Sodalite crystal was part of September Ivory Gloss for the Virgo new moon on the 2nd/3rd September, 2024. This crystal can help bring clarity and calm to your mind as you set goals. Click HERE to read about this new moon and HERE to listen to the meditation that aligns with this energy.


Virgo loves a good plan. Whether it’s organising their closet or mapping out the next big project, this earth sign thrives on structure and precision. The Virgo new moon on the 2nd/3rd September, 2024, is aligned with Saturn in dreamy Pisces, blending intuition with order. This is where sodalite, the deep blue crystal of insight and truth, can help you align with this energy.


The presence of Saturn in Pisces opposite this Virgo energy can feel a bit like trying to build a solid foundation on shifting sands. However, finding a way to ground and discipline all those airy fairy Piscean areas is going to bring you the biggest rewards, even though it may feel super hard and have you blinking in frustration at your screen, or whatever it is you work with. Aargh!


September ivory gloss

The Virgo new moon meditation works with sodalite crystal and can help you bring order to your mind.

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Sodalite is here to amplify those Virgo superpowers by boosting concentration and analytical thinking. When your mind is clear and focused, those detailed plans practically write themselves. With sodalite by your side, you’ll not only create a killer plan but also follow through with laser-like precision. 


Focus the mind with sodalite at the Virgo new moon, september 2nd/3rd, 2024


Virgo is all about discipline, but during this particular new moon, you’re also going to want to tap into your intuition and focus your higher mind. Sodalite enhances your intuition while keeping you grounded in reality. Yes, you can be both practical and spiritual, who says you can’t have it all! By meditating with sodalite you’ll find yourself not only sticking to those new routines but also infusing them with a sense of inner wisdom. 


Having said that, Virgo energy, with its focus on control and perfection, can sometimes stir up a storm of anxiety and stress. That inner tension between wanting everything just right and the fear that it might not be? Ugh! Sodalite steps in to balance those emotions, soothing the mind and bringing a sense of calm. Imagine taking a deep breath of cool, fresh air. Ahh, that’s the calming effect sodalite offers. It’s a reminder to ease up on yourself, letting go of the need for everything to be perfect.


Because let’s face it. Virgo energy can be super critical! Overthinking, anxiety and that relentless pursuit of perfection can leave you feeling stressed and unsure. Sodalite brings balance to these tendencies, offering a calming energy that helps you step back, breathe, and release the tension, while also sharpening up your focus and communications. Perfect! (but not too perfect…) 


Also if you struggle with self-doubt (my Virgo moon is GUILTY) or you’re overly self- critical, sodalite can help you to banish those negative vibes, boosting your self-esteem and reminding you of just how amazing you truly are. Yes, you! So get your sodalite crystal and your plan in place. It’s time to celebrate your strengths and create a structure to showcase them at this Virgo new moon.


If you need a little help to get yourself organised, here’s a meditation you can try, using the sodalite crystal ball from the September Ivory Gloss box. Click HERE to join our subscribers. 


Meditation to help you to sort through the filing cabinets of your mind and bring order to your life at the Virgo new moon using sodalite crystal


Begin by journaling on the different areas of your life you wish to sort through. In this meditation, the focus is on career, health, relationships, hobbies and finances. You might also like to try journaling on what you wish to manifest.

Sit comfortably, with your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your breath to become steady and even, letting go of any tension in your body.

With each breath in, invite a sense of calm and focus into your body. With each breath out, relax your body and release any tension or distractions from your mind. Let your breathing be gentle and natural, guiding you into a state of relaxation. Continue to breathe like this for a few moments, allowing any thoughts to float past, like clouds.

As you continue to breathe, imagine yourself standing in front of a large, beautifully crafted filing cabinet. This cabinet is yours, and it represents your entire life. Everything that you are, everything you do and everything you wish to become.

See this filing cabinet clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself moving your hand along the surface, noticing the details of the handles, the colour and smell of the material, and the neatly labelled drawers. 

Each drawer is filled with colour-coded folders, perfectly organised and easily accessible. This filing cabinet holds all the aspects of your life, each represented by a specific folder.

Feel a sense of pride and satisfaction as you see how well-organised this cabinet is. A reflection of your ability to create order and clarity in your life.

Imagine yourself gently pulling open the first drawer. Inside, you see a folder labelled “Career.” The folder is a calming shade of blue, representing your professional life.

Take the folder out and place it on a nearby table. Slowly open the folder, and see all of your career achievements, goals, and tasks neatly arranged inside. Each document is perfectly aligned, each goal clearly defined, and each task listed in order of priority.

Spend a moment appreciating the effort and accomplishments represented in this folder. Feel a deep sense of satisfaction and clarity as you review the contents. Everything is in its rightful place, allowing you to focus on your next steps with confidence.

Gently close the “Career” folder and place it back in the drawer, knowing that everything within it is organised and ready for you to access whenever you need it.

Now, turn your attention to the next drawer. Open it slowly and see another folder, this one labelled “Personal Relationships.” The folder is a warm, inviting colour, perhaps a soft pink or a vibrant red, representing the connections in your life.

Take out the folder and place it on the table. As you open it, see the names and faces of the people who are important to you—family, friends, loved ones. Each relationship is clearly defined, with positive interactions and strong bonds highlighted.

Feel a deep sense of love and connection as you review these relationships. Notice how each one is carefully nurtured, how each interaction is filled with mutual respect and understanding. Allow yourself to feel grateful for the people in your life and the relationships you have cultivated. 

With a sense of peace and gratitude, close the “Personal Relationships” folder and place it back in the drawer.

Imagine yourself moving on to the next drawer, pulling out a folder labelled “Health.” This folder might be a vibrant green, symbolising vitality and well-being.

Open the folder and see your health journey laid out before you. Each page represents your commitment to taking care of your body and mind—your exercise routines, your nutrition, your mental wellness practices. Everything is in perfect order, allowing you to see clearly where you are and where you want to go in your health journey.

Close the “Health” folder and place it back in the drawer. Now, direct your attention to the next drawer. Open it slowly and find a folder labelled “Hobbies.” The folder is a bright, cheerful yellow, representing the joy and creativity that your hobbies bring into your life.

Take out the “Hobbies” folder and place it on the table. As you open it, see the activities that you love to engage in, each one carefully documented and arranged. Whether it’s painting, reading, gardening, playing an instrument, or any other passion, each hobby is represented here with clarity and care.

Place the hobbies folder back in the drawer and move onto the final one. Inside, you find a folder labelled “Finances.” The folder is made from shining gold, symbolising abundance.

As you open it, see your best financial life laid out before you, your savings, investments, expenses, and financial goals, all neatly organised and clearly defined. Visualise where you would like to be financially as though it has already happened. 

Now, place the final folder back into its drawer and give thanks to your higher power for helping you to bring order to your life. Close the cabinet and enjoy the sense of lightness and clarity that comes from having your life so well organised. Focus on a feeling of gratitude. 

When you are ready, open your eyes and take a few deep breaths, slowly bringing your awareness back to the present moment. 


After this meditation you may like to create a goal driven plan, using sodalite crystal to bring calm and clarity while you do so. 


Example Goals:

  • Establish a daily exercise routine.
  • Create a balanced diet plan.
  • Develop a meditation practice for spiritual growth.


Develop a Detailed Routine

  • What to Do: Break down each goal into actionable steps. Create a daily or weekly schedule that incorporates these steps.
  • Sodalite Use: Place sodalite on your desk or workspace while planning your routine to stay grounded and organised.


Example Routine:

  • Morning: 30 minutes of exercise, followed by a healthy breakfast.
  • Midday: 10 minutes of meditation.
  • Evening: Review the day’s progress and plan for tomorrow.



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