all that fiery energy so you can focus on creating, which is what Leo’s just love to do. 


If you’re feeling scattered or your energy is spread too thin, this stone can help bring you back to center so you can achieve great things. This makes it a great stone for entrepreneurs or business types who are juggling too many plates and need to step up to each task at hand.


Pick me up


Like all red crystals, red tiger’s eye is a stimulating stone and ideal if you need a boost of energy. If you’re feeling sluggish or slow, you’ve fallen out of love with your passion or just can’t seem to focus on the task at hand, meditating with this crystal can really help give you a gentle kick to get going.


Red tiger’s eye is also a great crystal for tuning into your sacred self. Ancient Egyptians believed red tiger’s eye channeled the sun god Ra and brought infinite good vibes. This makes it handy to use in your spiritual practice, particularly any type of moving meditation such as yoga and tai chi. 





While all versions of tiger’s eye can be used as talismans, red tiger’s eye works particularly well at shielding self-belief and can help get you back to a place of motivation if you find yourself frequently sabotaging your success. Guilty!


This crystal is often used to increase courage and self confidence while relieving a fiery temper, helping you to step into your creative power without getting triggered. This makes it the perfect stone to keep with you if you’re getting picked on at work, or find yourself in the presence of a bully. I don’t mean because you can throw it at them, of course, although I’m not here to judge! 



Lunar breath meditation using red tiger’s eye crystal for the Leo full moon on the 5th of February 2023.


Left nostril breathing, also known as ‘lunar breath’ is connected to the energy of the moon and feminine intuition. This style of meditation is great for tuning into the sacral chakra.


The left side of your body is thought to be associated with the nervous system. This style of breath work is often used to calm you down and is traditionally practised outside or under a full moon.


When you have finished meditating, you could spend some time creating a piece of art or journaling. This is also a great time to dance and connect to your inner goddess, to adopt a new creative hobby or deepen an existing one.


If you aren’t sure what to create, you could write a creative story or journal entry based on what you want to give thanks for at this full moon, or what you would like to release.

Sit in a meditative position with the red tiger eye crystal in your left hand. Hold your right hand up to your nose and close your right nostril with the ring finger of your right hand. 


Inhale through the left nostril and hold for a count of four. Exhale through the left nostril and hold for a count of eight. 


Repeat eleven times, or as many times as you can. If you become lightheaded, gently bring your awareness back to the room and breathe deeply.


When you are ready, place your hand back onto your lap, relax your shoulders as you elongate your spine.


Take your attention to the root chakra and visualise a red light spinning here. Repeat the mantra, Lam.


Now move up to the sacral chakra. Breathe deeply into the orange spinning light here. Repeat the mantra, Vam.


Continue to breathe as you visualise a flow of orange-red light between the two base chakras. 


Allow these colours to expand and fill your body. Continue to breathe.


To listen to an audio version please see the meditation section of the IVORY app.

Red garnet crystal for attracting love at the new moon in Aquarius

Red garnet crystal for attracting love at the new moon in Aquarius

Red garnet for Aquarius


Red garnet is just perfect for the higher-mind energy of Aquarius. This blood-red crystal can help light an inner fire when you’re all caught up in innovation, clever ideas and other important Aquarius matters like saving the world and stuff.


Also known as the passion stone, red garnet is definitely one to keep with you when navigating the Age of Aquarius which brings with it a super cerebral energy that doesn’t exactly scream warmth and affection. In fact, this super-smart air sign spends so much time figuring out genius solutions it can become kind of emotionally detached.


If you have heavy Aquarius placements or you’re simply looking for a bit of passion, try meditating with red garnet crystal to help alight that inner flame. Working with the law of attraction? With Aquarius ruling high-vibe energy and the power of positive thought, the warm inner glow red garnet offers can really help bring those manifestations to life.



Red garnet as the symbol of life


I just spent some time down a little wormhole of the internet and red garnet is a very important stone. Noah was said to have used a glowing red garnet crystal to keep the ark alight at night. Plato commissioned to have his portrait engraved on red garnet. Ancient Egyptians believed red garnet to be the symbol of life. Wow!


Needless to say, the energy of red garnet is inspiring, passionate, charismatic and can help you tap into your innate gifts so you can offer them to the world.



Lovely red garnet for loveliness


I love red garnet for bringing a spark back into your love life. Single and ready to mingle? This crystal can bring you a confidence and glint in your eye that can’t help but attract others.


Looking to rekindle a flame in a current relationship? Red garnet offers warmth and connection, an increase in trust, the energy of devotion and a big boost of lust. That’s why red garnet is such a great crystal to wear if you’re looking to bring life back into your love life.


And if you find relationships a total nightmare altogether, you will LOVE red garnet crystal because it can help you to figure out your needs and stay out of the lower love vibrations such as jealousy or possessiveness.



Lust for life


Red garnet not only helps boost relationships but can also bring about a renewed passion for life. It’s a super helpful stone for relieving apathy and depression.


The blood red hues of red garnet crystal symbolise blood pumping around the body and are said to help energetically shift any blockages. That’s why red garnet crystal is also believed to help clear away any feelings of anger, frustration or low self-esteem.



red garnet crystal for love at the Aquarius new moon 2023


This gorgeous red garnet crystal bracelet was part of the January 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box for the new moon in Aquarius – now SOLD OUT. To receive the next box out on the 22nd of the month, click HERE.



Meditation to help connect to the gift of love at the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st of January, 2023


Another area Aquarius rules is the idea of hopes, wishes and gifts from above. Red garnet is connected to the root chakra offering a vibration of strength and safety that helps ground you in the present moment so you can share your gifts with others.


Sit in a meditative position with the garnet crystal bracelet from the January 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box around your wrist.


Focus on the breath, allowing your shoulders to relax, and your energy to soften deep into the earth beneath you.


On each in-breath, pull the energy up from the earth, through your spine and into the top of your head.


On each out-breath, flow back down into your root chakra, a deep red swirling energy centre of light, seated right at the base of your spine.


As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to become rooted and safe, grounded into the earth. Breathe like this for a few more moments.


When you are ready, visualise your inner child sitting in front of you and connect to that feeling of pure love. Take some time to understand that your inner child is also your higher self.


Allow yourself to connect to this part of yourself. Your most innocent and basic needs. That part of yourself that craves to be seen, to be loved and held in a safe way.


If it feels right for you, approach your inner child and ask if they would like to be comforted. You can ask them how they are feeling.


See this innocent and beautiful part of yourself as a beautiful gift that is there to help you and others. This gift is you! Really tap into that feeling of unconditional love and gratitude towards this special part of yourself.


Now, take some time to think about who in your life deserves to enjoy this gift. Bring their face into your mind’s eye. This can be someone you know and love, or the face of someone soon to enter your life.


Think about the qualities that tell you this person is worthy of this gift. What makes them trustworthy? What needs to be said and shared with this person?


Allow yourself to fully understand the positive benefits of sharing this gift with this person. What would it mean to share this gift? When you are ready, open your eyes.

Journaling questions


Notice how different you feel to the previous meditation at the full moon in Cancer which asked you to look into any issues you had with intimacy and finally release them. Does your body react in the same way? 


As always, if your emotions are overwhelming or affecting your life in a way that feels unmanageable (or in fact, if you are a human being wanting to make sense of your existence here on planet earth), check in with a licensed professional to help process some of these feelings. 

Ruby Fuchsite crystal for healing intimacy issues using chakra meditation at the full moon in Cancer

Ruby Fuchsite crystal for healing intimacy issues using chakra meditation at the full moon in Cancer

Ruby Fuchsite is the perfect healing crystal for working through trauma and intense emotions. This heart chakra stone is often worn by people born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer, as it connects to the element of water, helping to heal emotional issues and lead from the heart rather than fear.


Physically, this pink and green stone has a sort of chalky feel to it and is pretty lightweight, with speckles of ruby nestled within the clay-like green fuchsite. Energetically, this crystal feels both soothing and centering.


Astrologically, ruby fuchsite is a water element crystal, ideal for uplifting and supporting throughout the healing process, or when handling that intense and emotional water sign energy.


Ruby fuchsite is renowned for providing a connection to the earth, as well as for cleansing and healing the heart chakra. This beautiful crystal is said to detoxify the body while also boosting the immune system.


This is why the Cancer full moon (which always falls a week or two either side of NYE) works perfectly with ruby fuchsite. It’s a great time for a physical and emotional detox!


Ruby is a dynamic gemstone that boosts positive thinking, passion, action, and life force giving you strength and confidence in yourself. This crystal fills the heart with compassion and passionate love. On the flip side, grounding fuchsite crystal helps you to consolidate strong foundations which keep you safely on the path towards strength and healing.


This is why these two crystal energies combined create a vibration that can help you sort through any relationship issues, or problems with intimacy and connecting to others.


The combination of deep red ruby and green fuchsite encourages a connection between the root chakra and the earth, with the heart chakra and love. This also makes ruby fuchsite a great option for attracting love and improving fertility.


Ruby fuchsite offers a connection to the earth while you heal your emotional body and seek relief from pain. It allows you to lead from the heart chakra rather than any unprocessed or stagnant fears and emotional blocks.


This crystal is a great option for people who are not used to crystal energies and who are new on the healing journey, looking to start releasing and processing emotional pain. This is because it has a potent healing energy but isn’t too intense or overwhelming.




A meditation using ruby fuchsite crystal for the full moon in Cancer



Sit in a meditative position with the ruby fuchsite crystal in your hand and begin to focus on the breath.


On each in-breath, elongate your spine as you relax your shoulders. On each out-breath, imagine roots growing deep into the earth.


Continue to breathe, raising your vibration and expanding as you breathe in, rooting deeper into the earth on each breath out.


Now, visualise a ruby red light and water swirling round the root chakra, which moves up towards the sacral chakra where it turns orange.


As you breathe in, the water moves up to the solar plexus chakra, where it now swirls through a yellow spinning light.


Continue to breathe deeply as the water moves up to the heart chakra where it turns green, then the throat chakra where it turns blue, then the deep indigo third eye chakra, and finally the purple crown chakra.


As all of the chakras spin in each of their coloured energies, visualise the water energy flowing through each one of them, cleansing and healing each fully.


On the next out-breath, focus on the green healing water cleansing the heart chakra. Imagine the water is flushing out any emotional issues, ready for you to attract new love or strengthen an existing one.


Now, bring the focus down through the solar plexus, the sacral chakra and into the root chakra. Visualise the water turning red once more, clearing out anything you no longer need that keeps you from feeling secure.


Continue to breathe, focusing on the idea of all this negativity being flushed out of your chakras, and your energy rooting down into the earth.


As you sit, rooted and cleansed of all negativity, imagine and visualise a love interest or ideal partner standing in front of you. Tune into the first sensation that comes up in your body.


Move into your heart space, and start to practise acceptance of your feelings, no matter how much shame, pain or discomfort arises, and no matter how these feelings are beginning to manifest within your body.


Repeat to yourself, ‘this feeling is not me, I am simply feeling it’. Breathe deeply and do not judge. If you feel emotional pain or fear, simply return to the breath and act as a witness. Accept your emotions and allow yourself to let them go.


As you continue to breathe deeply, focus once more on the root chakra and how you feel about intimacy now. Next, focus on the heart chakra, and how your capacity to love unconditionally is enhanced.


Repeat the words, ‘I deeply and completely love and accept myself.’ Notice how your breathing is now, and how connected you feel to your heart centre and your inner world.


When you are ready, open your eyes and bring your awareness into the room. You may also like to spend some time journaling after this meditation.



Fear of intimacy is caused by past trauma, where getting close to someone caused you pain. If you are struggling, definitely look to a professional therapist to help you process some of these emotions.


Life has not been easy these past 100 years! Humanity is moving forward at the fastest rate ever, so be gentle on yourself. There is much healing to be done!


Ruby fuchsite was part of the January 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box. To sign up for the next box, out on the 22nd of the month, click HERE


Top 11 crystals for the astrology of Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Top 11 crystals for the astrology of Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Gemini is the sign of communications, short distance travel, neighbours, siblings, thoughts, words, and is part of the element AIR. This is the relationship angle that deals with your day to day interactions with neighbours, close pals and siblings.

When Mars is retrograde in chatterbox Gemini we have a similar vibe to the more infamous retrograde of Mercury, who just happens to be Gemini’s ruler. The main difference is that internal anger and triggers are going to be way more prominent during a Mars Retrograde. Tread gently, particularly when it comes to your words, and find ways to review your needs and desires, especially those that fall within Gemini areas.

To find out more about this Mars Retrograde in Gemini energy please check out the astrology section of the Ivory Gloss app where you’ll find an article on how to handle this transit. In the meantime, here are my top 11 crystals for Mars Retrograde in Gemini.


Crystals for Mars Retrograde in Gemini


Blue Topaz


The first stone that came to mind for the transit of Mars Retrograde in Gemini is blue topaz which links the third eye and throat chakras to help you communicate with wisdom and peace. Blue topaz is a super cooling stone that helps your words become more balanced and spiritual, rather than unpredictable, fiery or aggressive. Blue topaz is also said to help prevent sudden outbreaks of nervous tension or anger. Just perfect for the planet of energy retracing his steps through the sign of words and dialogue.


Blue topaz was featured in September 2022 Blue Ivory subscription box. To join our glamorous throng of subscribers click HERE.





During Mars retrograde in Gemini the energy may come in short bursts and spikes, and sometimes you may feel depleted of it altogether. Bloodstone is amazing for stamina. This is a grounding and balancing crystal which calms strong emotions and encourages flow between the base and heart chakras. Bloodstone was used on the battlefield in ancient times to increase courage and strength. This crystal can help you create a strong presence in trying situations. It’s both stimulating and strengthening and works well as an energetic shield.

Bloodstone, as featured in the Aries Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.


Red Jasper


The stone of courage and passion, red jasper is used to increase energy and tackle demanding projects and tasks. This crystal provides a push to get you started if you’re feeling lacking in physical energy and is protective during emergencies when stamina and endurance are required. Carry red jasper in your pocket when travelling because doing so during a Mars Retrograde in Gemini transit suggests you’re going to need a plan B, C and D ready in case things go a little haywire.

Red jasper, as featured in the Aries Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.


Blue lace agate


If you are triggered and feeling anxious after a tricky scroll on Twitter, or whatever, this is a lovely stone to calm the nerves. This throat chakra stone helps to clarify thoughts and communications. Blue lace agate is super soothing and often used for anxiety as it helps calm nerves and an overactive mind.

Blue lace agate, as featured in the Gemini Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.





Hematite is great at absorbing negative energy around you and helping you focus on the task at hand. This physically heavy stone both grounds and protects, strengthening connection with the earth. This is going to be helpful if you find yourself scattered or flying off the handle. Grounding energy is good with scatty Gemini. This metallic crystal encourages inner strength, resilience and a warrior spirit. 

Hematite, as featured in the Capricorn Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.






This blue, cooling crystal is useful for encouraging rational thoughts, logic and objectivity. Calming and soothing, sodalite is just perfect for Mars retrograde in Gemini thanks to its ability to ground and balance scattered energies, bringing emotional calm and self-acceptance. Sodalite is also said to encourage wisdom, truth and help boost self-esteem.

Sodalite, as featured in the Gemini Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.




If your energy is feeling stuck, use selenite to draw out negativity and connect to higher realms. This super versatile crystal can help release attachment to the past and  help with forgiveness. Selenite is a self-cleaning crystal and will dissolve in water. Cleanse with smudge smoke instead.


Selenite, as featured in the Autumn 2022 GOLD Ivory Gift Box, click here to purchase.




This turquoise, sparkling stone is said to help the wearer make better decisions. Also known as the stone of hope or the ‘gambling stone’ amazonite adds a lucky influence to the energy of Virgo and helps when manifesting and making plans.

Amazonite, as featured in the Virgo Zodiac Box, click here to purchase.

Tourmalated quartz


Tourmalated quartz is great for transmuting negative energy. Words can hurt, and since there will be a lot of hurty words being thrown around during Mars Retrograde in Gemini, you want to have some sort of protective crystal on your person during interactions with others. I love tourmalated quartz because it combines the clear and brightening energy of clear quartz with protective and grounding black tourmaline so you can keep your wits about you while deflecting negative comments. Tourmalated quartz is most often used to help eliminate toxic behaviour patterns so it’s handy for the inward turning energy of Mars retrograde. It also helps with shadow work by balancing yin and yang energies.







With so much scattered energy brought by Mars Retrograde in Gemini, or any of the air signs really, you might find it near impossible to focus on one thing at a time. If you do need to find some sort of mental focus during this period then fluorite can help you cut through the fog. Fluorite helps silence the Gemini mental chatter of unordered thoughts and worries, helping with decision making. Its calming vibration works with the third eye and crown chakras helping to fine tune your intuition and open to divine messages. When things feel like they’re falling all over the place fluorite can help to bring you back into balance and tune into what actually matters.







Unakite is connected to past lives, helps process unresolved wounds, improves self esteem and can help you find the energetic or emotional root of a problem so you can release it and attract more positivity and abundance into your life. Hold the unakite crystal to your third eye and ask yourself which habits, relationships and inner beliefs you can release in order to create more abundance and happiness in your life. Unakite is often used as an affirmation stone. Hold it to your heart centre each morning as you repeat your affirmation.


Unakite crystal for the Scorpio solar eclipse, a meditation for rebirth


Unakite is part of the Autumn 2022 GOLD Ivory Gloss gift box, click HERE to purchase.




Don’t forget to download the Ivory APP to find out more about the energy of Mars Retrograde in Gemini. CLICK ME!

Citrine crystal for manifesting using the law of attraction at the new moon in Capricorn

Citrine crystal for manifesting using the law of attraction at the new moon in Capricorn

Citrine is said to vibrate with the energy of the sun. This bright, yellow crystal shines its solar power through any negative thoughts, helping to dissolve those stresses, doubts and fears so you can step forth boldly on your path towards manifesting your dreams. Yes please!

Citrine has a warm and invigorating energy that brings with it a connection to joy and bliss. It’s just perfect for manifesting, not only because this sunny gem boosts positivity and happiness, but because citrine is also linked to creativity, aligning both the sacral and solar plexus chakras to help spark a renewed inner fire that can help you envision your goals. 

This energising crystal is one of the most popular crystals to work with the law of attraction thanks to its positive and joyful vibration that can help you move past any negative blocks. It’s only once you release these that you can truly tune into the energy of abundance. 


Citrine was part of the December Blue Ivory subscription box for the Capricorn new moon on the 23rd of December 2022, which is super auspicious and aligned with jovial Jupiter at the first degree of Capricorn. This new moon symbolises bold and ambitious new beginnings on the world stage and in any Capricorn areas within your own life. For more information on this new moon please check out the astrology section of our app. 

Capricorns are highly determined and ambitious. They won’t let anything come in their way when it comes to their goals! However, they do have a tendency to become a little bit overburdened with this heavy responsibility. Citrine energy can help bring a sunny smile to those Saturnian challenges that many Cappies have to face, such as perfectionism… and overly critical thoughts.

Plus citrine is such a lovely crystal for the Capricorn season of Christmas, right? A bright light that shines through the darkness bringing hope and faith to all. A Christmas star – stars containing the same energy as the sun, of course, since the sun is a star after all.

Here’s a super festive meditation you might like to try to help tap into the abundant and joyful energy of citrine at this Capricorn Christmas new moon. You can also find the audio version of this in the meditation section of our app.

Christmas star of abundance meditation

Before you begin, think of something you are grateful for to help raise your vibration ready for you to attract. You can write this down in a gratitude list if it helps.

When you are ready, sit in a meditative position with the citrine crystal in your receiving hand. Relax your shoulders and elongate the spine, checking into each part of your body to help you to fully relax.


On each in-breath, mentally repeat the words, ‘I receive abundance’ and on each out-breath, ‘I release what I no longer need.’ Continue like this for a few moments.

Now imagine a bright, white light travelling up the spine to the crown of the head, then down the front of the body like a waterfall. 

Take the attention to the right foot and visualise a thread of white light to your left shoulder. Now do the same on the opposite side.


Take a thread of white light from the right hip to the left. Now take a thread of white light from the left hip to the right.

Hold the image of a bright star as you pulsate with light. Deepen the sensation with the affirmation ‘I am a Star’. Repeat this mantra and make sure you take some time to fully connect to the energy of the sun.

Tap into the power of your citrine and feel your star self glow golden yellow. Enjoy the sensation of this energy, how does it feel? Is it warm and comforting? Invigorating?

Breathe in the good feelings. Let them flow deep into the pit of your stomach to your solar plexus chakra where you can shine this light out once more through each of your golden rays.

When you are fully tuned into this feeling of abundance, imagine sparkling citrine crystals cascading towards you through each of your beams of light. This prosperous energy of Citrine permeates your aura, your chakras and your entire being. 

Listen to the sound of the citrine crystals bouncing against each other as they pour down towards you. Notice now that there’s something else sliding down these solar rays. This time it’s a steady stream of glistening gold coins.

The coins of gold fall in front of you and all around you. Fill your pockets with these coins. Enjoy this feeling of abundance.

Don’t forget, abundance is always there, it’s just your mind that is blocking the flow! If that’s the case, you might like to try emotional freedom technique, also known as ‘tapping’. For a step by step guide on how to do this see the Energy section of the Ivory app.

Blue Kyanite crystal for energetic cord cutting at the full moon in Gemini

Blue Kyanite crystal for energetic cord cutting at the full moon in Gemini

Blue kyanite is used to cut through fears and worries which makes it a great stone for energetic cord cutting and clearing negativity from your aura. This crystal also aligns with the throat chakra helping you to live your life with truth and courage while protecting you from the words of others. Picture it forming an energetic shield around you. Another great crystal for Mars Retrograde in Gemini and the winter of 2022! 

If your throat chakra is pretty smooth going right now you can use blue kyanite to remove any sort of negativity from your life. And if you’re looking for a protective talisman to carry with you, this angelic crystal is believed to help connect you to the spiritual realm and is both grounding and peaceful so just perfect for floating your way through any barbed words at gatherings or festive parties.


Super interesting and festive fact, the Archangel Michael is described as having a bright blue kyanite crystal sword he uses to blast through negativity in his spiritual warrior way. Is someone negatively affecting your energy? Call on Archangel Michael to protect you.

Personally, I find patriarchal religions make me want to run, but the archetype of Archangel Michael is actually really beautiful. In fact, these beings of light are found in many stories and religions and I’m pretty certain this energy exists within our collective unconscious for a very good reason.

And even if you find the idea of angels a little too much, the archetype of Archangel Michael can help you align with a higher power and the idea of divine protection, which is always helpful, right? I mean, what have you got to lose!



Blue kyanite crystal for the full moon in Gemini


You may have been blown away by the irridescent sheen of the blue kyanite crystal included in the December Blue Ivory Gloss box. These ones are actually rainbow aura blue kyanite which means they’ve been coated in a selection of precious metals including gold, silver and platinum to enhance their vibration. Wow!





Meditations using blue kyanite crystal for the full moon in Gemini


Here are two meditations you might like to try using blue kyanite crystal, which you can also listen to in the guided meditation section of the app. I’ll also include the scripts below if you prefer to practise your meditation unguided (this officially makes you a zen master, yes.)


The first meditation is to clear your aura of anything unwanted. The second meditation is to cut energetic cords between people or situations that are affecting you negatively. If you haven’t worked with angel energy before, you might like to try this invocation of angelic energy before you begin…


Repeat the words, ‘Eee Nu Rah, Eee Nu Rah, Eee Nu Rah Zay’ either out loud or in your head. Eee means ‘all that I am that is not physical, my mind and my emotions’. Nu means ‘my physical body’. Rah means ‘my soul’. Zay means ‘in the company of angels’. This invocation is basically telling the angels you are ready to be with them.


You can sing this chant as many times as you like and in any way you like. As always, it’s the intention that matters.



1. Aura cleanse


Lie down with the blue kyanite crystal on your third eye, or sit in a meditative position with the blue kyanite crystal in your hand.


Visualise a bright, white light descending from above, entering your body through the crown chakra. Continue to breathe, relaxing your shoulders, and gently lengthening your spine.


On each out-breath the bright light descends through each of the chakras. On each in-breath the light travels upwards, back into the crown chakra.


Continue to meditate like this for a few moments.


On the next in-breath, begin to pay attention to your aura. What does it look like? What colour is it? Does it have any patches, or energy disturbances? How does your aura feel to you?


Continue to breathe into your aura, noticing and accepting it as it is.


On your next in-breath, the room fills with a cobalt blue light. You notice a bright-light being descending from above. As this figure begins to take form in front of you, you see a powerful sacred masculine energy with a sword of pure blue light.


This archetype is the Archangel Michael. He gently approaches you and asks for your permission to clear your aura of any negative energies. Allow him to draw his bright blue kyanite crystal sword.


On the next out-breath, and with a mighty blow of his sword, he cuts through your auric field.


Continue to breathe as you are released from any negativity or attachments that no longer serve you. 


The Archangel asks you to repeat the words to yourself, 


‘I am the owner of my auric field. I do not allow any negative energies, mistakes or past hurts to attach themselves to my energy field.’


Take a deep breath in and once again, on the out-breath, the Archangel cuts through anything that no longer serves you.


Allow him to cut through the negativity one more time.


Feel his love and kindness radiate through your being as you continue to meditate, focusing on the breath and relaxing your body.


You can continue to meditate for another minute or two, or open your eyes if you are ready to finish. Once you have done so, thank the angels for their support.



2. Cord cutting


Lie down with the blue kyanite crystal on your third eye, or sit in a meditative position with the blue kyanite crystal in your hand.


As in the previous meditation, meditate on the crown chakra and breathe the light rythmically around your energetic field. Continue to meditate like this for a few moments.


Visualise the person you wish to energetically release and imagine you are both surrounded in a cobalt blue light of protection. Send them love and forgiveness.


Look for the cords that connect you to the other person coming from your heart chakra. Depending on the nature of the relationship, they might present themselves as a specific colour, or you can choose a colour that feels right to you.


On your next in-breath, the room fills with a cobalt blue light. You notice the Archangel Michael approaching. He asks for your permission to cut the energetic cords that tie you to this person.


Allow him to draw his sword. Take a deep breath in, and on the out breath, with a mighty blow of his sword he cuts through them


Now repeat the words to yourself three times, ‘I do not allow any negative attachments that are preventing me from peace and happiness.’


With gratitude and love, step out of the blue bubble and send the person or situation you are releasing positive energy.


Continue to meditate on the chakras, as the blue light begins to fade and the Archangel ascends once more. Give thanks to the angels for their support.




Blue kyanite rainbow aura crystal was part of the December Blue Ivory subscription box to go with the new moon in Gemini on December 8th 2022. To join our subscribers and receive the next box, curated around the upcoming astrological energies, please visit our website HERE.

Green aventurine crystal for abundance at the new moon in Sagittarius

Green aventurine crystal for abundance at the new moon in Sagittarius

Green aventurine is a great crystal for manifesting more money. The 2022 Sagittarius new moon takes place with the nodes of the moon along the financial axis of the chart suggesting abundance (or lack of it!) is front of mind – because it certainly is on the world stage!


Sagittarius energy fires proverbial arrows towards a brighter future, while green aventurine is known for encouraging a love of life, improving well being and (perhaps partly because of this) increased financial success. This guided step-by-step meditation to go with green aventurine crystal is all about getting comfortable with your finances. Nice!


Green aventurine is often used to help with decision making and leadership which makes it the perfect stone for entrepeneurs and business types. Place this green aventurine gem tree next to your desk to attract success and improve your will to work towards a better life.


Part of the reason green aventurine is such a popular stone for attracting wealth, prosperity, business deals and good fortune is that it helps clear the heart chakra to release any blocks preventing you from manifesting your desires.


If you’re doing ok for money (go you!) but looking to improve your life in other areas, you can practise this meditation by visualising anything you want to attract. For example, for love, imagine roses, for friendship, flowers. 


Green Aventurine gem tree for sagittarius new moon



Money grows on trees…

Does that statement make you a little (or a LOT) uncomfortable? Chances are you have energetic or emotional blocks which are preventing you from the natural flow of abundance.


So, before we begin, and I know I always go on about EFT but I haven’t really explained it that often, it’s a good idea to try to shift some of these blocks before you can really tap into the visualisation.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is kind of like a form of emotional acupuncture and a great way to shift emotional energies that are trapped in the physical body.


First you pinpoint the negative belief or emotion that is preventing you from moving forwards. I’m sure you know the one I mean, but if not it could be something like, ‘I’m not worthy,’ or ‘I’m scared of abandonment’. You can go a step further by pinpointing who may have caused that belief and focusing on forgiveness.

For a step by step guide on how to practise EFT, a basic technique to help remove negative emotional patterns be sure to check out our app, launching December 3rd 2022!







Meditation for financial abundance using green aventurine at the Sagittarius new moon


Before you begin, think of something you’re grateful for, even something simple like food on your plate, a favourite item of clothing, crockery or a person. Place the aventurine gem tree from the December Blue Ivory subscription box (now sold out) in front of you.


Visualise yourself in a lush green forest and look around to appreciate the abundance of nature. There are beautiful bright green trees all around you. What can you smell? What sounds do you hear? What sensations do you feel on your skin?


In front of you is a huge, abundant tree. You walk towards it and sense its dignified energy. Placing your hand against the trunk, you begin to acknowledge the presence of this tree, visualising its roots moving deep into the earth and its branches stretching to the sky.


As you look up, you realise instead of leaves, the tree has banknotes growing from each of its branches. You gently pick a leaf from the tree, only for two to grow back in its place.


Pick some more and fill your pockets becoming aware of how good it feels to be connected to the energy of abundance. As you continue to pick the notes, they keep growing back until the tree is so bushy, you cannot take more. 


Shake the tree. The money falls on you. You laugh and feel each of the clean, fresh notes falling on your face and around you. Be happy that they are all yours.



Don’t forget to download the app to listen to a 5 minute guided ASMR meditation and read some more information about the astrology behind this eclipse.


Rose quartz crystal for self-love at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse

Rose quartz crystal for self-love at the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse

Rose quartz and Taurus go hand-in-hand. This pink gem vibrates with a soothing and gentle energy that is comforting during times of emotional pain and stress. It’s a beautiful crystal to work with the heart chakra, encouraging inner healing and deep feelings of peace. 


Rose quartz is the go-to crystal for those who want to work on unconditional love, but it’s also great for increasing self-love. Another affirmation stone like unakite, whisper your deepest desires to it at night and wake up repeating the affirmation that you have received them.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, as is Libra. Taurus, an earth sign deals with the physical side of Venus. Beautiful clothes, food and beauty treatments that ground you and connect you to the earth are all ruled by this sign. Libra, an air sign, deals more with the loveliness that you cannot hold in your hands, for example the feeling you get when in love and relationships.

Rose quartz actually has a very grounding vibration, even though it focuses on the heart chakra. It’s great for tolerance and soothing anxiety around others. This is why rose quartz is such a lovely crystal for Taurus.

Having said that, gentle rose quartz is definitely not a crystal that’s going to pick you up and boost your energy so pair it with something energising like citrine if you want to bring a bit of spark to your vibe.

Rose quartz is great for friendship as it’s said to help people to be themselves by boosting self esteem. Compassion, trust and harmony are all values associated with rose quartz. Gift a piece to someone close to you or keep with you when visiting friends.




Waterfall of plenty  – a meditation to work with the energy of rose quartz for the Taurus lunar eclipse.



Taking a shower while practising this meditation can help you connect to the energy of love.


Light a candle for this meditation, and either run a warm shower or sit in a comfortable position with the rose quartz crystal in your right hand, or around your neck, resting at the heart chakra.


As you focus on the breath, visualise a pink waterfall pouring warm, comforting energy over you.

As this energy of abundance absorbs into your physical body, imagine your heart overflowing with it, washing away any negativity.

Continue to breathe as you feel the energy move around the body.

On each out-breath, release what you no longer need.

On each breath in, allow this new vibration to align you with your desires.

When you are ready, bring your attention back to the present moment and repeat the mantra, I am love.

For a gentle reminder you can write this mantra on your mirror in the steam or using a makeup pencil. Repeat this mantra daily.