In a time when Saturn in Pisces has everyone questioning their reality, the roar of golden tiger’s eye brings with it a promise of authenticity and self-expression. Yes!


With its iridescent glimmers of gold and tan, this crystal has long been a helping hand when it comes to proudly stepping into your own skin, thanks mainly to its connection with the solar plexus chakra, the energy centre of confidence, courage and motivation.



Leo new moon


The wildcat energy of tiger’s eye is just perfect for the August 2023 Leo new moon, urging you to take a good, long look in the mirror of your heart.


By taking the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and motivations, you can gain a clearer sense of who you are at your core, and feel more confident sharing your unique gifts with the world.


Maybe you don’t know exactly what those gifts are yet? Well, now is your chance to dig deep and connect with the REAL you, because this is your time to shine!



Artsy vibes


Tiger’s eye is a classic gemstone when it comes to stimulating creativity and tapping into your more artistic side. Perhaps more importantly, this crystal energy can help you to better express it.


Ideas could be set alight from the heart with tiger’s eye in your pocket, helping to unleash your inner muse so your true colours burst out onto life’s canvas.


This is typical Leo energy of course. Leo loves to create, whether that’s art, or even better, people! Part of the reason for this is that intense desire to express yourself authentically.



Tiger’s eye for inner strength


Being authentic means being true to your values and setting healthy boundaries. Tiger’s eye can help support this process by enhancing your ability to assert yourself and communicate your needs effectively.


Tiger’s eye is actually one of the most popular stones to keep with you for protection. Partly because of its association with inner strength, helping you to withstand external pressures or opinions that might sway you from being true to yourself.


Here’s a meditation you might like to try in the days following the new moon in Leo, so you can step into your inner power and create positive change.



Meditation to step into authenticity


Before you begin, spend some time journaling about the masks you wear in different areas of your life. Reflect on the roles you play, the expectations you fulfil, and the personas you adopt to fit in or meet societal standards.


Be honest with yourself as you explore these masks, acknowledging the ways they may have limited your self-expression or prevented you from fully embracing your authentic self.


Close your eyes and visualise yourself standing in front of a full-length mirror. Imagine this mirror expanding to surround you, creating a sacred space filled with masks. Each mask represents a different role or persona you have identified in your journaling.



Observing the masks you wear


Take a moment to observe the masks before you. Notice their colours, shapes, and textures. Acknowledge the purpose each mask has served in your life, allowing you to navigate through different situations and relationships.


Take a deep breath and hold the awareness that you are ready to explore your authentic self-expression.


Begin to remove one mask at a time. Choose the mask that feels most prominent or limiting based on your journaling.


Take a deep breath and, with intention, gently remove the mask from your face. Notice the sensation of liberation as your true face is revealed.


Observe your reflection in the mirror, connecting with your authentic self. Feel a sense of freedom and empowerment as you embrace your true self, knowing that your authentic expression is a gift to the world.


Take a moment to celebrate and honour your authentic self. Allow a wave of self-acceptance and self-love to wash over you. Feel the joy and liberation that comes with expressing yourself fully, unapologetically, and without fear.


Now, move on to the next mask, repeating the process of removing it and witnessing your true self in the mirror. Continue this practice, removing each mask one by one, until you have revealed your authentic face beneath them all.



Embracing authenticity


With each mask removed, feel a deeper sense of alignment within yourself. Embrace the freedom to express your authentic self in all areas of your life, knowing that your unique qualities are meant to be celebrated. Allow a profound connection to your inner truth.


Take a few moments to sit with this experience, basking in the newfound sense of authenticity and self-expression. Know that you can return to this meditation whenever you feel the need to reconnect with your authentic self and celebrate your unique qualities.


When you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, feeling the life-giving energy fill your body, and exhale slowly, grounding yourself in the here and now. Open your eyes and carry the empowering energy of this meditation with you as you continue your journey of self-expression and authenticity.



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