Red garnet for Aquarius


Red garnet is just perfect for the higher-mind energy of Aquarius. This blood-red crystal can help light an inner fire when you’re all caught up in innovation, clever ideas and other important Aquarius matters like saving the world and stuff.


Also known as the passion stone, red garnet is definitely one to keep with you when navigating the Age of Aquarius which brings with it a super cerebral energy that doesn’t exactly scream warmth and affection. In fact, this super-smart air sign spends so much time figuring out genius solutions it can become kind of emotionally detached.


If you have heavy Aquarius placements or you’re simply looking for a bit of passion, try meditating with red garnet crystal to help alight that inner flame. Working with the law of attraction? With Aquarius ruling high-vibe energy and the power of positive thought, the warm inner glow red garnet offers can really help bring those manifestations to life.



Red garnet as the symbol of life


I just spent some time down a little wormhole of the internet and red garnet is a very important stone. Noah was said to have used a glowing red garnet crystal to keep the ark alight at night. Plato commissioned to have his portrait engraved on red garnet. Ancient Egyptians believed red garnet to be the symbol of life. Wow!


Needless to say, the energy of red garnet is inspiring, passionate, charismatic and can help you tap into your innate gifts so you can offer them to the world.



Lovely red garnet for loveliness


I love red garnet for bringing a spark back into your love life. Single and ready to mingle? This crystal can bring you a confidence and glint in your eye that can’t help but attract others.


Looking to rekindle a flame in a current relationship? Red garnet offers warmth and connection, an increase in trust, the energy of devotion and a big boost of lust. That’s why red garnet is such a great crystal to wear if you’re looking to bring life back into your love life.


And if you find relationships a total nightmare altogether, you will LOVE red garnet crystal because it can help you to figure out your needs and stay out of the lower love vibrations such as jealousy or possessiveness.



Lust for life


Red garnet not only helps boost relationships but can also bring about a renewed passion for life. It’s a super helpful stone for relieving apathy and depression.


The blood red hues of red garnet crystal symbolise blood pumping around the body and are said to help energetically shift any blockages. That’s why red garnet crystal is also believed to help clear away any feelings of anger, frustration or low self-esteem.



red garnet crystal for love at the Aquarius new moon 2023


This gorgeous red garnet crystal bracelet was part of the January 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box for the new moon in Aquarius – now SOLD OUT. To receive the next box out on the 22nd of the month, click HERE.



Meditation to help connect to the gift of love at the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st of January, 2023


Another area Aquarius rules is the idea of hopes, wishes and gifts from above. Red garnet is connected to the root chakra offering a vibration of strength and safety that helps ground you in the present moment so you can share your gifts with others.


Sit in a meditative position with the garnet crystal bracelet from the January 2023 Blue Ivory subscription box around your wrist.


Focus on the breath, allowing your shoulders to relax, and your energy to soften deep into the earth beneath you.


On each in-breath, pull the energy up from the earth, through your spine and into the top of your head.


On each out-breath, flow back down into your root chakra, a deep red swirling energy centre of light, seated right at the base of your spine.


As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to become rooted and safe, grounded into the earth. Breathe like this for a few more moments.


When you are ready, visualise your inner child sitting in front of you and connect to that feeling of pure love. Take some time to understand that your inner child is also your higher self.


Allow yourself to connect to this part of yourself. Your most innocent and basic needs. That part of yourself that craves to be seen, to be loved and held in a safe way.


If it feels right for you, approach your inner child and ask if they would like to be comforted. You can ask them how they are feeling.


See this innocent and beautiful part of yourself as a beautiful gift that is there to help you and others. This gift is you! Really tap into that feeling of unconditional love and gratitude towards this special part of yourself.


Now, take some time to think about who in your life deserves to enjoy this gift. Bring their face into your mind’s eye. This can be someone you know and love, or the face of someone soon to enter your life.


Think about the qualities that tell you this person is worthy of this gift. What makes them trustworthy? What needs to be said and shared with this person?


Allow yourself to fully understand the positive benefits of sharing this gift with this person. What would it mean to share this gift? When you are ready, open your eyes.

Journaling questions


Notice how different you feel to the previous meditation at the full moon in Cancer which asked you to look into any issues you had with intimacy and finally release them. Does your body react in the same way? 


As always, if your emotions are overwhelming or affecting your life in a way that feels unmanageable (or in fact, if you are a human being wanting to make sense of your existence here on planet earth), check in with a licensed professional to help process some of these feelings.