Red tiger’s eye crystal for Leo


Red tiger’s eye is also known as DRAGON’S EYE and is basically a souped up version of the golden original. This crystal works with both the root and sacral chakras making it helpful for tuning into your creativity and grounding your art into the real world.


All tiger’s eye crystals have a protective energy about them and are often used as talismans, but what I LOVE about the red and dragonish version is that it can help block out any negativity preventing you from stepping into your purpose so you can really get into the flow.


Typically if you’re creative or intuitive, the energy around you can be important when it comes to producing beautiful things. Red tiger’s eye can help you set boundaries without losing your cool. Yes Khaleesi! This is why it works so well at the Leo full moon in February 2023, which could be a little bit unruly…


To receive the crystals that go with each new & full moon in the Blue Ivory subscription box, visit and to read more about the Leo full moon please check out the astrology section of the IVORY app.


Red tiger’s eye for the Leo full moon


Red tiger’s eye is a great crystal for the Leo full moon because it helps tame all that fiery energy so you can focus on creating, which is what Leo’s just love to do. 


If you’re feeling scattered or your energy is spread too thin, this stone can help bring you back to center so you can achieve great things. This makes it a great stone for entrepreneurs or business types who are juggling too many plates and need to step up to each task at hand.


Pick me up


Like all red crystals, red tiger’s eye is a stimulating stone and ideal if you need a boost of energy. If you’re feeling sluggish or slow, you’ve fallen out of love with your passion or just can’t seem to focus on the task at hand, meditating with this crystal can really help give you a gentle kick to get going.


Red tiger’s eye is also a great crystal for tuning into your sacred self. Ancient Egyptians believed red tiger’s eye channeled the sun god Ra and brought infinite good vibes. This makes it handy to use in your spiritual practice, particularly any type of moving meditation such as yoga and tai chi. 





While all versions of tiger’s eye can be used as talismans, red tiger’s eye works particularly well at shielding self-belief and can help get you back to a place of motivation if you find yourself frequently sabotaging your success. Guilty!


This crystal is often used to increase courage and self confidence while relieving a fiery temper, helping you to step into your creative power without getting triggered. This makes it the perfect stone to keep with you if you’re getting picked on at work, or find yourself in the presence of a bully. I don’t mean because you can throw it at them, of course, although I’m not here to judge! 



Lunar breath meditation using red tiger’s eye crystal for the Leo full moon on the 5th of February 2023.


Left nostril breathing, also known as ‘lunar breath’ is connected to the energy of the moon and feminine intuition. This style of meditation is great for tuning into the sacral chakra.


The left side of your body is thought to be associated with the nervous system. This style of breath work is often used to calm you down and is traditionally practised outside or under a full moon.


When you have finished meditating, you could spend some time creating a piece of art or journaling. This is also a great time to dance and connect to your inner goddess, to adopt a new creative hobby or deepen an existing one.


If you aren’t sure what to create, you could write a creative story or journal entry based on what you want to give thanks for at this full moon, or what you would like to release.

Sit in a meditative position with the red tiger eye crystal in your left hand. Hold your right hand up to your nose and close your right nostril with the ring finger of your right hand. 


Inhale through the left nostril and hold for a count of four. Exhale through the left nostril and hold for a count of eight. 


Repeat eleven times, or as many times as you can. If you become lightheaded, gently bring your awareness back to the room and breathe deeply.


When you are ready, place your hand back onto your lap, relax your shoulders as you elongate your spine.


Take your attention to the root chakra and visualise a red light spinning here. Repeat the mantra, Lam.


Now move up to the sacral chakra. Breathe deeply into the orange spinning light here. Repeat the mantra, Vam.


Continue to breathe as you visualise a flow of orange-red light between the two base chakras. 


Allow these colours to expand and fill your body. Continue to breathe.


To listen to an audio version please see the meditation section of the IVORY app.