What was the first crystal you ever loved? Mine was rose quartz 🌹This soothing stone can help you tune into your inner self which is why it is just so perfect for the Pisces new moon.

Usually I would recommend practising your new moon rituals a few days after the exact time the sun and moon align (traditionally when you first see the crescent moon in the sky) but this time, thanks to the Venus and Neptune conjunction in Pisces and the fact that the last quarter moon phase is just perfect for connecting to your inner self, I would go ahead and listen to this meditation in the days leading up to the Pisces new moon.

Rose quartz energy is linked to the heart chakra and unconditional love. It has a softening vibration which can help heal any past hurts, but it also has a super spiritual side that is often overlooked, helping you to relax into the quiet energy of your intuition.

This meditation involves lying down in savasana, which is basically a yogi term for just lying on the ground! But you can practise in any meditative position with the rose quartz moon in your hand (or without the crystal, it will still work!)

To join our subscribers and receive the crystals for the each month’s new and full moons please head over to our website www.IvoryGloss.com




Connect to your heart’s desires with rose quartz


The energy of rose quartz is said to help you connect with your inner self and can help you to find your truth. It has a soft vibration that can help you feel at ease when connecting to your intuition.


As you ascend into your heart chakra and connect to the higher realms, it becomes easier to tune into what you need to do. Rose quartz is actually a stone of spiritual evolution. This gentle crystal can help you to move on from situations that no longer serve you.




New Moon in Pisces, February 20th, 2023


The new moon in Pisces is aligned with beautiful Venus and Neptune in Pisces, a super spiritual connection that can help you tune into your higher self and receive any insights you need to hear.


Pisces ruler Neptune is said to be the higher octave of Venus. The feeling of unconditional love that rose quartz brings with it can help connect you to the higher heart chakra.


With the energies at this new moon so tightly aligned with Venus and Neptune in Pisces, now is your chance to connect to that inner voice that knows where your soul wants to progress to (as an astrologer I usually look to the north node for this! But your intuition is still the best guide you have.)


Here’s a meditation from last month’s Blue Ivory subscription box to go with the rose quartz crystal moon for the new moon in Pisces on the 20th of February, 2023. CLICK HERE to subscribe to our monthly boxes.



Guided meditation for the new moon in Pisces, February 20th, 2023


Lie down in savasana with the rose quartz crystal moon on your third eye. Relax your entire body as you breathe deeply and evenly. Make sure your arms and legs are resting slightly apart.


Focus on your right foot and allow it to fully relax. Move up the right leg to the knee, then the thigh, allowing your entire leg to relax. Now the left foot, knee, thigh. Allow your left leg to relax. Relax the hips, the torso, the upper body.


Now move to the right arm, elbow. The left arm, elbow. Allow your shoulders to relax. Your neck, your head. Allow the space behind the eyes to relax. The forehead, the brow, the top of your head. Allow your entire body to relax.


Breathe deeply as you allow the earth to support you fully. On each out-breath, feel your body melt into the ground.


Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, relaxing each of your muscles and becoming a witness to your thoughts as they float past like clouds.


Gently focus on your third eye, and feel the rose quartz crystal resting there. Enjoy the calm, gentle, rose pink energy as it envelops you.


Continue to breathe and relax until you feel like you’re floating on a light, pink cloud.


On each in-breath, feel yourself rising up on this cloud. Allow all the stresses of your life to melt away as this pink and loving energy surrounds you.


With each breath you take in, you float higher and higher into the pink clouds.


Here you are met with the divine goddess, the moon, the feminine energy of intuition, emotions, the higher self.


You see the moon high above you, a soft pink shine, barely visible, but this pink moon begins to grow.


Feel the glow of divine love flow down from her into the top of your head.


Visualise the crown chakra spinning violet at the top of your head.


From your crown chakra a beam of white light connects to this moon.


Now think of your higher self, the part of you that can receive insights from this divine goddess energy. What messages does she have for you?


Continue to breathe deeply and bask in this divine goddess energy.


When you are ready, gently open your eyes and bring your awareness back to the room. You can also try journaling on the question, ‘What does my higher self want me to know?’