Tangerine quartz is a super rare form of quartz that can help you find inspiration. Meditate with tangerine quartz to amp up your creativity, allow fresh ideas to flow and boost optimism.


This crystal was chosen for the Sagittarius full moon on the 4th of June, which is aligned in an energising and playful trine with Mars in Leo. The Sagittarius full moon aligned with Mars is perfect for aligning the sacral chakra to help ignite your creative energy and propel you towards your goals.


To help activate this chakra and bring a little Leo energy into your life, try dancing under the moonlight. By immersing yourself in movement and expressing your desires through dance, you can further raise your vibration and cultivate a deep sense of belief in your dreams. Yes!



Tangerine quartz and orange calcite Ivory Gloss subscription box



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Tangerine quartz works with the sacral chakra and is great for stimulating your imagination and opening the doors to innovative thinking.


For those in need of a self-esteem boost, tangerine quartz can be a supportive ally. Its uplifting energy helps dispel self-doubt, promoting a sense of self-acceptance.


Believed to infuse your aura with youthfulness and joy, tangerine quartz awakens the childlike wonder within you. This gorgeous, sparkling stone encourages joy, optimism and confidence, acting as a gentle reminder of your worth and capabilities, empowering you to pursue your dreams fearlessly.



Harness a heightened awareness


Tangerine quartz is particularly beneficial for highly sensitive people who may feel overwhelmed by their heightened awareness. Its calming energy acts as a grounding force, helping to balance emotions and provide a sense of stability.


By working with this crystal, highly sensitive individuals can harness their sensitivity as a gift, enabling them to navigate the world with grace, resilience, and a deep connection to their intuition.



Raise your vibration and align with the law of attraction


Tangerine quartz is a beautiful stone for raising your vibration and aligning yourself with your goals. Its positive and high-frequency energy supports you in attracting what you desire into your life.


By incorporating tangerine quartz into your manifestation practices, whether through meditation or placing it in your environment, you can enhance your ability to manifest abundance, joy, and fulfillment.



Energetic cleansing and vitality


Tangerine quartz is renowned for its remarkable ability to cleanse and purify your energy field. It resonates with the sacral chakra, the centre of creativity, sensuality, and personal power.


By working with tangerine quartz, you can effectively release stagnant or negative energies, revitalising your aura and restoring a sense of balance and vitality. It aids in letting go of past traumas and emotional blockages, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.



Emotional healing and self-acceptance


Emotionally, tangerine quartz is a powerful ally, promoting self-acceptance, self-worth, and emotional healing. It encourages a positive outlook on life and helps dissolve self-doubt and insecurities.


This crystal can encourage an enhanced sense of confidence, motivation, and courage. It assists in embracing one’s authentic self and embracing the joy of living.



Creative inspiration and manifestation


Tangerine quartz holds a strong connection to the creative realms, making it a fantastic companion for artists, writers, and anyone seeking creative inspiration. It stimulates the imagination, amplifies creative ideas, and supports the manifestation of one’s artistic visions.


By meditating with tangerine quartz or keeping it close during creative pursuits, you can unlock your artistic potential and bring your dreams to life.



Soothing and uplifting energy


Tangerine quartz emits a soothing and uplifting energy, making it an excellent crystal for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. Its warm and vibrant energy brings a sense of joy, optimism, and enthusiasm.


By holding or wearing tangerine quartz, you can experience a gentle upliftment of your spirit, creating a more positive and harmonious state of being.



Sacral chakra activation


As mentioned before, tangerine quartz resonates strongly with the sacral chakra, which governs our emotions, sensuality, and passion.  This can lead to increased confidence, emotional stability, and a heightened ability to express oneself authentically.


Tangerine quartz is a great crystal for chakra dance or if you want to connect your physical energies to your manifestations. To align with the sacral chakra try this meditation while you dance. To listen, head on over to the Meditation section of the app.



Dance meditation for manifesting your goals at the June 2023 Sagittarius full moon


The art of manifestation combines the power of intention, visualisation, and energetic alignment to bring our dreams into reality. One powerful way to enhance this process is through dance meditation.


To begin, find a quiet space where you can stand barefoot. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and consciously release any tension in your shoulders and body.


Allow thoughts to gently pass by, focusing on the present moment. Take a few more deep breaths, grounding yourself by planting your feet firmly into the ground, with your knees slightly bent.


With gentle swaying and movement, start to connect with your manifestation. Visualise your desired outcome, and repeat it out loud as though it has already happened. This verbal affirmation sets a powerful intention, sending a clear message to the universe.


Feel the energy of your manifestation as you relax into a vision of it materialising in your life.


Now, shift your focus to your body. How would you hold yourself if your manifestation were a reality? How would it feel? Allow these sensations to guide your movements.


Begin to dance, letting your body express the emotions associated with your desired outcome. Whether it’s strength, empowerment, relief, or ecstasy, let your body become a vessel for these feelings.


As you move, take deep breaths and let the energy of your manifestation flow through you. Imagine yourself already in possession of your goal, experiencing the joy and gratitude that comes with it.


Feel your movements becoming more expansive, taking up space and allowing your body to fully embody the essence of your manifestation.



Dancing in gratitude


Gratitude is a powerful tool for manifestation, as it aligns us with the positive vibrations of abundance. As you continue to dance, let gratitude flood your being.


Feel the energy moving through you, knowing that you have already achieved your dream. It’s happening, and the feeling is indescribable.


Enjoy this dance of gratitude, letting your body express the immense joy and fulfilment that your manifestation brings.


Every step, sway, and twirl is a celebration of your success. Immerse yourself in the present moment, fully aware of the incredible journey you have embarked upon.


Keep dancing for as long as you can, ideally for at least ten minutes. Allow the music to guide you, surrendering to its rhythm and letting it carry you further into the energy of manifestation.


With each movement, reaffirm your belief in the power of the law of attraction and your ability to manifest your dreams.


As your dance comes to an end, take a moment to reflect on the experience. Notice the heightened state of awareness and the vibrational shift within you.


Carry this feeling throughout your day, remaining open to opportunities and inspired action that align with your manifestation.



Dance moves for the sacral chakra


Here are a few suggestions for dance moves that may help stimulate the sacral chakra:


  1. Hip Circles: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and gently rotate your hips in circles. This movement helps to activate the lower abdomen and pelvis, which are associated with the sacral chakra


  1. Belly Dancing: Belly dancing incorporates fluid and sensual movements that engage the entire core area, including the lower abdomen. The undulating movements in belly dance can help awaken the energy in the sacral chakra.


  1. Figure Eight: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and imagine drawing a horizontal figure-eight shape with your hips. This movement helps to open and balance the energy flow in the sacral chakra while engaging the lower abdomen and pelvic region.


  1. Free-Form Dance: Allow yourself to move freely and intuitively to the rhythm of the music. Let your body express itself without judgment or inhibition. This form of dance can help you tap into your creative energy and bring forth emotional expression associated with the sacral chakra.


Remember, the most important aspect of dancing for the sacral chakra is to connect with your body and let your movements flow naturally. Listen to music that resonates with your emotions and allows you to feel free and expressive.


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